Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1886, Image 20
THE HESPERIAN. 3tell it to Mm Metis THAN YOU MEET THAT ""at:e3S ib:r,o WANT YOU TO BUY SHOES OF THEM. 935 0 STREET, LINCOLN. GEORGE H. POEHLER, -SENDS OUT Good News for the University Students!! The Announcement of the Prominent Bakery, Finest Confectionery and Oyster Parlor in the West. GEO. H. POEHLER, PROF.; 1 132 O ST., NEARLY OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE. gxcelsior portrait gtudio, ANDREWS. 132-3 S. Eleventh Si. LINCOBN. Cabinets 4.00 per doz. Tclcpfconc 83. -2 -Qmk, Mb mi Ml wwttd Dealer in all kinds of iteatet Wsk mi m te Fresh Butter and Eggs always on hand. 1223 O Street, Lincoln. Portrait and Landscape Photographer. Stereoscopic Views of Principal Huilding for sale. Views taken to order, Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Special Mlales to Siutlentn : 129 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET.