Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 15, 1886, Image 14
r xssPlskJtAtf. . . ... ..Atw.- The UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. I&VING J. MANATTj PH. D., CHANCELLOR. I. College of LiteratlirSj Science arid tfie4" Arts. lis Industrial College. III. The College of Medicine; I-V. The Latin School; V; School of the Fine Arts. AU depaitriiehts opeil fdr the Winter term, Jan. 5. Examinations for admission Sept. and arid Jan. 4. THSrotigli courses in preparatinri for college and college courses leading to degrees of B. A., B. Sc;$ fi; L. B' G: E:j li: Agr.j aiid M. D. All schools open to both sexes, arid tuition free except in Fine Arts; Ex penses ldw' Fof catalogues and other information address the steward, J. Stuart Dales, Lincoln, NebraskA: STUDENTS . ATTENTION!! When in want of Books or Stationery PLEASECALL at IF1. Jl. -FJT-lft JBTf md5e iTOll, IN BASRMEKT tifr RICHARDS' EtodM: Examirie gdods and note pi ices. The only stdre in tbwri where "Bods are retailed at wliuleisale . . JJHceSi. Corner Eleventh and O Streets, Lincoln. HftMik jgyy b ;lfl3&P?lF 9$8 P Street, N otih af Gotft SiMire. wAivrEiiitiftti?, FiioiitiPtfM. Isvefy' styirof PietuTe knS'wfl to the Att made; Views 6f Hesldenbes aiid GrWtfe A filiH Assofftnent df Piffles, 'gtgredscSpelj Et6. ZXf