6 THE HESPERIAN. I. B. Masscy, the new boot and shoe man in the Richards block, has on exhibition one of the big footed girl's shoes, al so the last which measures twenty-seven inches. They arc curiosities. Our office was visited Monday by Mr. H. M. Waring, sten ographer of the R. R. Commission, and Mr. W. R. Kimball. The latter gentleman was looking after a class in Indian clubs. Who wants to swing the clubs? Jas. R. Forec, '86, has secured a position in a lawyer's of fice in Tekemah and will not be in school this term. His place as debater on the Philodiccan Juneclass has been filled by the election of Miss Cora Fisher. The Senior class claims to have caught fifty-three fish on Arbor Day. Will Owen Jones is known to have borrowed $1.50 about the same time. The fish were worth about three cents apiece. Draw your own conclusions. The time for the Wednesday night meeting of the Y. M. C. A. has been fixed at 7 P. M. By this change only a short time is required in the fore part of the evening, and it is to be hop ed that all will take advantage of the excellent opportunity to attend. Crabbe's mill seems to be the favorite goal of picnic crowds this season. Three different parties visited it on Arbor Day. A feature especially fitting for excursionists seems to lie in the fact that the aforesaid mill is on the road to the Insane Asylum. Prof. G. IS. Barber now teaches a class in the Christian S. S. Instruction is given from the original Greek testament and is very interesting. The class is designed especially foi Uni versity students and all such would no doubt be profited by attending. We arc sorry to learn of the death of the brother of Miss Lottie Pollard. Many of the students will remember that it was on account of his sickness that Miss Pollard left the Uni versity one year ago. Tub Hksi'KHIAN in behalf of a mul titude of friends extends heartfelt sympathy in this hour of af fliction. On the east side of the campus, just north of the new 'Lab oratory, stands an historic lumber pile. Already a sufficient number of important events have occurred around and upon that pile to make it memorable. We lift up our voice against the iconoclasm which would permit the destruction of ho in teresting a monument. On Saturday, April 24th, the cadet? met near Salt Creek for target practice. The distance was 200 yards, each man being allowed fourteen shots. This time the Preps appear to hove taken the lead in marksmanship. John Current again came out first best, making 50 out of a possible 70. Kngle. hart made second and Hall third. The number of holidays during the college year is becom ing quite noticeable. In looking back the number counts up something like this: one day for the fairtwo days at Thanks, giving, Charter Day and Arbor Day, besides a furlough at the beginning of each term caused by work on the building, snow storms, Teachers' Association etc. A paper is being actively circulated among the students pe titioning the faculty to make the study of Military Science elective instead of, as now, compulsory. It is claimed by those who have the matter in charge that this branch requires much valuable time, that the students arc overworked with out it ,and that its general tendency is to keep new students away from the University. As our last issue went ?o press the genjal face of W. O. Tones appeared in our office door, As evidence that hp had really been to California he showed a California paper which noted in its local column the proximity of a gentleman of his name. He moreover brought back some dozens of pictures of himself which he hired Klcinc Polk to' distribute among the coeds as they came out of chapel. He himself was too bashful. On Monday, April 26th, the cadet band went to Omaha, having been previously engaged to take part in the Odd Fcl ows' celebration there. The sixteen members of the band, with their new uniforms presented quite a fine appearance. They were the second band in the long procession and the only one which was invited to play in the afternoon exercises. The rest of the day was spent in banqueting and seeing the sights. The boys arrived at home at five o'clock Tuesday morning, tired , but unanimous in speaking of their courteous treatment while in Omaha. What promised to be the best joke of the season proved through some inconceivable blunder, a dismal failure. For their last meeting, the Frcshies ordered a down town restaur antcur to send them several gallons of ice cream. Being of a sort of benevolent disposition he complied, Our young friends arrived early but the ice cream didn't, and it finally turned out that the latter had been delivered at the right place but to the wrong parties and consequently had disappeared. To say that our knights of the ten cent piece were wild would be putting it mildly; they were frantic. They secured the mayor, chief of police, drayman and rcstauranteur to come up and identify the parties who had stolen the most substan tial part of their banquet. Finally some one with more gen erosity than well, putting it mildly-judgment, told them where their treasure was to be found. This foolish man will be given by his non-Frcshmanic brethren the choice between two equally horrible punishments: (l) That he be compelled to attend Doanc College for a year or (2) That he be compell ed to jump head first from the University building. DIRECT POINTERS. Call on Edddd. Ccrf &C000. I. J", Masscy is making special low prices on Men's Low Cut Shors. 122 N. 11 th St. Richards block. Dennis, the hatter, keeps a full line of gents furnishing goods also of neckwear ike. Manley has the cream of the candy trade. Special prices to students at T. Ewing &Co's. W. R. Dennis should be your hatter and furnisher. II, W. Brown keeps n full assortment of students books. You will always find a large stock of hats at W. R. Dennis' Go to F, Hurlbut to get soiled suits cleaned and colored. Fine clothing at T. Ewing &Co's. Sam Westerficld is at his old stand and will make special rates to students. Go to the Howard House for day board. Best dollar a day house in the city. You will receive prompt attention and also warm meals here. At Cochran Bros., 207 S. I ith Street you will find fresh candies, Clothing for every body at Ed. Cerf &Cos. Call on I, B. Massey for men's shoes. Good goods and t moderate prices. 122 N. nth St. The best maple sugar taffy at Mawcs. Try it." Straw hats at Ed. Cerf&Co's. i