Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1886, Image 14
THE HESPERIAN. FOR FINE GROCERIES GO TO mickey Stevens Cask iiirEs Fine Teas arid Coffees a Specialty. Get our Prices. 1629 O Street. L. H. FULLER, carpets, masonic temple $xlldim Jfferarjf? &octetgm "Forma Mentis JSterna ." Regular meetings every Friday ovonlng commencing promply at 8 o'clock, Studonts and srangers wolcomo. Gontlcmous debat ing clnb moots every Saturday evening Ladles clnb meets Friday afternoon, nt 4 o'clock. Wilbur 0. Knight, Pros. 0carV. Stout. Secy. M, Artistic Portraits, Now Studios 1020 O St. L.NCOLN, - -- NEBRASKA tJLVtae Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Notorial Seals, Steel Stamps, Stencils. Buggagc Checks, fwaf M Name Plates, HH Key Rings and Tags, HHjV Briss Alphabets, BSHB Rubber Type, Badges of all Kinds, NO . 320 S. ELEVENTH STREET. WARD'S B. F. WARD, PROPRIETOR. 1122 N Street. New Sanitarium. For tho treatment of Chronic Diseases, Turkish, Electrical, Russian, Med icated, Soda, Saline, Shower, Swing ing and fresli water baths. ' The cel ebrated Artesian magnetic mineral waters are used hero. The most com plete health resort in tho went. F. B. RIGUTER, M. D., Medical Director. 338 S. 11 STREET, LINCOLN. fyuvcrgity jfniou, "UtteraecumeleganUa mundum agant." Moote every Friday ovenlng in Union Hall Studonts and strangers cordially invited. Dobhimg Club ovory Saturday evening, opon to nil. All meetings commence promptly at 8 o'clock. Kathleen Ilearn,PrcB. Luke Uhonoy, Secy. Telephone 501. 0. B. Howell & Co. Wholesale and and Itotall Jobbers in ( -A 13 ZcL Ej jO Sj AND UNDERTAKER'S SUPRLIES. Fine City Undertaking. NO. 241 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. 5 td .h 0 35 o g O 29 w r ti 0ho n , hKdw 0 y 1 Sog g p nog cr. o 3 2 E. VIOI.A DOWDEX. J08IK L. D1WDKN. BLUEBIRD Millinery & Notions O and 12th Sts. Opp. Opera House. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. JHhibilicemt Jpiernrg octcty "Nulla vtttigla retronum." Meots every Friday ovenlng commencing at eight o'clock promptly. Charles S, Allen, Pres. Laura Roberts, scc'y. BLUE FRONT. trt.ttf Railroad and Ticket Broker Money saved to all points. Tickets bought, sold and exchanged to any part of the U. S. You 'vlll consult your lntorest by calling Telophono 531. 180 North 11 St. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA F. E. NEWTON, Dealer In Hardware, Stoves, AND Kousi Furnishing Goods, 230 South Eleventh St. Baldwin: 1228 O Strecr. FINE GOODS A SPECIALTY. Caspar Klushman, Manfacturer of FINE CIGARS. And Dealer in Tobacco, Snuffs, Pipes, &c-. xVo. aoj South Eleventh, 1