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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1886)
ESPERIAN . ; The high place awarded to Tolstoi's works by critics of au thority everywhere, and the growing belief that their author is to rank as one of the master minds of the century, makes a knowledge of them incumbent upon all who would be familiar with the best in current literature. V Dr. Herbert B. Adams, the head of the historical depart ment of the Johns Hopkins University, has been contributing ' a series of papers to the maga zine, Education, on "History in American Colleges." In the first part of the series the progress of historical study at Harvard is traced from the period when it was taught there only as an auxiliary to and in connection with the classics. The work of Jarcd Sparks at Harvard in securing a recognition of the value of history as an independent branch is also treated of at length. The article in the current number of Education deals with history in Columbia College. The magazine, we be lievers not on the list of university periodicals but may be found at the city library, and these articles will be valuable to those who are interested in the "history of history." The lecture by Michael Davitt in this city on Thursday night gave to our students the opportunity of hearing and seeing a prominent figure in one of the most famous political movements of the times. It matters not whether wc may agree with him in all his views, the fact remains that he is,or rather is to be, an historical personage, and that he with oth ers is engaged in making history. The opportunity thus of fered for studying current history in the concrete is most val uable, and owing to the modern policy of placing institutions of learning in large towns the best class of lectures, concerts and similar entertainments have been brought within the reach of the students. The old-fashioned plan was to locate a college in some retired hamlet, the theory being that here were fewer temptations and allurements to draw students away from theli work. Hut the institutions which have been fo unded of late years have, as a rule, been placed in larger communities, a notable example being that of the Johns Hopkins University, located in the sixth city in the Union. There arc, of course, objections to this plan. Rut the reply to them all is that the modern institution in this,- as in many other features, requires greater maturity and better judgment on the part of its students. When young men and women are old enough to attend a university, they are supposed to know what is for their own good and act accordingly. Mr. Charles Welsh, an English publisher, has recently made some investigations, the results of which will be valua ble to all who are anxious to know what authors arc most widely read. From a thousand school girls representing va rious institutions of learning in England, answers were re ceived to the question "Who is your favorite author?" Dick ens and Scott headed the list, the former being the choice of 330, the latter of 226. Of the remaining "favorites," those most widely known arc given below, none being named who is not the preference of at least five, Bunyan u Miss JJraddon. j 1 Mrs. II. B. Stowc 11 Kingsley Q Shaksperc 73 Mrs. Wood 51 George Eliot 41 Lord Lytton (O.Meredith).. 41 Longfellow 18 Cnnnon Farrar 22 Thackeray 18 iules Verne..., 16 Irs. Craik (Miss Mulock).i4 Mocaulay ,..,.. MJjfs Acqtt ;. Tennyson William Black 8 Defoe 8 Mark Twain 8 Carlyle 6 Ruskin 6 Charlotte Bronte e . 13 Captain Marryatt 5 12 mrs. jtiemans 5 The surprising feature of it all is that the so-called '"writ ers for girls" make very little showing in the list; and yet their books meet with a largo sale. Mr. Welsh explains this apparent enigma by saying that of this class of works a great many arc bought by parents and friends as presents and hence no test is afforded of their popularity with their readers. Theodore Roosevelt's article in the November Century on "Machine politics in New York City" will be widely read not only because it is on an important subject, but because of the prominence of its author. His recent candidacy for the may oralty of the city of New York and his gallant fight in spite of the heavy odds against him, has brought him most con spicuously before the cjts of the American people. Morcov c, his career teaches a lesson of encouragement to students and to ambitious young men everywhere. Although only six years out of college he has been three times a member of the New York Assembly, has been a delegate to a national con vention, and has received the nomination of his party for a position far exceeding in importance the governorship of some states. And the best feature of it is that his record has been that of a statesman rather than of n mere ward politician. The subject treated of in Mr. Roosevelt's article is of more than passing interest because of the growing importance of the question ot municipal government. It is not yet n politi cal issue. The masses arc at present too much interested in the all-absorbing topic of who shall have this or that office. But it is a question which the American people win probably some day be called upon to solve. The prophecy ol Dc Tocquevillc forty years ago, that the tendency of our popula tion would be to gather into great cities, has been verified. And these great cities have become the centers of crime, an archy and social disorders of every sort. The ''Problem of our great cities" demands the attention of the student of cur rent politics, and the article in question is a valuable contri bution to the subject most especially that it discusses the politics of one of the worst governed cities in the union, and because its author speaks from personal experience. EDUCATIONAL. The subject of public and private schools was being dis cussed by a company of gentlemen on a recent evening, nnd the remarks of at least one in the party were made note of. A good many people, said he in substance, betray a parvenu breeding by paying ten or twelve dollars a quarter to send their children to private schools, which, for all practical pur poses, arc infinitely inferior to the public schools. We have in Lincoln in the public school system a thorough, and on the whole, a very good course of elementary and collegiate in struction. If the pupil is to stop at any grade of the public schools, he or she is much better equipped in discipline and knowledge than if he or she had spent a corresponding term in any private school that exists or that is likely to exist for many years in Lincoln. Local private schools are very likely to be excellent asylums for children who are too tcndcr,or too lazy, or too worthless in some other respect to stand up in op en competition, regardless'of sex or previous condition, with the average little men and women in the public schools. Some time the most favored and pampered child, if he is to be of any account among his fellows, must engage in the free-for-all knock down which makes up real life, and the common school is the place for him to begin the work. In no other place can the spoiled or weak child get the nerve and the catholic spirit he lacks but must have in order to become a