Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 22, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ
ation, of the University of Nebraska.
P. F. CLARK, '87. FANNIE A. BAKER, '89.
A. H. BIGELOW, '87. C. S. LOBINGIER, '89.
Business Manager - - -
G. W. Gerwig.
One copy, per college year,
One copy, one half year, .
Single copy,
-our campus. But the old plea for adornments, the
just claim for good sidewalks, the timidly expressed
wish for gates of a modern style, all these claims we
waive for a moment. But seriously and specifically,
aren't we to have a walk laid between the old building
and the Chemical Laboratory? And aren't we to have
the excavated dirt now piled up in unseemly heaps
around the building nicely graded down, and things
in general cleaned up before the ground freezes up
for the winter? It would not take a very great deal
of time or labor to accomplish this now; and it would
prove that there is yet some thrift and energy lurking
about, where everything appears the perfect image
of sloth and listlessness.
advertising rates on application.
Address all communications to The Hesperian, University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
THEmembersof the Junior and Senior classes are
more or less bothered in their elective work this term
by conflicts in recitation hours. It is hard to arrange
these electives in such a manner that all may be ac
commodated, and the students who are now discom
moded will do well to be patient until such a time as
better arrangements can be made.
Now that the number of students is yearly increas
ing, and promises soon to be very large, and the mil
itary department has become so larj.'e that it can dis
pense with the good old argument which haj done
such grand sen-ice in pressing in the "raw recruits,"
now that we are in such a fair and prosperous way,
why can we not talk about a gymnasium and an in
structor in gymnastics? We certainly are very much
in need of an opportunity for systematic and thor
ough exercise. Every body knows the arguments in
favor of good exercise and plenty of it. All these
things are conceded. But the one thing upon which
we are not agreed is, a good reason why we cannot
hav a gymnasium. The Hesperian would always
emphasize the just claims of the students; and con
siders none o! greater importance, or more worthy a
a favorable action by those in authority, than this
claim for a gymnasium.
There are numbers in the history of every college
paper of which the editorial column seems to be "bu"t
a series of complaints. The Hesperian is no ex
ception. Indeed, it has more than its share of the
growl series. And now to the subject of discontent
The attempt of the college student to write pro
ductions which shall be characterized by great origi
nality in thought and treatment is more or less disas
trous. He fails, first of all, to be entirely original
because he will not choose simple subjects, such as
his limited experience will allow him to discuss from
personal observation and reflection. He fails, again,
because he will not write down just what he thinks,
but deems that too commonplace and hence attempts
to. pen thoughts which have no well denned existence
in his mind. Perhaps he succeeds sometime in his
own estimation writes an original essay. It is not
long usually until an article appears in some college
paper bearing the same title, and showing a suspi
ciously common method of treatment. Such things
are of peculiarly Irequent occurrence, and are widely
noticed and remarked. In such a case the student
gives up in despair Our conclusion is that our pro
ductions cannot be quite original; and the sooner we
can bring ourselves to write what we think, no mat
ter whence those thoughts come, so much the sooner
will we acquire the power to write well. Our inher
itance in the field of literature is the result of the
toil and genius of many generations. Let us accept
it all at their hands, and apply our energies to fit
ourselves for usefulness further on, in new combina
tions of thought extant, in the discovery of new re
lations, in fine, to original work, acknowldging it to
be but consequent upon the knowledge imparted to
us by those who have preceded.
The young man preparing for college is first con
fronted with the question Where shall I attend? If
he is wise he reasons thusly: "I must attend where
the best facilities for good work are offered me; where
I shall meet with men of liberal views, broad culture,
able and learned men; but they must be also edu
cators of some renown. A bachelor's degree from
such a college will be of much more value to me than
one from a college seldom mentioned with those of