Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 12, 1886, Image 11
THE HESPERIAN. FOR FNE GROCERIES GO TO ?y . VIYMIJ S3JUU fJU, lIgtJ, Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty. Get our Prices. 1629 O Street. L. H. FULLER, carpets, masonic temple gallaiian giterarg orietgm -'Forma StenlU JiUrna tt." HegHlar meeting every Friday evening commencing promply at 8 o'clock. Students and rangers welcome. Gcntleaien t cost ing clab meet every Saturday evening Ud i s clnb Elects Friday afternoon, at -i o'clock. C. S. Polk, Pre. P. Barrett. Secy. Artistic Portraits. New Studios IftS O St. Lincoln, - nk buas a WARD'S nivcr2itn jniou, "Lltlerae cumtltgantla rniiulum agant." ce's everv Fridav cveninc in Union Hall Students and strangers cordially invited. Debuting Clab erery Saturday evening, open to all. All meetings comneace promptly at 8 o'clock. S. D. Klllcn.Pres. Clara Crampborn, Secy. NEW STEAM Dye Works. CLEANING, DYEING, REPAIRING. D. W. KAUFFMAN, Prop Little's Block, 126 South 12th Street. B. F. WARD, PROPRIETOR. 1 122 N Street. New Sanitarium. For the treatment of Chronic Diseases, Turkish, Electrical, Russian, Med icated, Soda, Saline, Shower, Switn ing and fresh water baths. The cel ebrated Artesian magnetic mineral waters are used here. The most com pletc health resort in the west. F, B. RIGUTER, 31. D., Medical Director. 238 S. 11 STREET, LINCOLN. E. VIOLA 1MIW0EX. JTSIEL. UOWUBX. BLUE BIRD Millinery & Notions O and 12th Mis. Opp. Opera ouse. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. to as O 8 s 3 k jfjhilodicean "iterarn ocietg "Xulla rtttlgia rtlrortum.'" cets every Friday evening commencing at eight o'clock promptly. P. F. Clark, Pre. F. II. Wheeler, sec'y. BLUE FRONT. r ittn-fu srltf'. Railroad and Ticket Broker Money saved to all points. Tickets bought, sold and exchanged to any part of the U. S. t$rYou will consult your interest by calling Telephone Ml. 130 North 11 St. LI NCOLN, NEBRASKA F. E. NEWTON, Dealer la Hardware, Stoves, AND (fin si Furnishing Gis.s, 230 South Eleventh St. Baldwin s 1228 O Streer. FINE GOODS A SPECIALTV. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Yoa are allowed ajrte Mat of tktrtpdmtpot ti bm ot Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt wlift Electric Suspensory Appliances for the 1 speedy relief and permanent cure of Kervou Debility, Ipsa ot Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred trouble. Also for many other dUease. Complete restora tion to Health. Vigor and Manhood ruaraateed. Vo rUk Is Incurred. Illustrated pampBtctiaseab mwclops issllcd free, by addresUng .