Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 12, 1886, Image 9
1 THE HESPERIAN. Twll it to Wmm MMir THAN YOU MEET THAT TATES BROS. WANT YOU TO BUY SHOES OF THEM. 935 O STREET, LINCOLN. GEORGE H. POEHLER, THE POPULAR RAKER AND CONFECTIONER, HAS AGAIN OIENED HIS HANDSOME PARLORS FOR THE SEASON. Shall always endeavor Jo give satisfactory terms to the students and hope to see them enjoy as many pleasant h ours in Poehler's place of business in the future as" they have in the past. Geo. H. Poehler, 1132 O St. S gxtelsiir ertrxtt tui'w. ANDREWS. 132-3 S. Eleventh St. LINCOLN. Cabinets 4.00 per doz. WILLIAM KIEFNER, Proprietor of Capital And .dealer 5n fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fresh Lal:e Fish and Game an Season. Cash Paid for all Mnds of Pat Stock. 3311 STREET, BETWEEN 13 AND 14. feTCDEVT'' SUPPLIES AND -: Holiday Goods:- Can he ifoanfl ait Clason & Fletchers. Sfo Portrait and Landscape Photographer. Stereoscopic View's of Principal Building for & ale. Views iilen to order. Satitfactaon guaranteed in every instance. Special Mules tm StudtnU 2 ' 329 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET.