Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 22, 1886, Page 6, Image 10

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Wc regret to note the large number of unsightly goggles
which disfigure the classic mugs of our students.
The snow is going, hut we have mud instead and have lost
nothing in tltc deal, consequently we nrc happy.
The Senior hoys arc going to vote a medal to Miss Daley,
the only Senior girl who came out despite the storm.
llccchcr makes a great appearance as drum major almost
equal to the one who is attached to the Zouave Hand.
It is rumored that Klcine Polk is taking lessons in Christian
science. Of course we do not vouch for the statement.
Special prayer meetings were held Tuesday and Thursday
of last week, that hcing the week of prayer for colleges.
The faculty have been working on a new schedule for next
term, hoping thereby to prevent conflicts for regular students.
Miss Meyers, '86, spent last Sunday with her many friends
here. She is instructing the youthful idcalets in the art of
shooting at Hcatrice
General meeting of all students usual program; Debate
arc those buckwheat calces? Aft., Spurlock; neg., Miss Strat
um. Question not decided.
G. W. Gcrwig, resigning his position of Hus. Man., wc
have chosen C. V. Bigclow in his stead. Pay your subs to
Higclow, and pay them soon, else he'll dun you.
Hoys, there will soon lie another restaurant and oyster par
lor opened up on O street! Thus we are hemmed in and girt
about by the snares which wc arc not able to resist.
There was no drill for a week during and after the storm.
It was begun again last Monday, however, and will continue
until Dec. nth, provided the weather continues suitable.
P. F. Clark, '87, and J. II. Mockct Jr. are spending a week
in the North Platte country visiting at the home of Mr.Clark,
and also intending to hunt gecsc. May they be quite success
ful. They say that those pictures of our oft-mentioned friend, E.
C. Wiggenhorn, arc the cutest out. They are certainly very
natural likenesses, and prove the ability and good taste of the
"Ah, then and there was hurrying to and fro,
And gathering tears, and tremblings of distress,"
when the Chancellor gave the Seniors an examinatiqn in
pol. cc.
Wiggcnhorn's wild ami spasmodic efforts to become achem
ist arc pathetic in the extreme. Wc understand that he has
decided to change his course and has enrolled himself as a
member ol the star-spangled class of "90.
John J. Halligan our John, you know was married on
the loth inst. to Miss Carrie Swanson, at Nebraska City. The
HksI'ERIan wishes John all kinds of happiness. Yes John,
seeing that you urge us, we will make you a visit.
Tutor White, an explanation is in order. Come now, we
are friends, and can easily be bought off by an expedition to
Poehler's. Otherwise wc r.hall feel it a duty to disclose what
wc know about rooms, gasoline stove; one meal, etc.
Hugh T. Conley was here lost week, visiting old friends
and acquaintances. Wc are always glad to receive visits from
former students. It shows that the University is not soon for
gotten, and that the circle of its acquaintances is gradually
II. Peterson's beaming face appeared among us a short
time since. Although much thinner than when he came
from abroad at the beginning of the term, he is still the same
old Peterson. We were sorry to learn that diphtheria had
left him unable to undertake his work in the University
Wc arc very glad to chronicle the fact that Miss Smith will
soon be at her post in the library again. She has nearly re
covered from the accident which has confined her closely for
six weeks. Meanwhile, however, she has been able to accom
plish a good deal of work. She would have to be awful sick
not to be able to work.
In response to an invitation by Miss Schwab the class of '90
met at her home last Saturday evening. A more p'casant
time was had by all than is usual, even at Freshman sociah.
All join in thankingtheir hostess for the great hospitality and
good cheer shown them, and vote Miss Schwab one of the
most loyal members of the royal class of '90.
"Know ye Grace? Strive for Grace, Hy Grace ye shall
be saved." This was the language of the minister, the bur
den of his theme. Our friend Dave was there, and the ser
mon seemed to suit his case. It was meant to be entirely
practical. Dave thought it personal and piophetic, and, wc
arc told, is now calmly awaiting its fulfilment.
The entertainment under the auspices of the U. U. G. A. S.
given by Miss Parker, Miss Cochran, Mrs. Parks and the
Schubert quartet, proved quite a success. The girls netted
quite a little sum, despite the disagreeable weather. The of
tener we har a good elocutionist the more wc feel the want
of an instructor in that department, aud the efforts of anyone
to furnish such an entertainment are appreciated by all stu
dents. Despite threats and promises ofoysters, the calm, cool
facts at lost were disclosed. It is said that.the night police
man, ongoing home early last Wednesday morning, contrary
to his usual custom suspected something, when he saw marks
of bare feet in the newly fallen snow. They emanated from
and led back to the rooms of Killen. No, not Killcn this
time. Further developments disclosed the fact that Gray and
Livingstone had taken a midnight race to the University and
postofficc and back, to try the effects of the first snow of the
season on the bare feet, you know; or, some cruel fellow says,
to save the expense of a bath tub.
The ability of our Fletcher as a debater has never met with
a proper recognition among his fellow students until quite re
cently. Deeming the time come for some such demonstration
the opportunity of Mr. Fletcher's appearance in debate last
Friday evening was made the occasion of showing in some
small degree an appreciation of that gentleman's qualities. A
very beautiful floral design had been procured for the occasion ;
a negro boy of regulation shinynesi, beauty, odor and stand
ing collar, carried it up and presented it with the customary
grace amid great applause. Mr. Fletcher, taken quite by
surprise, nevertheless found words to express very filly the
great sense of obligation and gratitude he felt toward
those who had so kindly remembered him.
The following resolution, handed to us this week, explains
itself. .
WlIKRKAS, The University authorities have advertised in
the Hesperian that board at the College Farm is furnished
at cost, therefore be it
Resolved, That we, the Agricultural students, object to
such gross misrepresentation of facts, and that wc invite the
attention of all to this misstatement.
L. E. Benton
Otto Disciiofk
A. M. Troyer
L, H. Stouchton
1.. E. Trover