Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 12, 1886, Image 1

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Vol. XV.
No. I
The IlEsrERlAN is veiy much gratified by the recent change
in the management of the Democrat of this city. Mr. Cal
houn, its new editor and publisher, is a man well known
among old students; and, moreover, is favorably known as
the champion of the University against its foes. Thus, by
the change, the Democrat, hitherto our bitterest enemy, is
made a staunch and, we hope, a faithful supporter.
The enterprising citizens of Lincoln, realizing the real
worth of our suggestions, and appreciating the spirit of par
tiality and great friendliness in which those suggestions were
given, have made great efforts at improvement during the
summer. And, should they continue as "per stipulations"
we shall be the more firmly convinced that our predictions of
future greatness for Lincoln -were not mental mirages, but
things within the bounds of reason and probabilitj'.
It does not matter in what terms you characterize their ac
tions, the Republican papers of the state are all more or less
affected by the course adopted by the state convention on the
prohibition question. The antics they now cut are of course
just those consequent upon their previous stand on this ques
tion, but aren't they laughable. And among those worst
confounded, and least able to account for its actions, or the
ctions of its party, is our old friend the State Journal.
Those who have watched the progress of the new chemical
'laboratory from a distance and with a strictly western idea of
the lime it requires to construct a good substantial building
probably Ihink that an unusnal amount of time has been spent
in its completion. But to those however, who are familiar
with the solid, substantial manner in which the structure has
been built, and lhe immense amount of fixtures consisting of
a perfect net -work of gas pipes, water pipes, waste pipes, steam
pipes, soil pipes, special pipes for hot water and special gases,
besides tables, cases, and racks, the time of construction
seems short enough. And now as the building is just being
completed and put in order for doing chemical work we lake
pride in saying that the facilities for work both in the arrange
ment of building and apparatus are not excelled in the west
and by but very few laboratories in the country.
The college of "William and Mary" founded in 1692 wa
the second institution of learning endowed on American soil.
Its beginnings are of historical interest to Americans. Its
first commencement was held in 1700, and avas attended by
those interested in educational matters from all lie colonies
of the new world, from the Carolinas to New England. In
return for the rich endowment made by the crown, it was
asked to present to lhe governor of the colony of Virginia two
copies of a latin poem each opening college year, The old
corporation still continues, lire nas often destroyed its
buildings, but its president, it is said, still rings its bell at the
opening term, in recognition of a past usefulness, though not
a student now ppears withip $s walls. It has served its lime:
according to the old endowment it can have no part in mod.
cm systems of education unless its clia rtcrbc entirely
changed. But let us remember it at its best..
The Street Railway Company refuses to make the reduction
in carfare heretofore made in favor of Uuivcrsity students and
those attending the city schools. Their plea is certainly a
good one, viz., there is no money made by the reduction.
Moreover much trouble is occasioned by the carrying or two
systems of accounts. Yet as students of the University we
have a right to demand some favors of Lincoln and Lincoln's
business men.
Setting aside for a moment the value of her public schools,
colleges and the University.for advertising purposes, aside
from the good influences of such institutions, for purely
business reasons Lincoln can afford to favor us. We have
made a careful estimate, and state without fear of contradic
tion thalUniversity students alone bring in from seventy-five to
one hundred thousand dollars each year. If then, reductions
in car fare, whether on street railway or general passenger
railway can be made without positive loss to the stockholders,
we as students of the University arc in justice entitled to de
mand it in exchange for the increase in circulation caused by
lhe addition of our mite. Lincoln can well afford to act less
selfishly in these matters.
The Republican party of Nebraska is haing a particularly
hard row to hoe this year. Factions within lhe party itself
are proving troublesome; Men of disrepute arc gaining im
portant nominations. The people at large are waking up to
the fact that government, and the offices of government, arc
no longer controlled by that body; but are rather usurped by a
class of political tricksters. Some lew, more penetrating
than the masses, have discovered that lhcre no longer ex
ists any difference between the avowed principles of the
Republican and Democratic parties. The same policy is an
nounced on all live issues by each of the parties. Ultimately
they haie pursued exacliy similar courses of action on all
subjects of stale importance. The question of a prohibitory
amendment bad been sneered at, alike by Republicans and
Democrats. The consequence was the formation of a third
party, whose ultimatum was the submission of the question of
a prohibitory amendment to lhe vote of lhe people. But as
aBtrokeof policy losave itself from defeat lhe Republican
party pledged itself at lhe last com'ention to submit this ques
tion to a vote. The Third Party then has not been a failure.
If nothing else is ever accomplished, its work has not been
without results. But there is yet a work to be done. The
Republican party is to be held to lhe fulfilment of every
promise, and forced to pledge itself lo lhe execution of pro
hibitory laws when adopted. The time is ripe, and we aie
glad to see lhe grand old party forced, as a parly, lo take a
stand on this question. But we arc tickled lo know that it
must further stand by its action on this question, and redeem
its pledges to thosewbo baveso long Isntitiheir support. It is
reformation or destruction, no matter what figure ol rhetoric
may be employed to characterize these alternatives.