THE HESPERIAN; and when this tree is seen to change as the years chase each other into forgotten past, when we who meet here have been individually forgotten for a hundred and seventeen years, Freshmen will play hide and seek under its shade and exclaim in reverence "The class of '87 was no slouch HEARD IN THE HALLS. club, "The co-eds have A wail goes up from the Q St. gone." John Green indignantly denies that he aspires to be a Yes, my classmates, as the years and centuries follow each 1 masher. other in quick succession, great things may happen. Those Thep say that Stephens is winning a high reputation as a students who lay behind the hedge and watched the laying of j l)asc balfist. the corner stone of the old building may craduatc. The mil 1 m. 11 -i 1 u t r- t 1 u j 1 , , , , i"e boarding club presided over by J. E. Larkm disbanded iiiujr wguinij; ui i ici,iiui .mil iuu swcci lllllMU Ul lilt uuuci ,1 ,-t. band may be forgotten but this tree will still push its branches towards heaven as thrifty as Cheney's moustache. When each member of this class shall have climbed to the top round of the ladder of fame and descended into the valley of "gone ness of the pa6t" like the Alexanders, Crcsars, Napoleons and Xanthippuscs of other days, this tree shall flourish and furnish Haves for the Prep, botany class. My people, this world is but a fleeting show; today we are Kere and happy; tomorrow we maybe in Lawrence. This year we are happy, contented Juniors; next year perish the thought we will be Seniors and be obliged to give gratuitous advice to the Chancellor. You know what Pope has said about the Seniors: "The Seniors are creatures of such hideous mien As to be hated need but to be seen. Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then embrace." I'fecl as if I could talk here till I raise my grade in French, but you havn't time. The world waits, we must away to the places of honor and trust, especially trust. But let me bc seach you that as in after years you look back from legislative halls, asylums, and feeble minded institutes, do not forget this day, and let your soul well up within you as you hear the people say: "What tree is this over yonder?" This gem of oratory (?) called forth round after round of applause on the drum, the manipulator of which had evident ly been bribed by the speaker. The Junior Quartette then sang the following original song. Oh! what is this tree that we see over there, All so tall and so fair in the breezes? Some cedar of Lebanon of beauty rare, Or an elm, the lovhest of trceses? All eyes which look at it are filled with delight; The Sophomores gaze at it in wonder; The Freshmen may hope in its green shade to light And get licked as usual, by thunder. That tree which you see shooting up in the sky, With its leaves and its branches immense, Which will grow while all others around it shall die, Is an elm and cost fifty cents That tree shall go up into the air .And spread out its branches toward heaven. While memory clings to the class that's most fair The long loved and sweet eighty-seven. Mr Polk then made a very earnest financial appeal, and master of ceremonies Wiggenhorn made a eloquent address the brilliancy of which dazzled the reporter so that he was unable to take it down. After pinning a badge on the tree the procession was again formed and marched back to the Uni versity, the band playing "Hail Columbia." With three lousing cheers the class dispersed and thus ended the pub lic demonstration of our greatest Charter day. In the afternoon many of the students went fishing. The entire Senior class went in one party. Eight couples of the Union society made another party, While several smaller crowds went in carriages, on horseback and afoot. Alto gether it was a day to be remembered and we predict that each year hereafter the students will enthusiastically celebrate he day of trees, c ' Miss Nora Gage 'spent Sunday last in the country, as the guest of the Misses Wolfe. E. C. Wiggenhorn, of the editorial staff, spent Inst Sabbath under the parental roof at Ashland. Misses Nettie Taylor and Anna Keycs, now both of Roca, were in visitirg old friends last week. Geo. M. Spurlock came up from Platlsmouth one day InsV week. Ho returned on the 3:50 train. The Polk boys sport a fine young horse which makes them dangerous rivals in the "mashing" art. v A brother of the Misses Pershing is a member of the class of '86 at West Point Military Academy. How's this for alliteration? "Gambcc and Grace formed a pretty picturesque pair at the Freshman feed." The class of 86 will contain more lady members than any previous one from the N. S. U. since that of '8i. The Freshmen held their first class meeting of the term in the Union Hall. Every body reports a "large" time. The cadets have received a cordial invitation from Wymorc to make that place the scat of the encampment this spring. Our Bus. Man., R. S. Mockctt, appears in a new suit, thus showing the prosperous financial condition ofTnr. Hksi'KRUN. Mr. Geo. McLean dropped in upon us one day last week. He is the same old boy and we arc always glad to sec him. Conway George (late "senior managing editor of the Som brerotya know") is now waging a bloody crusade against bugs. Quite a crowd assembled on the campus, Arbor Day, to wit ness the match game between the scrub nine and the profess ionals. C. Clem Chase, '83, editor of the Onuxha Excelsior, made the University a visit, last week. He was after the Senior class printing. John J. Halligan, once a University student, now a promis ing young attorney of Ogallala, this state, was greeting old friends here recently. Mr. Warren Hawley. an old studont, nt present a resident of California, is in the city. He will probably not return be fore the first of June. The engineering students after careful measurement and several wild mistakes have at last decided that the height of the University building is 102 feet. Harry Clark accompanied the band to Omaha for the pur. pose or gathering materials fcr a new lecture to be entitled "Lights and Shadows of a Great City." Miss Carrie Newhousc was suddenly called home by the sad news of her brother's serious illness. Her many friends here unite in sympathy aud wish her a speedy return. On account of ill health Miss Forsyth has been compelled to resign her position on the Union June class. Miss Clara Cramphorn has been cfaosen tp fijl the vacancy thus caused,-