Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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At Randall Bros., 131 South Elcvcdth Street, students will
find a complete stock of Clothing and gent's furnishing
Choice fruits, confectionery cmd lunch all the year round
at Bcdson's, 1119 O St.
Kelly always docs well by the students. Give him a call.
Best Stetson and Dunlap hats at Dennis.
In New York go to Dclmonico's, but in Lincoln go to
Bcdson's for oysters in every style. Always ready to wait on
If you want to ge; solid with your girl take her some of
Mawe's taffy. Yum! Yum!!
For good clean meals try the I'arlor . Dining Hall. 137 N.
12th St.
The Globe One Price Clothing House is now receiving its
New Spring purchases of Fine stylish Suits. Call and see
The Globe One Price Clothing House, First Nat. Bank
Ewings, make children's clothing a special feature of their
business. The New Spring Stock now includes the hand
somest styles ever brought to Lincoln. Be sure to see them.
Best shoes for only $3.00 at O. W. Webster and Bro's.
Cochran Bros, keep "Students Delight" peanuts always on
hand. Special rates to students on all restaurant goods.
Go to Ewings for sealskin caps.
Go to O. V. Webster & Bro. '1043 0 St. for the best $3.00
Attend the Lincoln Business College.
J. and D. Newman, 1027 O Street. Oldest Dry Goods
House in the city.
Go to Kelly's for fine work In photography.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at T. Ewing& Co's.
Full line of silk mufflers and nobby silk handkerchiefs at
Our best $3.00 shoes at O. W. Webster & Bro. 1043 O St.
O. W. Webster & Bro. keep the best stock pf boots an
You will always find Kelly on hand to do good work.
Manley keeps a full line of confectionery goods, give him a
Students will receive best of attention at Mauley's.
Bargains at T. Ewing's in Winter goods, don't fail to look
at them.
Go tc J. A, Bailey, 146 S. 12th, for Wall Paper, Decorating,
Calcimining,Graining and House Painting in all its branches.
When you want any Wall Paper, Decorating, Calcimining,
Graining! or House Painting, go to J. A. Bailey, 146 S. l2th
St. Terms cash.
For fresh bread, cakes and anything in the baker's line
call at Winkler's Bakery, 431 O St. Give us a share of your
patronage and you'll not regret it.
For fruits, confectionery, cigars and tobacco call on J. T.
Cochran & Bros., 207 S. nth St. They always deal squarely.
It will pay you to call on I. B, Massey in the Richards
tBlock for anything you want in the shoe line.
Go to Ed. Cerf &Co. for furnishing goods.
The latest styles in hats at Ed. Cerf &Co's.
New goods at Randall Bros&Co, 131 S. nth Street.
Landall Bros, have opened their new store at 131 S. ilth
Among the pertinent remarks of the great evangelist from
Missouri we find fliis: "If you throw a stone at a pack of
hounds and one of them yells and otherwise acts strangely
you may count upon that dog as the one struck by the stone."
Although we arc no longer among those upon whom is forced ,
the year's work in Military Science, but have timely passed
that dangerous period, we can nevertheless from our safe dis
tance sec the antics cut by our less fortunate successors as,
with look of calm indignation, they come within range.
Thus we are emboldened to undertake the duty of empha
sizing, of re-voicing the faint echoes which come over to us
from those with whom we sympathize and wish it were within
our power to grant relief. No one would make so bold as to
prescribe for all the members of a class a ycar,s work in a
single branch, unless the resultant good gave promise of be
ing an adequate recompense for the work of every member of
tlist class. With the present excellent instructor in that de
partment, the work in Military Science will scarce fail of
good results, both in point of training and in amount of infor
mation couccrning military operations and regulations. Some
few arc taking the course for the knowledge to be gained, and
for those we could conceive of no better opportunity. The
number of those specially interested in this work, however,
is as one to twelve of those required to complete the course.
But the eleven other members required to do this work have
each his preference, as does the one inclined to military mat
ters, and it is unjust' to speak mildly to compel. them to do
work for which none claim either a general interest or an ad
equate recompense. We would not be misunderstood. We
appreciate the ability ol the instructor and the value of the
instruction offered, but we would have such instruction rele- '
gated to its proper place the elective department. We wish,
moreover, that we might find for those in authority some plau
sible reason for asking of students this special effort, but can
sec no sufficient justification unless the act endowing the in
dustrial school be interpreted in such a manner as to require
this course. The letter of that article can certainly be taken
to read otherwise, and we sincerely doubt if the spirit of it
calls for the regime now set up. Indeed, we question if those
who framed that act ever dreamed that such construction
could be put upon it as would seem necessary to sustain the
demands of the present course. Granting, however, that we
act in good faith and wish to carry out to the best of our abil
ity the spirit of that article, we are curious to know if there
are not other rules and regulations the spirit of which we do
not thoroughly appreciate. We have a dim recollection of
some provision suggested (?) whereby, the books to be used
in the different courses for a term having been selected, the
authorities are to furnish them to studeuts at cost. We might
recall yet other rules or regulations which are favorable to
the student body, but we do not purpose to arrouse animosi
ties, nor to locate irregularities, hence we refrain. We are
pained to note a feeling, not akin to resignation, among those
sopn to become eligible to this course of study. Let us,
therefore, think of this matter in a fair and friendly way,and
we may hope to arrive at some more just arrangement.
Sans Detour,