Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 15, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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The girls are forbidden to chew gum at Lascllc.
' The Brown Glee Club is preparing selections from the
'' The University of Wisconsin is getting its new machine
shop in working trim.
Part of the art collection of the sculptor Rogers has been re
ceived at Michigan University.
The Greek play to be given by the students of University of
Pensylvania is estimated to cost $3,000.
. Harvard has rescinded the prohibition of football, since the
inter-collegiate game has been greatly modified.
Williams has subscribed $1,200 for next spring's ball team.
This refers to Williams College, not to our Williams.
The faculty of Yale have decided that Yale cannot grant a
degree to a woman and the only female student that college
ever had has left.
The Catholic students of Michigan University, numbering
247, have organized a lecture board for the purpose of having
eminent Catholic speakers during the winter.
The Press and Badger is wroth because an exchange got the
recent trouble concerning drill at Madison so twisted that
twenty Seniors were expelled for refusing to drill.
It is reported hat the Senior class at Cornell intend to raise
a fund sufficient to give an annual income of $50 to $100
which shall be given as a prize for Senior oratory.
The various colleges in the Kansas State Oratorical Associ
ation have mostly finished their local contests and will soon
try again for honors in a contest where "Greek meets Greek."
Johns Hopkins once said "Next to the hell of being utterly
bereft of money is the purgatory of having a vast amount of
it. I have amission, and under its shadow I have accumu
lated wealth, but not happiness."
The Regents of the State University of Iowa in a late ses
sion abolished orations from graduates of the law department
of that institution and have substituted there or an address by
some prominent man a la medics.
Williams College has $1200 to support her base ball club
for the coming season. We would moralize on the good this
money might do in other directions, but refrain because the
money will probably go to the club any way and our breath
is too valuable to waste.
Of The Hesperian, University of Kansas, we can only say
that the cover is the most attractive feature about it. With
this issue of the Vandermlt Observer an inexperienced
person enters upon the duties of Exchange Editor. -Vander-hilt
Observer. These are propositions which prove each other.
The Berkleyan in its last issue is marred by several typo
graphical errors. Its principal article is on athletics and con.
sists of reports from twenty four colleges, aggregating nearly
seven thousand students. Each one of these reports advocat?s
athletic drill and anyone searching for ideas in regard to the
subject will find many useful hints here.
The University Press and Badger hat an unusually good
department of "Other Colleges" in its issue of February 16,
but in another column it resurrects a question which, we
thought, had been talked to death the question of an ex
change column. In its place it would have a separate column
for the discussion of topics of inter-collegiate interest. We
would mildly suggest that it wouldn't hurt such a column to
have the old and appropriate name of "Exchange" at its
head. The trouble is that "taffy" is cheaper than honest criti
cism. If you want the exchange column livelier leave out
the taffy, leave out the taffy.
The Hesperian mops its perspiring brow with a bandanna
and begs the girls of Rockford Seminary Magazine to wait
just a little while. Charity begins at home, and until the
girls in our immediate vicinity are supplied with taffy and
gum we cannot conscientiously spend money on Foreign Mis
sions. But when vacation removes some of our burdens we
shall sec.
The Campus in its last number commits the grave error of
extracting from the Century an article by E. C. Steadman on
"Keats" which would have been equally accessible in that
magazine. The Campus attacks the Academica with consider
able vim for exceptions which the latter journal took to an ar
ticle in the Campus. It strikes us, howevej, that both jour
nals belittle themselves in such a quarrel.
From the Wesleyan Bee we learn that the Unitarian Pub
lishing House is distributing the complete works of Chan
ning, neatly bound, to all "young theologians." Good! We
forthwith renew our youth, and are henceforth theologians;
only give us the address of the Unitarian Publishing House.
Not that we value the works of Channing so supremely, but
anything which can be procured for nothing in this mercenary
age should not be neglected.
The University of Wisconsin has a class of five in Hebrew;
but while Hebrew flourishes the students at that place seem
to be "getting it back" on the military department. The
bands and screws of all the light rifles were lately stolen and
now the quartermaster discovers that a thousand rounds of
cartridges have disappeared. If we were to express our
opinion of it it would be in the words of Shakespeare: "There
is scnething rotten in Denmark."
For some months The Hesperian has been anxiously
awaiting the appearance of the revised edition of Webster's
dictionary, which has been promised at sundry times for the
last year; but now comes the information that it will take two
years. If that means two years from the time the work was
commenced, there remains some hope; but if not, the present
generation will never see the revised Webster. But maybe
the Vidette-Reporter got a chestnut.
The Vanderbilt Observer comes out for February in a new
and becoming dress. The material is fairly good indeed
some of its contents are really interesting. One article on
"Licht, mehr Licht" is too pretentious, and the author, hav
ing chosen an abstract subject, makes a mistake common to
immature writers and spreads himself literally and figuratively.
Then such expressions as "We pour over the Bible" makes us
wonder whether the writer or the typo is at fault.
The Press and Badger, in an editorial, bewails the decline
of oratory. In touching pathos the fact is declared that only
about one third of the graduating classes have orations Ora
torical contests are held beneath the dignity of the institution,
and orations in literary societies are considered a- bore. The
mourner regrets all this because that student does not "go
forth into the world well equipped, who has not at his com
mand an oratorical style of speaking and writing." While
we value the oration highly we wish to call the attention of
our friend to the fact that, while an oratorical style may be
extremely desirable for the speaker, the successful writer must
cultivate an entirely different style. Nor is it every one'that
can be an orator with any amount of practice, and for a great
number other things are of more importance. In fact, while
the article contains good thoughts, the writer gushes rather
too much to suit us.