8 THE HESPERIAN EXCHANGE BRIC-A-BRAC. 1'hc Campus comes to us in its usual brisk, cheery way. The Ottawa Campus contains a well written nrticle on Longfellow. He more sociable, Lawrentiair, why is your exchange col unm (?) so short? Is "John Brown" a chestnut? We find the same article in the Rockord Seminary Magazine. Is the nitrate of silver higher or lower than the day rate? Heidcldcrg Journal. Horrible! Ughll The same magazine contains an article on Influence of Art on Character," which is worthy of notice. The Univ. Courier is unusually bright and interesting. It gives home news and plenty of it. In fact it is a newspn per. The Sibyl contains an article by '"no" on "The Weather." It is decidedly fresh; still it is pretty lively for an article on that subject. Among our new exchanges wo t.re pleased to greet the Mi ami Journal. It is a new paper too, a successor of the old Miami Student. Pacific Pharos has a new and suggestive cut on its cover. It is always brisk and cheery and is fast becoming one of the standard papers c( the west. St. Charles College Gazette seems to contain lots of news for the students, and also some pleasing articles for those who arc not students of the college. The columns of College News in the Egis arc well pre pared, and arc spicy and interesting. sEgis always has its columns well filled with readable matter. The Bellevue College Star appears for the first time we be lieve, and lo! on the first page among the list of editors we see two names formerly enrolled among our own students, M E Lewis and A G Barnes, Jr. The University Register contains an article on John Brown which is full of exclamation points. Also an article setting forth the benefits to be derived from attending the Eastman business college, which reminds us of the'time when several warm friends (?) were helping us to decide which literary so ciety to join. When you have a local, personal, or even a joke, if it be not too threadbare, don't be selfish and keep it all to your self, but hand it to one of the editors. They can't always, out of two or three hnndred, strike the one man who knows something. Vidette-Reporter. Probably because he is one of the editors. We welcome the Ho lead of Westminster college, New Wil mington, Penn. Regretting the fact that seven pages out of ten are filled with contributed matter, yet we find in the re maining five enough news to compensate in a way. Typo graphically the Holcad is very neat. All in all it is such as the Hksi'EIUAN delights to welcome. Among our new exchanges we note the Dartmouth. Pub lished fortnightly by editors chosen from the Senior class of Dartmouth College, this paper is a model colleegc journal. The matter is good; the arrangement and printing the best, the style and literary merit commendable the whole verging close upon our ideal of a college journal. Bright, interesting, ntwsy and feminine, are the adjectives which are suggested to us upon picking up the Hamilton Col lege Monthly. Bright in appearance, interesting and newsy jn matter and feminine in everything in so much that it catch es the eye, convinces the mind and wins the heart; in fact shows in everything that it is the work ol representative womanhood. Always welcome, it endears itself to us more and more every issue. No, its interest is not due to the fact that it appears in a new and withal handsome dress but be cause it is always thus. The Chips comes out with an article on literary societies which is of a brighter cast than those in most papers. It however, goes to the other extreme and runs down associa tions pretty thoroughly. It docs admit thai while some good may be obtained from them, the majority of associations only work for the purpose of gaining a victory over their oppo ncnts. You have as wrong an idea of associations as some of your sister journals have of literary societies. You hardly have confidence that we will win in the prohi bition cause, Hesperus? We hope you are not of the steadily decreasing number who say that prohibition will not succeed because of its weakness. The world is fast coining to ac knowledge that right instead of might should rule; and when this is fully realized prohibition will succeed. How better can we hasten the day than by placing what little influence we may have on the side of right and prohibition? Your article on "The New Issue" is very interesting. The exchange editor ol the Niagara Index has never been sparing of his compliments, giving them alike to the deserv ing and the undeserving. Just now, however, his past friends have turned upon him, and enemies seem to beset him on all sides. In his extremity he allows himself to "slop over," ap plying epithets to his fellow editors of the fair sex, that even his breeding should have interdicted. We sympatizc with you, and warrant your ability to get out all right; but don't get out by a course that will ultimately keep you out. Now therefore the Editor-in Chief of the Hesperian said unto the exchange editor thereof, "Behold thy allotted task is not yet completed. Therefore write ye more concerning the papers which lie round about you on this instrument of torture known as the editor's table." Then the exchange editor of the Hesi'KUIAN replied unto him and said, "Behold now for some days past I have sought this place in order to find if some papers concerning which I am accustomed to write arc here, and lo! I have not been able lo find one. Moreover, thy servant the exchange editor has been called upon to perform various other tasks of late which have caus ed thy servant to be sore troubled and disturbed in mind, and which also consumed all the time of thy servanl. However that I may find favor in thy sight, behold I will now once more seek thy table, in order to find if there be any papers which I may not have seen before." Now therefore, the ex change editor looked and behold there appeared the follow ing: Notre Dame Scholastic, Chaddock, Monmouth Collegian, and the Foster Academy Review, Now therefore, it is diffi cult to write concerning these papers, because there is not much found in them. Now it might be said of the first that there arc some articles in it worthy of men ion; nevertheless they were not written by the hand of any student. In the second, one 'Brooks" by name has given to the public his view of classical literature. In the third, behold we find some articles which must have been written by the hand of a Fresh man, perchance with the aid of some Junior. In the 'ast are many witty sayings which provoke the reader to laughter. These, O Editor-in-Chief, are all thy servant is able to find.