Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 12, 1886, Image 16
x THE HFsPERIAK H. W. KELLEY & CO. ARE THE LEADING PHOTOGRAPHERS OF THE CAPITAL CITY. STRICTLY FIRST CLASS WORK Call at iozb 0 Street, Nvrth Side. AT REASONABLE TRICES. DON'T EORGET TO TRY Bakers Klothing House, 935 O STREET. IpB ij IIIfEIVB.?; -i-'s-i,iisr-i.-ic $M iEBi'MJj J-.AJi. wn "&& "trrt'K 938 P Street, North of Gov't Square. WALTERIIRE, PROPRIETOR. Ever- style of Picture known to the Art made. Views of Residences and Grounds. A full Assortment of Frames, Stereoscopes, Etc. E. HALLETT. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry5Etc. ESTABLISHED 1-871. 1 125 0 STREET. FAWELL, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 113 K011TH ELEVENTH STREET, Is making special Prices to Students on All Goods in his Line.