Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 15, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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CIssucd semi-monthly by the HEsrERUN.Publishing Associ
ation, of the University of Nebraska.
Business Manager - - - - R. s. Mockett.
One copy, per college year,
One copy, one half year,
Single copy,
Address all communications to Tim Hesperian, University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
If anything is ever thoroughly demonstrated the
fact that Lincoln in general and the University cam
pus in particular, need new walks is beyond a doubt.
In spite of rubbers that buckle on, protectors of var
ious sorts greet the passer byat almost every cross
ing. Now that the mud has commenced its meta
morphosis into dry land, they lie high and dry like
stranded barks at low tide, but to the thoughtful
mind they are melancholy mementoes of a sticking
unexcelled. The ashes so industriously strewn on the
walks and so patiently packed by the plodding stu
dent only serve in wet weather to turn passers on to
the grass. It is only consonant with the thorough
character of our institution that good and permanent
walks be placed at least on those paths most used by
the students.
The majority of college students who attend col
lege to get the good of it rarely have lime to devote
regularly to an extensive course of reading indepen
dent of their course. Their reading must be done at
odd times of leisure from other work. Yet there are
some who take only one or two studies and who have
time on their hands. For such the claims made by
the Chatauqua Reading Circle are pertinent. For
those, too, who are engaged in work which is not lit
erary, but who do not wish to drop literary work al
together such a course of reading would undoubtedly
be good. Nevertheless we feel assured that for a
large part of those who commence such "courses of
reading" they are almost worthless. A genuine love
for reading for its own sake is nuch to be preferred.
With a love for reading and the ability to read any
one may be independent of "Reading Circles" and
every student should be thus learned.
Now that the new laboratory is drawing to a finish
on the outside it seems appropriate to remark
again on the whys and wherefores of a delay which
has hurt all connected with the University. Doubt
less there are contracts pnd contracts, and also con
tractors and contractors, and again there are circum
stances. Making all allowances, we think the former
were faulty in this case. Last Commencement the
corner stone was laid, and another Commence
ment bids fair to roll around before the building will
be ready for occupancy. With all deference to the
powers that be, we think a contract could, and should,
have been drawn that would have insured the com
pletion of the laboratory long ere this. There is no
reason why the affairs of an institution may not be
conducted on business principles, nor can we see why
the University should submit to impositions which no
man of spirit and business ability would endure.
For some time past college exchanges have been
agitating, among other things, the question of a
change of the weekly holiday from Saturday to Mon
day. We have been somewhat interested in the
question and more than once The Hesperian has no
ticed it. We have watched for reports from those
colleges which have adopted the Monday holidays
and, though at first inclined to be very conservative,
we are convinced that the change would be benefi
cial. On a superficial thought the advantages do not
seem very extensive, but on second thought become
obvious. The close of the week's- work generally
finds the student tired ana needing rest. Saturday is
therefore taken, almor.t as a matter of necessity, for
purposes of recreation. Even those who are enthu
siastic enough to devote the day to study are not in
a condition to get the full benefit of their time. The
next day, in the oidinary course of events, is the Sab
bath and many are prevented by religious scruples
from using it for study. Then comes Monday with
its round of study and recitation and the student
feels that, hi some unaccountable way, he has not re
ceived the proper good from the two preceding days.
Were the case changed the week's work would run to
Saturday afternoon. Saturday evenings could then
De used as Friday evenings now are; Sunday, how
ever observed, would give rest much needed, and on
Monday the student would be prepared to do justice
to both studies and time for he would be fresh and
vigorous instead of jaded and worn. We commend
the idea to our readers, assured that once fairly con
sidered, it will find favor.