Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 22, 1886, Image 9
THE HESPERIAN. ell it to If a IMi THAN YOU MEET THAT ' i YATES BROS. WANT YOU TO BUY SHOES OF THEM. 935 0 STREET, LINCOLN. GEORGE H. POEHLER, THE "POPULAR BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, HAS AGAIN OPENED HIS HANDSOME PARLORS FOR THE SEASON. Shall always endeavor to give satisfactory terms to the students and hope to see them enjoy as many pleasant hours in Poehler's place of business in the fu re as theyhave in the past. Geo. H. Poehler, 1132 0 St. f&ttihxov jgortrnit tnitiot ANDREWS. 132-3 S. FJcvcnlh St. LINCOLN. Cabinets 3.00 per doz. WILLIAM KIEFNER, Proprietor of Capital And dealer in fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fresh Lake Fish and Game in Season. Gash Paid for all kinds of Fat Stock. 131 1 O STREET, BETWEEN 13 AND 14. STUDENTS' SUPPLIES AND -:Holiday Goods:- (Jan liu round nt Clason & Fletcher's. Tim II lion t lino In tlic clt iiwtvnnt jl y 1 tif svvx X it It. amd Landscape Photographer. ,r . ...wv, ,vjt Stereoscopic Views of 'Principal fBuilding for sale. Views taken to order. 'Satisfaction gunranteediinevery 'instance. . - ; Special Hates toSttitlents : 129 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET. 7