Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 12, 1886, Image 10
WycoiTs Candy Store and Ice Cream Parlors are at 139 South 11th. S Knotts & Seits, ALL THE BOYS o2st:e:r,3I MRS. H. UNDER, 207 S. nth St, AVK.vn:iti'ii:i.r,'- Toiisorial Emporium CALL AND GET OUR SPECIAL STUDENTS' RATES! J. B. Herrick. 1 121 O Street Fruits, Confectio7iery And such in full line. Q$Sr FIRST CLASS HOARD. jg NEW AND NEAT. BRUNSWICK DINING HALL. No. 237 South Eleventh Street. Four Dollars per week; single meals Twenty-five Cents. N. E. NUTTNG, Prop. Dealers in Staple Groceries. Teas and Codies a specialty. 1315 O STREET. Chinese Laundry Joe W. Fonj? PROPRIETOR 3 Laundry, No IIS North 12th Between O&P All Work done in Firel-Class Siyle on Short Notice. t Clothing called for or delivered. W. C. ROHDE, Dealer and Jobber in MEATS. 1 13 South Tenth St., LINCCLX. NEBRASKA. 1'tUp the GIRLS Tot!icoldl!cli.nlle Candy Kitchen. For llicWt OrtixHcs lathe City. H2 S. 12th. HUTCHINS & HYATT, COAL AND WOOD. Sawed ami plit ronl 3 iperialty. Tine (indlin:;. Office, mat o Street. J. R. nAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. Office Room 5 and 6. over Harl r Drug Store. Residence 133? G Street. STUDENTS Get their ivmhingr done at the Chinese Lwwndbry. Ladies and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 217, North nth. DEALER IN Stoves & Hardware. Opposite P. ., East Side. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA B. L. PiI.YEi . ., i.i.rt'.mi..w Office 1125 N Street. A. C.INGRAM, -DEALEU IN- WALL PAPR, PAINTS. WIN DOW GLASS, Etc. Painting and Artistic Dec orating. Done on hort notice at low price. J2J o St CHICAGO .MEDICAL COLLEOE Corner Prairie Avexle Axi26tii St -CHICAGO, ILL. .MEDICAL DEAART.MEXT OF THE 'NORTH WESTERN UNIVERSITY. session ok 1SS6-7. X. S. Davis, M. IX, L. L. D., Dean. The Urentr-ninth Annual Cource of In struction will lir-Ili IS. t.t iros.1- In w... bcr lew, a0d eoie in March 1667. The course ui lusiiuciion i jjraaeu. tmarnts being di vided into nt. second and third year classes. Qualification for t1mlc&!tff . miu- ." sreeofA. II.. a certificate ol a reputable ac. .-tixrti" - -. i"ii- wtAaaimfltwH, The niardhnd nf timett (. o..!.. , -i practical, and 1 applied In the ward of the .'".. 'u,kc " " jucuaei iieec Hos pital daily at tbc bedside of tbe sick, and In the South ftldedUpensaryattrcbcdto tbc Col lege, where from nine to ten thousand pa tienU arc aunually treated. Fees: Matrlcn ltiou-$5. Lectures, first and second rears, each 373. Demonstrator Including material 10. laboratory '5. Breakage (returnable) $5. Ilotpltale: Mercy 8?- St. I.ufce' $5.. for second and third year student. Final examination $39. For further information or announce ment address Walter Hay, M. D., L, L. D., Scc'y, 243 State Sl, Chicago, 111., UNIVERSITY s m & w & m. Joint prajer iseetiuxa In room No. 5 every Wednesday ereuluj; beginulus; at 7U5 and ckelsgat 8ZNK All lcdeuu arc ernefir Invited to attend ' Mary Campbell Pre. Y. W. C. A. W. tf . I'errin. ft. X. M. C. A . FLANAGAN BROS. OK.4LKIL3 IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND IUgbect price paid Ibr ecoudbxnd goods. C. C. JEROME Successor to W. B. plater. DEALER IN FIREARAIS, AMMUNITION, AND SPORTSMAN'S Also, all kinds of repairing done promptly. 129 N. 9th Streeet, Lincoln, Neb. ARTICLES. 3. 116 South Tciuli. jUjgj Sfe J tJktut$Jfeki. . j ,r....