Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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last Wednesday was a good i'lustration of several things. In
the first place the quiet style of Mr. Fitzpatrick's delivery,
the absence of gestures and the close attention which he com
manded from his hearers may be suggestive to students who
have oratorical aspirations that, ifone has anything to say, the
spread-eagle, Fourth of July style of delivery detracts from,
rather than adds to the worth of their articles.
Mr. F. took a somewhat unique, but unusually fair, view of
punishment but the part of his address most interesting to
readers of The Hesperian was the connection drawn between
the idea of punishment and the idea of individualism, and
the civilization of a people. Speaking before an association
of teachers, perhaps Mr. F. was justified in making this
thought which seems to us of superior interest subservient to
the consideration of thc.rival claims of corporal punishment
and moral suasion, but we believe that it is a snbjcct worthy
of separate treatment and we should like to sec it more fully
developed. Another thought similar to that expressed in a
graduating address not a thousand years ago on the "Lack of
Brains" was that the State demands only "What can you do?
How can you do it?" And, asking only this, life becomes a
practical evolution. In the fierce strife for supremacy no spirit
of lenient mercy aids the unworthy, but only for the man who
can give and take hard knocks docs Nature hang np her prizes
and any craven sprit must inevitably become a wall-flower.
Ere this issue of The Hesperian goes to press the twen
tieth annual meeting of the State Teachers' Association will
have commenced. It will be too late, however, to have re
ports of the proceedings. The proposed program includes
the address of welcome by Rev E. H. Cliapin, of Lincoln,
arid response by Miss Kate McChessncy, of Fullerton, on
Tuesday evening; on Wednesday morning, address on "A
Plea for the Englisb Language" by W. H. Skinner, David
City, "Some Defects in our School System" by C. F. Cham
bcrlin, Humboldt, "Primary Work" by Miss M. J. Burrows,
Norfolk, with discussions opened by appointed persons. In
the afternoon, in addition to'addresses and discussions on "The
Antagonism of Religion and Culture" and "The Practical in
Education" Prof. Geo. E.Howard will deliver an address on
'The Nebraska Reading Circle." Wednesday evening Supt. F.
A. Fitzpatrick.of Leavenworth, willjdeliver an address on"Pun
ishment; its relation to the development of individual respon
sibility." On Thursday papers are to be presented on "The
Successful Teacher, "Reading for School Children"and "The
Effect of Association" by Dr. D. B. Perry, of Crete, Miss T.
J. Hosford, North Platte, and M. D. Horham, Beatrice. In
the afternoon, besides a paper and discussion on composition
work in the common schools, officers for another year will be
elected and other business will be transacted, and in the even
ing Supt. Gove, of Denver, will give an address on "The Com
mon School." Friday forenoon closes the exercises with ad
dresses on "Thought in our Educational Problem" by R. J.
Porter, Clarks, "Meteorology," J. S. Hake, Wayne, and
"Natural Sciences in the Public School" by H. L. Grant, Peru.
Day sessions will commence at 8:00 a. m. and 1:30 p. M., and
evening sessions at 8 o'clock. The program will be inter
spersed with music and will undoubtedly be as interesting as
the efficient officers of the Association have tried to make it.
Students of the University should attend for the sake of the ex
ercises, but especially as numbers of the teachers who will be
in attendance were formerly students of the University.
The Chancellor has already invited the students to attend and
The Hesperian urges bis invitation on its readers. We
wiih'the teachers success.
Tunis Jackson, one of our old boys, made us a call last week.
Professor: "What is arsenic good for?" Voice from back
scat; "O, Rats!
The small but mighty Polk got in his work selling papers to
the schoolmarms.
Where were the cadets when it was reported that there was
an insurrection at the Pen?
John Green says the teachers are a nice lot but they are
dirty that is their feet are.
Mr. Leavenworth '85 Vermont University, was looking over
this institution a few days ago.
More of the students remained in town during the last vaca
tion than ever before. Lack of funds you know etc.
A. A. Monroe, '84, made us a very pleasant call during va
cation. He is one of Nebraska's schoolmarms and came
to the Teachers' Convention.
A company of Falladians met for a good time at the home
of Miss Ethel Marsland on Tuesday evening. They report
that they got what they went for in spite of the mud.
From the Plattsmouth Herald we learn that Miss Mary
Thompson, a daughter of Prof. S. R. Thompson and a former
student in the University, died a short time ago in Pennsylvaia.
The Seniors were most pleasantly entertained by Miss Ellen
Smith, the Registrar, on the evening of the 17th of March.
The time enjoyed by the dignified class was simply too good
to be described.
One of the Sophomore German students calls his book "Bill,
Spit it out." He says "William Tell" is too formal for him.
One of the well informed Y. M. C. A. boys speaks of St.
Paul and the other three gospels.
The Lincoln Duck Hunting Association has spent consider
able time discussing the question "Which gives the most en
joyment, pursuit or possession?" But no conclusion can be
arrived at, as none of the members ever realized the latter.
Mr. H. T. Conley paid his friends in this vicinity a short
visit not long since. We understand that he intends shortly
to commence practicing law. The Hesperian joins Mr. Con
ley's many University friends in wishing him success and pros,
The Pals and Unions had society as usual Friday, March 19.
A literary(?) and social time was indulged in until ten and one
half o'clock when they dispersed after resolving unanimously
that everybody had had more fun than you could schuetteln a
baton at.
We have been rather "on the fence" iu this war that has
waged upon the marking system but when a Prof, hunts all
over town for the hardest pencil he can find in order that he
may be able to give a person the smallest possible mark, we
do feel as though the marking system must go.
The officers elected by the University Union society for
the Spring Term are as follows: President, L. H. Cheney;
Vice-President, Miss Clark; Secretary, Mr. Larkin; Assistant
Secretary, Roscoe Pound; Critic,Miss Cramphorn; Treasurer,
Mr. Petersen; Sergeants-at-Arms, Dan Cheney and J. B. Fo
garty. Our genial friend, W. E. Johnson, who was formerly con
nected -with The Hesperian is exhibiting his business enter
prise in his management of the Daily Evening News 61 this
city. His subscription list now numbers between 800 and 900
and is steadily increasing. The Hesperian wishes W. E.