Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 22, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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When these two men first met, it was after the return of
Horace from the East, where he had been an officer in the
army of Brutus a rebel against the imperial authority. Cer
tainly his past record was not calculated to impress the Ro
man statesman favorably. Moreover, the social gulf between
the two was apparently too broad to be crossed. Horace at
that time was penniless and without influence, known
chiefly as a writer of caustic satires a scribbler of verses he
might have been called in contempt. Maecenas on the other
hand, was, save one person, the most powerful man in Rome,
proud and wealthy. There seemed to be nothing to draw
these men together and everything to keep them at a dis
tance. But in spite of all a friendship grew up between them
which was as long as life and as strong as that of the proverb
ial Damon and Pythias. It was Maecenas who gave to Hor
ace the Sabine estate which he prized so highly and which
furnished the subject of so much that is beautiful in his writ
ings. It is Maecenas to whom, perhaps, a greater number of
odes arc addressed than to any one friend; and it is in refer
ence to him that the poet says that neither of them could live
complete without the other. The question at once arises as
to the cause of this. Why should the proud, monarch-loving
premier select from so large a number this obscure young
satirist this rebel against the government, for his friend by
way of preeminence. The answer is full of meaning he
must have seen something superior in the man Horace. He
must have observed lofty impulses and noble qualities which
distinguished this man from the sycophants who thronged the
Augustusn court Granting that Maecenas was a patron of lit
erature and that this may have influenced him, the fact still
that the close relationship between these two men was a trib
ute to the one who had the least to offer in bringing it about.
His relations with Vergil arc not less interesting. The
two were contemporary writers and both were striving
though perhaps unconsciously, ior literary fame. A rivalry
might easily have arisen between them, for literary men are
inclined to be jealous of each other's successes. Moreover,
to Vergil had been committed the task of composing a great
national epic which should rival the Iliad itself. He was to
sing the glories of the Roman state, beginning with the heroic
age, and to connect the fortunes of Troy with those of the
Latin race. He was in this way to appeal strongly to national
pride, and the avenue to fame thus thrown open to him migh
well have excited the envy of his contemporaries. But t
the slightest trace of this feeling is found in the works of
Horace, iie is ever Vergil's devoted friend, careful of his
interests, anxious as to his welfare. And to the ship which
was bearing the author of the yEneid to Greece in search of
better health, Horace addressed some verses in which he
called Vergil 'dimidium animae," the half of his soul. The
spectacle of this heathen poet, years before the cross was
raised on Calvary, living in close friendship with one who
might have been regarded as his rival this spectacle is most
On the whole the philosophy of Horace affords a most
profitable as well as a most interesting study. His idea of
contentment, if adopted, would exert a soothing influence
upon our feverish modern life. His doctrine of moderation
also, is needed "by a nation like oar own, which is noted for
the excessive indulgence of all vices to which it is addicted.
His optimistic views of life can hardly fail to cheer the most
despondent, and the delight wliich he finds in the milder ma
terial pleasures might suggest enjoyments to many whose
lives seem only a ceaseless round of toil. Finally the value
which lie assigns to friends and their society presents a worthy
example to those who have hitherto neglected this most im
portant source of happiness.
The fact that the author of these doctrines lived in a re
mote age docs not impair their value. Distinctions of time
arc, after all, arbitrary, and ancient minds are often nearer
to us in sentiment than those of our own century. Horace
was cosmopolitan. He was the child of no single age, and
his thoughts are the property of no particular nation. The
modern world is already greatly indebted but it still has
much more to learn from the teachings of this Roman poet
and philosopher nineteen centuries ago.
We regret to note an unfortunate disagreement in our sister
Uuniversity of Kansas between the head of that institution
and the editor-in-chief of the college journal, the Courier. It
seems that Chancellor Lippincott claimed the right of censor
ship over the paper a claim which was strenuously resisted
by the aforesaid editor-in-chief and by the students at large.
At the present writing the latter appear to have come out
victorious, but that docs not affect the point to which we call
attention. We are unacquainted with the facts in the case,
and it would not be proper for us to take sides, but the whole
matter suggests a pleasing comparison. The HESPERIAN
takes pride in the cordial relations which exist between it and
the faculty, and one of its highest aims is to be recognized by
that body as a factor in building up our institution. It ap
preciates the fact that the duties of u chancellor are suffi
ciently burdensome without unnecessary trials added by
students, and it would seek rather to assist him wherever op
portunity offers. Still further, it hopes its conduct will ever
be such as to do away with all need or thought of a censor
ship. Quarrels between faculy and students arc foreign to
the idea upon which the modern university is founded an
idea which assumes the cordial co-operation of two contract
ing parties.
We arc pleased to hear of the new educational project by
which Lincoln is to become the seat of still another school.
The Adventists have secured a site and subscribed a sum,
which is already approaching the amount necessary, for the
erection of their state school. Thougn denominational and
sharing the disadvantages of all such schools, it will be an in
stitution worthy of Nebraska's hearty support. The plan
proposed is, that it shall be a boarding school, ranking as an
academy, and shall be supplied with the most approved mod
ern conveniences. The main building is to be 23x46 feet
and two stories in height with high basement.
There is to be a small building for boarding purposes not
far from the main one.
With such a man as Rev. Cudney to push the plan we can
not only look forward to an early completion of the work, but
to a brilliant future in store for the new school. Nebraska's
facilities will thus be more complete and Lincoln m vy then
claim, more than ever, to possess unequalled educational ad.
vantages in the state.
The University may congratulate herself, also, for in the
proposed school it will have another and fully competent
Important, not only to the younger Nebiaskans, but to all
alike, is the summer meeting of the Chatauqua Assembly.
Such a rare chance should not be missed hv any. who are at
all interested in intellectual pursuits. An opportunity to-
listen to some of the most talented speakers of our country,
upon topics that interest all of us, is an opportunity to better
ourselves morally and intellectually, while at the same time
we are enabled tp enjoy a few weeks in the country snd bet-