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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1886)
Wyootf's Candy Store and lee Creani Parlors are at 13$ South llthFi STUDEXTS' SUPPLIES AND -:Holidaty Goods:- Cnn be found nt Clason & Fletcher's. The flnuot line In the city WESTER FIELDS Tonsorial Emporium CALL AND GET OUR SPECIAL STUDENTS' RATES! MA WES 1 121 O Street Fruits, Confectionery And such in full line. ? FIRST CLASS HOARD. j& ' NEW AND NEAT. BRUNSWICK DINING HALL. No. 237 South Eleventh Strecl. Four Dollars per week; single meals Twenty-five Cents. N. E. NUTTING, Prop. STUDENTS G&jI their wishing loiicnt ilit Chinese Laundry, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 217. North nth. Knotts & Seitz, Dealers in Staple Groceries; Tens and Coffies a specialty. 1315 O STREET. KENTZELMAN & CO., Dealers in Second Hmid Goods, , 1324 O Street, ALL THE BOYS Take tho GIRLS To (Jill Reliable Candy Kitchen. For the uft Unndlcs In the City, 142 S. 12th. HUTCMINS & HYATT, COAL AND WOOD. Hk-urnr nnt'ajut.r, DKAI.KU IN Stoves & Hardware. Opposite P. O., Eust Side. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA A specialty made in storing and repairing STdVBS W-. C. ROtiDE, Dealer and Jobber in MEATS. 113 South Tenth St., LINCCLN. - NEBRASKA. J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN. NEBHASKA. Office Booms 6 nnd 0. over Harloy's Drug Store. Residence 1320 O Street. UNI VEESITY Jotut iira)ur incutlnud In room No. 6euyy Wcdnonaay evening beginning hi 7:45 nnd closing at 8:80. All students are unruviiy Invited to attend. Mary Campbell Pros. Y, W. 0. A. W.H.Perrln, PrcH.Y.M.O.A. JB. L. r,MIJVM3. .wr. Im Offlco 1125 N Street. A. C. INGRAM, UKALlili IN WALL PAPER, PAINTS, WIN DOW GLASS, Etc. Painting and Artistic Dec orating. Done on short nollco ntloy price. 1:134 O M Flanagan Bros I)KALK118 IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND aoo.DS IIIghoBt price paid for eccoud-hand good. 115 South Teuiji. Sawed und split wood n specialty. Pine kindling. Office. 1040 O Stroot. si? UK fc.2" 1 IMS: a ?'2 oS JO V a t S - n S3 ?E A to CO . " (" 3132. g &3 S? ' S B ass?- 2v5fc ?Plf81l?Hl s ffSp-&sm Si& III bs ra m mo fiSIP anw && B31 8. ia ; 5a n ff &3h 'JfB P Sfci W 8 Pfeg gig-Pi & Sri 5 21 12 C . NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You nro allowed a fret Mai of thirty day of tho nso of Dr. Dyo'a Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Klectrlo Suspensory Appliances for the snredy ri'l'cf nnd permanent cure of Awu DebUUu.ipn of Vitality nnd iUmhood, nnd all kindred troultlri. Also for ninny other diseases, romplete rcMorn (Ion to llinllh, Vigor nnd Mnnhood, Minruntced. No risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In bnaleU mvelope mailed free, by addressing . ., , , Voltaic blt co., Marshall, Mich.