Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 15, 1886, Page 2, Image 4

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Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ
ation, of the University of Nebraska.
P. F. CLARK, '87. E. R. HOLMES, '89.
A. II. BIGELOW, '87. C. S. LOBINGIER, '89.
Business Manager - -Suuscription
Agent -
- R. S. Mockett.
- O. B. Polk.
One copy, per college year,
One copy, one half year,
Single copy,
Address all communications to THE HESPERIAN, University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Our Seniors have gone. The dreams nourished
in the ambitious days of Sophomore and Juniorhood
have been, ah, how sadly dispelled. How great has
been the fall! Awe and respect was their daily food
until the cruel blow was dealt; a few short weeks of
blissful happiness have been theirs The objects for
whom all is felt are those for whom, a few short weeks
since, they felt a sort of contempt. Now others are
Seniors and they are thrust out into the common
stieam of humanity. Yet they go away with the
kindliest wishes of success from those who hope to
follow them, and with hosts of friends and thorough
preparation their paths must be bright.
The subject of June society exhibitions which was
so long and bitterly discussed last winter bids fair to
be the leading society question the coming year. We
have witnessed another commencement with ito soci
ety exhibitions etr. and we fail to find many among
the students who were so "bored" by going to the
many entertainments, as the leaders of the opposition
to June exhibitions whuld have us believe. Jt is true
there were only two of the three usual exhibitions
this year, yet judging from the enjoyment experienc
ed in attending those two, as deduced from the ex
pressions of many srudents, we think that the third
would have been equally well enjoyed. This, the
only argument which the opposition thought of any
;reat weight in pushing their schemes, has been well
exploded. This commencement there were to be on
ly five evening entertainments and these five were to
come after the examinations were over and before the
commencement proper, thus filling up the time with
profitable and enjoyable entertainments. JWe will
not enter into a discussion of the question further,
hoping that after three months thought the students
will have weighed the question sufficiently well to de
cide without too much wrangling and without delay
ing, as for this year, the usual preparations.
In our exchange from Northwestern University we
notice a suggestion of an oratorical association be
tween that University and the State Universities ot
Michigan and Wisconsin. The advocate of the
scheme urges that the best colleges and universities
are often placed at a disadvantage in competing with
smaller institutions. A small institution with one
first class orator, in such a contest, is able to adver
tise itself as superior to a much larger, and more pow
erful and better college which may happen to be
weak on the oratorical side.
But grinting the objections to associations, in ordi
nary inter-state associations we may, without seeming
impertinent, state objections to such a plan which, to
our mind, are quite insuperable.
Towards all higher institutions of learning there
exists among lower colleges a jealousy which is un
reasonable and foolish, but constant and not to be ig
nored. A similar jealousy appears to exist in every
grade of colleges towards those of a higher standard;
but it is especially the case towards state iustitutions.
However agreeable it might seem for universities of
different states to league together in those things in
which they have many interests in common they can
not afford to sacrifice any of the kind feeling now
existing between themselves and colleges of a lower
rank. Not only must such a feeling on the part of
other colleges be avoided, but on the part of the Uni
versities the spirit of exclusiveness which would sure
ly follow any such move as suggested must not be al
lowed. These hicher institutions to be successful
must have a sympathy for, and feeling of good fellow
ship with other colleges.
If a university thinks its place is not in an ordina
ry oratorical association let it stay out; but it should
not, like an angry child, try to form a little associa
tion of its own from which all competitors whom it
cannot surpass shall be excluded.