Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1886, Image 1
THE HESPERIAN UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XIV. LINCOLN, NEB., APRIL x, 1886. No. XII. CURRENT REMARK. The Hesperian wants to make one more appeal to the people of Lincoln before election. For goodness sake, let us have officers that will make good laws and enforce them! There is no use of petty political schemers influencing our city administration. We ought to elect good men without re gard to party, and will do so if we keep our senses about us and try. Let us be alive now and on election day. Those students who have not called at the Y. M. C. A. rooms on icth St. should do so at once, for they are worth see ing; and we would advise all of our young gentlemen to join that Associaton. We have nothing in the line of a gym nasium here, but by joining them we can have all the benefits of one besides helping the Association. It is a very pleasant) cheerful place and one that can hardly fail to be attractive to young men. Lincoln's building is booming again. A large number of three and four story buildings are going up this spring. In spite of fate and Omaha it seems as if this is to be indeed a city. If it is to be one there will have to be some great im provements in the way of streets. A place where the mud is so deep on the business streets that farm horses can hardly pull an empty wagon, will have to brace up before it can be called a city. The severe sentence of Herold, the man who made money by failing, is exciting considerable comment. But to one not interested it would seem to be no more than just. There is a great deal of this kind of business going on in this country, aud the sooner it is sat down upon the better. There is no way to do this that will be so effectual as to send those in dulging in the practice to the house over the hill, there to re flect upon the error of their ways. The Thurstons seem willing to accept the challenge of the Fitzgcralds and will probably be turned loose in Lincoln. It is to be hoped that there will be an end to this squabble over honors at that time. When we stop to think that there w as only one scrub team besides those from Nebraska at the great contest, we smile a little at the enthusiasm shown over the fleet-footed Fitrgeralds and think that their grounds for boast ing were not of prodigious proportions. No other man in the Senate is making such a stiras our own Van Wyck. Part of the time he votes for the Republicans, part of the time for the Democrats, but chiefly for Van Wyck. It is rather amusing to watch his antics and then rea.d the tor, rents of abuse that Lincoln's "Great Family Newspaper" hurls at him each day. There will be lots of fun next winter when the Legislature come? to elect a successor to the sharp tongued Anti-monop, and The Hesperian proposes having a front seati The tendency to exaggerate was illustrated by the blaze at the Pen the other day. It was not half an hour after the first report of the fire reached the city, till it was all one mass of flames; the convicts nearly all at large; several people killed; great danger of Linboln being raided. In reality there was no cause for excitement at all: "On every hand the flying rumors rolled, Scarce any tale was sooner heard than told, And all who heard it added something new And those who told it made enlargement too; In every ear it spread, on every tongue it grew." The inter-state oratorical contest is to be held this year at Lawrence, Kansas, and quite a number of students from our Institution are going to be there. Though Nebraska will not have a mighty orator there, to astonish the people from the eastern side of the Father of Waters, yet she proposes to see the fun of the thing at least. It will be a good thing for our students to get acquainted with those of K. S. U. as well aa those from the cast. The Hesperian would urge that as mauy as possible go from the University and that an appeal be made to the railroads for reduced rates. Let us go to work and see if we cannot send a delegation of at least twenty to the Accumulated Outburst of Oratory. We are not going to try to tell when and where the redicu lous custom of observing April Fool's Day originated; enough to say it is time honored. From the very infantile "See that spider on the wall," to the neatly done up package with a brick in it, thence by various degrees up to Calhoun's stu. pendous jokes in the "Journal it is all very funny, very cute indeed. The man who gets up an original trick for this event ful day ought to have a chromo and a man who gets off none at all ought to be put in a glass case and marked "Rare spec imen." After all it is a day of good sport for the children, and the other people are fooled so much in life that once or twice extra will do no harm; so, perhaps it is just as well as it is; besides, it illustrates one of the .remarks of the learned Shakespeare, "What fools we mortals be." An old "chestnut" which shows its face at the usual inter vals is to the effect that there arc more colleges in the state of Ohio than in France and Germany combined. It illustrates an idea which has been strong and which, though giving way to something better, still retains much of its hold upon certain classes of college patrons; that idea is that number of colleges ought to be considered rather than quality, or that a college is a college, if it have but the name. Germany and France Mb gether may not have as many colleges as Ohio, but the fact remains that Germany alone has institutions that are superior to any in the United States in educational advantages. It might be added that the American passion for calling every thing above an inferior high school a college is also brought out. That Americans are awakening to an appreciation' of economy in education and are beginning to see that one insti tution thoroughly equipped is better than ten poorly preparad makes us glad ...' l'