Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 15, 1886, Image 2

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Vol. XIV.
LINCOLN, "NEB., JUNE 15, 1886.
Winthrop Allison went to Beatrice last week.
J. E. Larkin came in to attend some of the exercises.
Miss Susie Fisher was here attending Commencement.
Miss Glen Talbot gratified her friends with her presence last
W. E. Unangst was here shaking hands wilh"thc" students
last week.
E. J. Robinson, '84, and Newcomer were on the campus
last Monday.
The well-known face of W. II. Lichty'was seen around the
U. of N. last week.
Mis Lizzie Forsyth will teach in the Kearney high school
during the coming year.
George M. Spurlock returned to Lincoln in order to appear
on the Philodiccan program.
Misses Nettie Tayloi and Anna Keys came up from Recato
take in the pleasures of Commencement.
Our friend Patterson will leave us soon after the close of
school and next year will attend at Hillsdale.
A. G. Warner, '85, arrived the 4th and was very enthusiast
i cally welcomed by his very numerous friends.
Master Willie Wiggins was meandering around last week,
looking rather abashed at so much civilization.
Tastes differ so. They even say Dave Forsyth wanted to
get the G. B. every night during Commencement week.
The second game between Doanc and the University, las1
Saturday, resulted in favor of the University. Score 25 to 18.
Miss Lizzie Bonnell came back last Wednesday and remain
ed through Commencement week, visiting among" hcrmany
H. C. Peterson started for Europe Monday. He will visit
relatives in Denmark and perhaps sec several other countries
before his return.
The cadet band accompanied the Knights of Pythias to Be
atrice June 3rd. They tell of a glorious time, and everything
they wanted to eat.
We see by the new catalogue that the library will be open
from 6 A. M. to 12 M. How is this, Grossic, can yon arise
from your couch so early '.11 the morning?
The following arc the Union officers for the fall term: Pres.,
S. D. Killcn; Vice Pres., Fannie Baker; Sec., Clara Cramp
horn; Ass't Sec., Roscoc Pound; Critic, C. W. Bigelow;
Serg'ts at arms, Russell and Scharman.
The cadet band has given two open air concerts at the band
stand on Government square, the last one being on June 5th.
The loys have received many compliments on their playing
both from individuals and from the press.
Through a mistake of the printer the Philodiccan"programs
nnounccd the subject of Mr. Spurlock's recitation as the
'Pioneer of Chillon." He probably thought! Chillon was
some place in the backwoods of Michigan.
J. R. Force could not resist the attractions of the final ex.
aminations and a week of dissipation, arid so came back to
the University a little over a week ago. Of course his desire
to graduate may have had something to do with his return.
The Preps organized a b. b. nine and with high hopes chal
lenged the Frcshies. A game was played the 3rd and if it
were not for the fact that the reporter is bribed by Prep gold,
we would give the score. Under the circumstances vc won't.
The Sophomores spent the evening of the 8th enjoying the
hospitality of Miss Ellen Smith. The best of refreshments
were served and the whole class report a splendid time. The
lady is to be most highly commended for the many treats she
affords the students.
The following officers were elected f r the Philodiccan soci.
ety, fall term: President; P. F. Clark, Vice President, Miss
Fdith Russell; Secretary, F. L. Wheeler; Treasurer, Logan
Stephens; Attorney, Dell St rat ton; Critic, Roy Codding; Mar
shal, G. W. Gerwig.
When Kinght told of catching twenty or thirty fish at the
picnic the other day every one thought he was, well wand
ering from the path of veracity; but when he inadvertantly
spoke of carrying them in his coat packet, the crowd caught
on. He caught them in an umbrella.
The Palladians elected their officers with the following re.
suit: Pres., C. S. Polk; Vice Pres., Laura Haggard; Sec, H.
P. Barrett; Cor. Sec, Edna Bullock; Critic, O. B. Polk;
Treas., W. N. Fletcher; Mus. Sec, May Pershing; Scrg't at
Arms, D. D. Forsyth; Historian, P. S. Hcfileman.
We notice that besides those high schools mentioned last
year as preparing for the Freshman year of the University,
the schools of Grand Island, Kearney and Tckamah arc given
in the new list. Those which have this year graded up to the
Second Preparatory arc Fairiont, Gibbon, McCook,- Red
Cloud aud Wilbur.
The annual competitive drills of the University Cadets took
place June 14th and 15th. On Monday afternoon gun detach
ments from Companies A and B competed for a guidon, after
which a drill was held to determine the awarding of the gold
and the silver individual medals. The artillery judges were
Atty Gen. Wm. Lccsc, J. D. Calhoun, and Maj. W. II. Pow
ell U. S. A. The guidon was awarded to Co. B detachment,
first prize individual, Everett Huling, Co. A, second C. Wal
ters. The infantry drill 1 ucsuay morning resulted in the win
ning of the flag by Co. A, first prize, a gold medal, C. P. Wal
tcrs, Co. A, second, P. S. Hcfileman, Co. B. Capt. Smith,
Co. A, received the sword and belt for largest and best equip
ped company during the year. The percentages given by the
udges were higher than last year, thus showing a greater effi
c iency. The drill all through was a close one, and though
Co. seems to have carried off the majority of the honors,
that is no indication that Go. B is deficient in drill. These
drills instituted by Lieut. Dudley have been a great success,
and will work only for the good of the battalion.