o THE HESJPEXIA& THE-HESPERIAN HESPERIAN STUDENT,) Issued semi-monthly by the Hksterian rnblishing Associ ation, of the University of XchrAslcA. W, 3. PERfclN, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, ASSOCIATES: P, F. CLARK, 7. E. R. HOLMES, '. A. H. BTGELOW, 7. C S, LOB1NGIER, 9. Business Manager - - -suiiscrittion agent - - - R, S. MoCKKTT, - O. B. roi.x. the work of each is valuable to the young ladies who take an interest in it. One of them, however, ante dates the other quite a little in point of establish ment, hence we spoke of the work clone by it as rep resenting the accomplishment of a long-tried ladies' debating club. TERMS rOF SUBSCRIPTION? One copy, per college year, , $1.00 One copy, one haliycaT, .,,,,, ,30 Single copy, , ,05 ADVERTISING RATES ON ATTUCATION. Address all communications to Tur. Hestrioan, University of Noliraskaj.Lincoln, Neb. EDITORIAL NOTES. The articles in our column of "Opinions" in this issue give promise that The Hesperian is to become more truly a students1 organ. We are assured of more contributions from the same pen, but hope to have others than -"Sans Detour" become contributors to this column. It is much to be desired that The Hesperian become a more constant medium for the use -of students. There is much inconvenience, and more indigna tion, felt concerning the present poor arrangements for distributing the mail delivered at the University, Many of the students are addressed at the University and the amount of mail that accumulates here to be distributed by the janitor as he can find time is sim ply more than he can find time to handle. We would suggest that tht office of the Steward or the Librarian's desk is the proper place of distribution, and hope that some change for the better is among the things possible and soon to be realized. Some time ago we took occasion to comment upon the excellent work done by the ladies' debating club in connection with one of the literary societies. We We were correct in the statement, in our last is sue, concerning the date of Commencement and the Teasons for a change this year, except that we did not give all the causes. The work of the year has been often interrupted by various unforeseen events, and the term is lengthened for this year not only that the work may be completed but also that we may avoid, another year, those interruptions occasioned by the State Fair and the meeting of the State Teachers Association. This will be accomplished by the change since the date of Commencement determines the date of the Fall opening, and by the change that will now occur on the last day of the Fair, As students of the University we are always glad to hear of any attempt to broaden its sphere of use fulness. The faculty now talk of establishing a chair of Veterinary Science, Action upon the question by the regents will not be taken until June, but it is probable that such a chair will be then instituted. In time this means extensive improvements ubon the College Farm and a new building upon the campus. If these things are accomplished, this department will be most important one, from a practical point of view, to the farmers and stock growers of the state. A knowledge of the diseases of domestic animals is too often lacking when most needed, and instiuction in this necessary adjunct to agriculture will be very welcome to the young farmers of our stock-growing state. iAVAihnn lnti twK I.! . !. TT Z .. r-i luuib uiuu 'uiiv suuii uiuu 111 mi: university, mere are two, and -we have every reason to believe that meant to speak only of the work done, and therefore did not think it was necessary to state that there was! pleasant memories of old times and associates now One of our literary societies has lately hit upon a scheme, the spirit of which we hail as tending in the right direction, and would Tecommend the other so cieties to adopt some similar plan. This is the plan: -The corresponding secretary is instructed to enter into correspondence with all graduate members of the society, requesting literary contributions to be deliv ered before the society in person, or should that prove inconvenient, to be forwarded to the corresdonding secretary who shall xead them as a part of the regular Friday evening program. Some of the productions have been already given, and not only added to the interest of the exercises, but also awakened manv gone from among us. They acquaint, directly oriri- direatly, the new student with the old, the under- CADET SUITS, INDIGO BLUE, $8.00 TO $11.50 AT MAYER BROS. 10th ST, CLOTHMRS,