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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1886)
THE HESPERIAN UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. . Vol. XIV. LINCOLN, NEB., APRIL 15, 1886. No. XIII. CURRENT REMARK. The Hesperian objects very decidedly against any railroad through the Yellowstone Park. Not that our timid and mod est complaint will probably affect the result, but we insist on giving expression to our opinions. We arc not John Ruskinin our admiration of the ideal and contempt of the practical but wc regret to sec all natural beauty subjected to greed for the almighty dollar. The sentiment daily growing stronger, that the reform of the House of Lords and disestablishment of the Church of England must soon be accomplished, is suggestive to one who cares to reflect on the tendency of modern reform. Recent votes in Parliament show a strong feeling on these subjects and it is claimed that the positive declaration of Gladstone only was lacking. On last Thursday Premier Gladstone divulged his scheme for the Irish reform. It is accepted by Irishmen as entirely in accordance with their ideas but among Englishmen are many who bitterly oppose the measure. However it may result, the judgment of such a statesman as Gladstone should weigh heavily in the formation of opinion, and whether the present scheme succeeds or fails the true greatness of Gladstone's statesmanship deserves recognition. The weather prediction for April 9th was "thunder dashes." It is worthy of attention because it possesses the unusual qual ity of being correct, at least wo had what is called, in common parlance, a thunder storm. This prediction illustrates a very essential quality of the common weather prediction it is very indefinite. Had there been no thunderstorm, no doubt the prediction might have been made to fit equally well. Weather predictions still contain so large an amount of guess work that they are practically useless. The action of President Cleveland in asking for the resigna tion of Governor Murray has been somewhat incomprehensi ble to many who have regarded with approbation the course of Governor Murray in opposing polygamy. But since the new appointee is said to be thoroughly in sympathy with the President's own views on the Mormon question the fear that action was to be taken favorable to the polygamists is dispell ed, provided that President Cleveland means what he said about the subject in his message. The squabble between two factions of teachers at the last Teachers' Association as to the location of the next year's meeting was vastly amusing and somewhat instructive. The behavior of most of the speakers was most admirable, but many from both ''North Platte" and "South Platte" showed a lack of self control which is most lamentable in those who hold the high and honorable office of teacher. The reproof given by President Jones was, in our opinion, well merited. Division between sections where great principles arc involved may cause disapprobation but it commands a certain kind of respect, but when sections quarrel between which no geo graphical, moral or political barriers of any appreciable mag nitude exist it excites nothing but contempt. The Hesperian watches with some interest to see what the complexion of the new city council is on the question of public improvements. Lincoln has reached a point where certain improvements arc imperatively needed. Much has been spent by our city to secure railroads and stockyards but with all these, other things must also be done. The late con dition of our streets has awakened many to the fact that ere long Lincoln must have pavements; the persistent agitation of the sewerage question demonstrates the existence of a strong public sentiment in favor of doing something in that line. It is of cosiderable interest to students who expect to attend only a few years, to the University it is of paramount interest how much public spirit the people of Lincoln show. We hope to sec the good work go on. The women at the polls an last election day was one the most interesting features of the day's performance. Though allowed to vote only for members of the school board they ap peared to take an interest yi the election unsurpassed by that of the masculine gender. It was amusing to sec the different feelings of those who, with the little slips of papers, thus dared to defy tradition. Some would sit some time in the carriage as though doubting whether to vote or not, while others would march through the crowd as if they had been there before and knew exactly what they had come for. The expression of some was almost ludicrous in the endeavor to appear unconcerned. Nevertheless it can only be a matter of a few years when the feminine vote will be cast with as much sangfroid as that of the masculine portion of humanity. A very interesting article in one of the New York papers speaks of the sale of the wonderful peachblow vase, in the Morgan collection, for which Mrs. Morgan paid $15,000. Its great value arises from its age, and from the fact, not only that it is the finest one of its kind in the world, but the art by which it was made has been lost. It was in the collection of Chu-Kank-He, a Mandarin Prince, and was made in the seventeenth centuruy. The vase it. egg-shaped, with a long slender neck; the color is, as the name indicates, a delicate peachblow and the texture is perfect. When we remember that it standsonly eight inches high and is just three inches in diameter, it seems almost incredible that starting at $5,000, it finally sold for $18,000. It was bought by W. R. Walters, of Baltimore- Callanan Courant. Humph! When we ponder over the fact that $18,000 will found several very respectable scholarships, will buy a great many good books, go a long way towards building a church or charity hospital we are inclined to question the wisdom, if not the right, to spend money in that way; especially as it represents no labor of modern hands. J