Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 12, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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The Aurora contains several articles of a literary charac
ter besides those devoted to agricultural interests.
The K. S. U. students publish six journals. We do most
sincerely hope they are not all like the Weekly Courier.
The Campus contains a very lengthy article on "Super
fluous Women," by Mary Livcrmore, also plenty of edit
orials. There seems to be nothing to say about the Hillsdale Herald,
except its appearance, and as every other paper is doing that,
we will say nothing; wc will simply think.
The poet of the Hesperus evidently thinks it too late in
the season to write any more spring poems therefore he has
commenced on the sea. Wc arc sorry for the sea.
The Simpsoniau appears with a fine cut of the college on its
cover. It contains among many readable articles, one upon
the rathpr old subject," Woman Suffrage," also one on "Mrs.
The scheme for making the Northwestern a weekly paper
seems to be finding general favor. The idea is to obtain the
use of a room and have the paper printed by the students of
the university.
Coup D'Etat contains principally articles on the inter col
legiate contest. The oration which took first prize is to be
found in the paper. The first article in the Exchange echoes
our sentiments.
The pages of the Central Ray are filled with interesting
and well written articles. One of the new things noticeable
is the printing of the topics and the leaders of the Y. M. and
the Y. W. C. A. for the fall term.
Kalamazoo college is left in a rather unsettled state, by
the refusal of Dr. Goodspeed to accept the presidency. Wc
can easily understand that the college is disappointed at not be
ing able to obtain such a man as Dr. Goodspeed to fill that po
sition. Three things arc required to run a school paper successfully
They are ( $,
j Common sense,
( Originality.
The Signal.
Academy Mirror is the name of the little paper from Frank
lin academy, at Franklin, Nebraska. In it arc set forth in a
forcible way the motives for founding and the aims of the
academy. It is intended by the faculty that students com
pleting the preparatory course shall enter the freshman class
of the University as well as of the other leading colleges in
Nebraska without cramination.
A description of a grand student's Commers, which wc
found in the Collegian gave us a better idea of German
students' life than we had ever entertained before. The
Commers is the same as the German Kneipe on a very large
scale. The exercises consist of beer drinking and speech
making, the beer drinking forming the largest part of the
program. Seven houis was a long enough stay for the writer
of the article, but the exercises continued much longer.
The What the Why and the How. What is the isness of a
thing's thingness. The Why is the becauseness of a thing's
whatnesc. The How is a thing's beginningness viewed from
the standpoint of the method of its beginningness. Pacific
Oh, the depth of the above! O, the length, and breadth
and height of the wisdom coutained in this literary gemJ Is U.
of P. literature degenerated into such senseless items?
Self respect is a quality which should enter into the charac
ter of all, and should be kept continually in mind. If more
thought was given to it many things that occur which arc ac
tually humiliating, would never happen. Wc are apt some
times to do things, unless wc arc on our guard, which would
injure our character in the eyes of many. By .rcrncmbering
that self respect is of paramount importance in the formation
of a true character, we will be enabled in many instances to
overcome strong temptations. Our Young Men.
The Berkeleyan comes out with the statement that college
papers should not dabble in politics and immediately 'enters
a plea for the so-called American party, 'because those prin
ciples are important, you know'. We arc inclined to agree
with the first statement, but do not sympathize with the plea,
and think that however important the issue of any political
party may be, the proper place for the discussion of that is
sue is in political papers. The stand taken by the Occident
upon that question is very praisworthy, however much it may
have been the outgrovthi?f rivalry.
The necessity of learning to speak German fluently is pre
sented in the Muhlenberg Monthly. The arguments in fa
vor are numerous and excellent. Speaking German fluently
is something different from learning to translate fluently, as
those who have studied it probably know from experience.
In almost every section of our country German is spoken, and
this will probably continue to be the case for many years. The
need of a thorough knowledge of the language is then ap
parent in every department of labor. It is useful to the
merchant, to the lawyer, but most of all to the minister and
At a mcccing of the S.T.S. Oratorical Association held in
the Irving'Hall, Monday afternoon an amendment to the Con
stitution was ratified. It is to the effect that the winning or
ator in each home contest shall furnish to the secretary of the
State Association as many copies of his oration as there are
Home Associations in all the states comprised in the Inter-State
Association. Thus every year a phamphlct can be issued to
caeh local association containing the winning orations in all the
home contests in all the several States together. It is designed
in this way to bring into being a permanent oratorical contest
literature. A pretty good idea. Vtdette Reporter
And it came to pass in the school session which began in
the ninth month that a great and dire evil, invented and set
in the hands of the youth by Satan, appeared in the midst of
of the students at Doanc. Now this root of evil bears the
name of "chestnut bell," and if perchance some
old and witty saying came from the mouth
of a worthy man or woman this bell doth sound from beneath
the outer garments of some person whom it is said pos
sessed) devils. How this muy be cast out is what troubles
the minds of them who be not fools. Doanc Owl,
The Ariel dons the gnrb of discontent and appears with
several stories of complaint. The literary societies arc the
culprits this time, and surely their future as portrayed in the
Ariel is not very promising. "Our literary societies have no
charms, no inducements for the student. They are dying and
fossilizing." Sorry, but don't you know that such a state of
affairs should not exist long? If all your editors sympathize
with that article, the way is clear. Six active members can
make a literary society if they are only resolved to do it and
if, instead of wasting your efforts in deploring the sail state
of affairs, you put your shoulders to the wheel, you could
awaken the latent interest and succeed in giving a "solid,
well-sustained old time program, received by an interested,
crowded, old time audience." Try it.