BBBHifH Wycoff's Candy P-fore and Ice Cream Parlors are at 139 goxHh lltligt STUDENTS' SUPPLIES AND -.-Holiday Goods:- Can bo found tit Clason & Fletcher's. '1 lie iliusxt line In tltu city WI2KTHKFII2L'.i Tonsorial Emporium CALL AND GET OUR SPECIAL STUDENTS' KATES! . B. Herrick. 1 121 O Street Fruits, Confectionery And such in full line. $3T FIRST CLASS HOARD. ..gaT WAV AND NKAT. BRUNSWICK DINING HALL. No. 237 South Eleventh Street. Four Dollars per week;. single meals Twenty-five Cents. N. E. NUTTING, Prop. STUDENTS Gel their wiiNliin done at Hie Chinese Laundry. Ladies' arid Gentlemen's Under wear done tip in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 217, North nth. DEALER IN Stoves & Hardzvare. OppoMitc O., East Side. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA UNI VEMSITY . Sh B $ S. Joint prayer mootlnas In room No. 5 ovory Wednesday evening beginning ot 7:45 and closing at 8:80, Ail students aro earnestly Invltod to attcud. Mary Campbell Pros. Y. W. 0. A. W..S.Perrln, Pres. Y. M. 0. A. Knotts & Seitz, Dealers in Staple Groceries. Teas and Cofl'ics a specialty. 1315 O STREET. Chinese Laundry ' Joe W. Fomi PROPRIETOR ra Laundry, No IIS North 12th Between O&P All Work done in Firet- Class Style on Short Notice. Clothing called for or delivered. W. C. ROHDE, Dealer and Jobber in MEATS. 113 South Tenth St., LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN. NKBHASKA. Ofllcc Rooms 5 and 6, over Hart v's Drug Store. Residence 1320 G Street. it. . I'rilJI'JBi .11. ., Ofllco 1125 N Street. A. C. INGRAM, DEALER IN WALL PAPR, PAINTS, WIN DOW GLASS, Etc, Painting and Artistic Dec orating. Done on short notice at low prices. 12.14 O St FLANAGAN BROS. DEALERS IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND Highest price paid for second-band goods. ' 115 South Tenth. ALL THE BOYS Take ttio GIRLS To I'.U' Old Reliable CAndy- Kitchen. I'or the host CnudlcB In tho City, 142 S.12lh. HUTCHINS & HYATT, COAL AND WOOD. Sawed and split wood a specialty. Pine I kindling. Oflko, 1010 O Street. CHICAGO MEDICAL OOLLBG-B Couni-r Pkaikik Avknuk An 26th St -CAICAGO, ILL. MEDICAL DEAARTMENT OF THE NORTH WESTERN UNIVERSITY. session ok 1886-7. N. S. Davis, M. D., L. L. D., Dean. TI10 twenty-ninth Annual Courso of In struction will begin tho Inst wcok In Scptom her 188(1 and closo In March 1887. Tho courso of Instruction is graded, students being di vided Into first, second and third year classes. Quallllcatlons for admission are ollher a do grcoof A. 11.. accrtlllcntoof u rcputablo ac ndomy, a teacher's certltlcntc, or a prelimin ary examination. The mutbod of instruction Is conspicuously practical, anil id applied In tho wards of tho Merer, St' Luke's and MIchnol Hcoo Hos pitals dally at tho bedside of tho sick, and in tho South side dispensary attrchedto tho Col lego, whero from nine to ten thousand pa tients aro annually t rented. Fees: Matrlcn lation.SS- Lectures, first and second years, cacli 7S. Demonstrator Including material $10. 1 uboratory $5, Ilronkiigo (returnable) S5. Hospitals: Morcy gti. St. l.ukoV S5 lor second and third year students. Finol examination $30. For further information or announce ment address Walter Hay, M. D., L. L. D., Sec'y, 243 State St., Chicago, 111., NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You aro allowed a free trial of thtrtu Tai of tho U80 of Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Vottolo Bolt with Klectrlo suspensory Appliances for tho speedy "'"of and permanent euro of NtnvusDeMUtu.ioM of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many othor dlsonses. Complete roMora. tlon to nnlth, Vlfjor and Manhood Kuaranteed, No risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pnmphlctlnwator tnvtlojie mailed free, by addrceslntr VOLTAIC BELT CO,, Marshall Mich,