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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1886)
nuRI THE HESPERIAN, FOR FNE GROCERIES GO TO Hickey 4fe Steven Gash Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty. Get our Prices. 1629 O Street. L. H. FULLER, carpets, masonic temple "Forma Mentis JSterna est.'" Regular nicotines every Friday evening commencing promply at 8 o'clock. Students and srangcrs welcome. Gcntlcuions cobnt ing club moots every Saturday evening Lad I es club moots Friday afternoon, nt 4 o'clock. C.S.Polk, Pros. P. Uarrett, Secy. Artistic Portraits. Now Studios 1029 O St. Lincoln, - nk buas i WARD'S B. F. WARD, PROPRIETOR. 1122 N Street. New Sanitarium,. For the treatment of Chronic Diseases , Tui kith, Electrical, Russian, Med 1 fulfil, Soda, Saline, Shower, Swim I ng iintl fresh water liullis. '1'lie eel ebruted Artesian magnetic miiicrn waters mo used liere. The most com p lete health lesuit in tlie west. F. U. HIGI1TER, M.D., Medical Director. 2:18 S. 11 STREET, LINCOLN. E. VIOLA UOWDKN. J18IEL. DOWDEN. BLUE BIRD Millinery & Notions O and 12th Sta. Opp. Opera oubo. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. bjmh3II&9! "Lltterae cumtlegantia mundum agant." co's every Friday evening in Union Hall Students and strangers cordially invited. Dobuung Club ovory Saturday ovonlng, open to nil. All racotings commonco promptly at uo ciook. S.D. Killen,Fre8. Clara Crnmphorn, Secy. NEW STEAM Dye Works. CLEANING, DYEING, REPAIRING. D. W. KAUFFMAN, Prop Little's Block, 126 South 1 2th Street. u a v u V I 0 O 8 ghibdicean Ucrnrij Society "Nulla vestigia retrorsum." cots ovory Friday evening commencing at eight o'clock promptly. P. F. Clark, Pros. Ft n. Whoolor. Boc'y. BLUE FRONT. i-tf itirfn: sr nvn. Railroad and Ticket Broker Money saved to nil points. Tickets bought, sold and exchanged to any part of the U. S. PiJTou will consult your Interest by calling Telephone 631. 180 North 11 St. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA F. E. NEWTON, Dcalor In Hardware, Stoves, AND House Furnishing Goods, 230 South Eleventh St. Baldwin s 1228 O Strcer. FINE GOODS A SPECIALTY. 111111111 J t M t B 1 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You are nllovwl n free trinl of thirty dayn of the nso of Dr. Dje's Cololir tet Voltalo licit wltn Electric Suspensory Appliances for tlie speedy relief and permanent cm eof AVrrnus Drhiltty, loss of VitaUtu and ttunhooil, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other discuses. Complete restora tion to Health, VIor nnd Manhood guaranteed. No risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pnmpliletlntealcd tnvcUtpe mailed free, by addressing VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Kick.