Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1886, Image 11
Wyooff's Candy Store and Ice Cream Parlors are at 139 Sonth llthSt STUDENTS' SUPPLIES AND -.Holiday Goods:- Can be found at Clason & Fletcher's. Tho finest lino In tlio city Knotts & Seitz, ALL TH BOys Dealers in WETERFII2l,ft'ft Tonsorial Emporium CALL ,AND GET OUK SPECIAL STUDENTS' RATES! Staple Groceries. Teas and Codies a specialty. 1315 0 STREET. MA WE'S 1 121 O Street Fruits, Confectionery And such in full line. KENTZELMAN & CO., Dealers in Second Hand Goods. 1324 O Street, A specialty made in storing and repairing STOVIES pa- FIRST CLASS BOARD. NEW AND NEAT. BRUNSWICK DINING HALL. No. 237 South Eleventh Strecl. Four Dollars per week; single meals Twenty-five Cents. .,, N. E. NUTTING, Prop. W. C. ROHDE, Dealer and Jobber in MEATS. 113 South Tenth St., LINCOLN. - NEBRASKA. STUDENTS Gel their washing dose at tlic Chinese Lawncbry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 217, North nth. J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. Office Rooms 5 and 6, over Unrl y'a Drue Storo. Residoncc 1830 Q Street. " - DEALEK IN Stoves & Hardware. Opposite P. O., East Side. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA UNI VERSITY J?. Sh W. & A Joint prayer nicotines In room No. 6evory Wednenday evening beginning at 7:45 and closing at 8:80. All studouts are earnestly Invited to attend. Mary Campbell Pros. Y. W. 0. A. W. S.Purrln, Pres. Y. M. O. A. Offlco 1125 N Streot. A. C. INGRAM, DEALER IK WALL PAPER, PAINTS, WIN DOW GLASS, Etc. Painting and Artistic Dec orating. Dnno on short notlco at low prices. 1334 O Si Flanagan Bros. DEALEUS IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND Highest price paid for second-hand goods. 115 South Tenth. Takp tho GIRLS To tho Old Reliable Candy Kitchen, For tho best Candlos In tho Clly, 142 S.iath. HUTCHINS & HYATT, COAL AND WOOD. Sawed and split wood a specialty. Tine kindling. Offlco, 1040 O Street. S850-00 CASH FREE Including THIRTY Royal Allumined Gold Watches. Also iooo Fine Photo gravure Steel Engravings and Oil Paint mgs worth in the Original from $6.oo to $40.00 each. FREE1 ABSOLUTELY FREE " ,,Q YQU! Thn nnlillttVini-a nf TUIP ATvtr -vt nti nrv7 IUEIt desire to pecure 50.000 new subscri bers I This Is our Blblo compotlon, and woorS850.00 In money and watches: al so 000 Works of Art ro tho first 1003 por sons answorlng tho following question: .1 'iSr? ,,B .th,elt?I,ow,nK. f'ontunco found in tho Blblo: "JOSEPH DIED." Thoflrst thirty .persons answering will ro S75000 A,Il,mlned Gold Watch, oach $25,00, Tho Hint person answering will recolvo $15. Tho82dporsou answering will receive $10. The 83d person ausworlng will rocotre $5. Ihotioxt 70 persons answering will reclcve $1. lho next GOO pomons answorlug will recolvo each one Art Work. if yon are not first, romombor you may bo second or third, or at any rate you stand a good chance. Hond your answer r-OWl lO-DAil Each competitor ran t sond us a 50c POSTAL. NOPE, for which wo will solid you oar pnpor ONE YEAH. Prizes will bo promptly sont to tho lucky winners by mall, and tholr names will he published in our paper. This In tho grand est offer ever made by rollab o newspaper publishers. Wo rofer to nny 2unk or Com mercial Agoncy. Sond at once. ddrena ADVANCE COURIER 243 State Htreot. : Cnlcago, III. No answer noticed without amount of subHcrlption oiiclonod, EJT'Mcntion this paper. MMMHI ERVGUS DEBILITATED MEM. You are allowed a free Mai ofttortv av or tho uo of Dr. Dye's Colobrntert Voltaic Ilelt with Electric 8uspensory Appliances for the -spcrriy r:"ef and permanent cure of Nrrvous DfliUltu.lost of Vitality and tlanhowl, and all klndrnl troubles. Also for many other Ulenrs. Complete restora tion to Balth, Vigor and Mnnhood gtinrantccd. mvclope mailed freo. by tulrircailng VOLTAIC BtLX CO,, V anUlt Mick.