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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1886)
THE HESPERIAN. The ducks obtained by our bold hunters were served up to them and their ladies on the evening of the 23rd at the Par lor Restaurant. The supper was almost a banquet, and after it had been well disposed of the party adjourned to the Sig ma Chi parlors and spent the remainder of the evening in the usual student way. Students should be as much interested in the growth of Lincoln as other folks. Therefore it pleases us to notice that with all her railroads and water works the city isn't going to stop but expects to go right along with a system of sewerage ard a canning factory. The only other thing that the spring weather presses upon our attention is the need of pavement and better sidewalks, We, who thought that "grim-visaged War had smoothed his wrinkled front" arc apt to be disappointed. There are ru mors of war, dire, disastrous war, and the University is liable to be wrenched and torn as never before It is too bad that we cannot have one year of peace; but it seems as if it cannot be. It is to be hoped that the storm may blow over, and that the friendly feelings now existing between all classes of stu dents may remain. It is frequently the case that some Prep, tries to get up a mash with some other innocent; but it is out of the usual rou tine to have a dignified Sophomore attempt such a thing. Ye we are creditably informed that a fair member of 'SB together with a friend is doing Ler best to create a hopeless longing in the breasts of two male members ol the same class. In this case it is love stronger than a brother's. Boys, take card She is funning you. . It was a mean trick, there is no doubt about that, but just the same it was a good joke. Of course he was only waiting for Ev. to copy his notes, which was perfectly legitimate. And it was all right for her to go out with Ham. It was the combinations of the affair which made it so funny. One look on his face was worth four years of student life. If this needs explaining ask Ham or Ev., or perhaps Frank can tell you, he is so fond of a good joke. Ansley, Pierce, Clark and Mockett went duck hunting. Twelve ducks and one prairie chicken -were the results of their expedition. But if you had only seen Ansley the next morn ing when he came to breakfast He is a fearless rider but when the broncho suddenly requested him to dismount, he did so without murmuring, and lighted in amudhole. We do not vouch for this last statement for it is only inferred from his appearance next morning. One of the happy events of the season was the marriage of Miss IrmaBeghtol to Mr. Kate of Andubon, Iowa. MissBegh tol had severed her connection with the University but she had not forgotten the many friendships formed during her short stay with us, which was shown by the number of students she had at the marriage ceremony. The wedding took place Saturday, 20th, .and biddingndieu to Lincoln friends the happy conple started for their future home in Audubon, on the fol lowing evenin.g Light from -"our lamp of new learning" seems to be in pretty constant demand. Prof. Hicks is .at present in Chicago de livering a course of three lectures before the Morgan Park Theological Seminary and will, heiore returning, address the ministers' conference of that city. Pxof. Edgren has been en gaged to deliver the main course of lectures at Chatauqua this summer. Pxof. Bessey has been compelled to decline many pressing invitations to lecture, because it was impossible to spare "the time from his -work in the University. Among his most intimate friends it is generally conceded that Willow Jones went to California to see his mother, but among those not so well infermed a. multitude of rumors arc afloat. The cxtremest is that having, in order to graduate, embezzled funds entrusted to his care, he has been obliged to flee. Of course it cannot be true, but the fact that it can be believed destroys some measure of the implicit trust we have heretofore had in Mr. Jones. Another report is that having rcccvicd intimation that his attendance on Commencement exercises would not De essential to those exercises, he has con cluded that the air of California will be better for his health than that of Nebraska. We trust that this also is infamous, but if we do not get word from the absent one shortly we too shall have to doubt. Yes, they had a meeting the Juniors we mean. It was held at the home of Miss Laura Roberts. They assembled at an early hour and ordered the carriages to return at 10,30. There was something peculiar about this Junior meeting, oa account of the fact that one third of those present were Jun iors, two thirds were Sophomores and Freshmen, and the re maining one third were foreigners. Said foreigners were Chevalier de Kontske, Baron von Poggendorf and Codding. Ihe evening was passed in the customary manner, enlivened by the foreign wit of the above mentioned gentlemen. Re freshments were served, after which Miss Dell Stratton was elected Class President, Mr. Cheney, Secretary, and other officers too numerous to mention. Said officers to preserve their official dignity until the next meeting which will be held on May 10th at the home of E. H. Eddy, at which time they will eat biscuits and honey. On account of previously con tracted debts by some of the boys, the drivers refused to re turn with the carriages and at 1 1 r. M. the meeting adjourned in silence boys crestfallen girls mad foreigners hosaesick. And so it ended. DIRECT POINTERS. Dennis, the hatter, keeps a full line of gents faraishiBg goods also of neckwear &c Manley has the cream of the candy trade. Special prices to students at T. Ewing &Co's. W. R. Dennis should be your hatter and furnisher. H. W. Brown keeps a full assortment of students books. You will always find a large stock of hats at W. R. Dennis' Go to F. Hurlbut to get soiled suits cleaned and colored. Fine clothing at T. Ewing &Co's. Sam Westerfield is at his old stand and will make special rates to students. Go to the Howard House for day board. Best dollar a day house in the city. You will receive prompt attention and also warm meals here. At Cochran Bros., 207 S. nlh Street you will find fresh candies. In New York go to Delmonico's, but in Lincoln go to Bedson's for oysters in every style. Always ready to -wait on you. If you want to get solid with your girl take her some of Mawe's taffy. Yuml Yumll For good clean meals trythe Parlor Dining Hall. 137 N. 12th St The Globe One Price Clothing House is now receiving its New Spring purchases of Fine stylish Suits. Call and see them. The Globe One Price Clothing House, First Nat Bank'