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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1886)
THE HESPERIAN. FOR FINE GROCERIES GO TO Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty. Get our Prices. 1629 O Street. L. H. FULLER, carpets, masonic temple galladian giferarg &0chtg, "Forma Mentis JSterna ttt." Regular meetings every Friday evening commencing promply nt 8 o'clock. Students and rangers welcome. Gcntlcmcns rebat ing clnb mccis every Saturday evening Lad 1 cs clnb meets Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Wilbnr C. Knlgbt, I'rea. OBcnrV. Stoat, Secy. f Artistic Portraits, New Murine 3(125) OSt. Lincoln, - a i & limit B Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, H Notorial Seals, """B Steel Stamps, M J Stencils, CZir isi3tl!!B llap'P'ap'c Checks. Name Plates, Key RingsandTags, Brass Alphabets, Rubber Type, Badges ol all Kinds, NO. 320 S. ELEVENTH STREET. WARD'S u 11. F. WARD, PROPRIETOR. H22 N Street. New Sanitarium. For the treatment ol Chronic Diseases , Turkish, Electrical, RuKsiun, Med iented, Soda, Suline, Shower, Swiiu ing and fresh water bulliB. I he cel ebrated Artesian magnetic: iu'iLerul waters ar,e used here. The ihost com plete health resort in the west F. B. RIGUTER.M.JX, Medical Director. 238 S. 11 STREET, LINCOLN. jitwcrfitg Mi, "LUltroe cvmelegantta mwdum cgatiW" Mcc's every Friday evrnlng in Union Hall Students and Grangers cordially invited Debiting Cluli every Saturday evening, open to nil. All meetings commence promptly at 8 o'clock. Kathleen Hears, Prea. Luke Cheney. Secy. Telephone 501. O. B. Howell & Co. Wlioli'sale and and Itetall Jobbers In AND UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. Pine City Undertaking. NO. 241 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. 0-3 t"1; Q O 3 td o o 7T to H K a i-c 11: 1 . fcaes a ;op aa- 33 Oh o S - tr1 Q O to -1 j5 in 5 P an ()3 P n- O D fD -i 05 f M s E. VIOLA D0WDKN. J0B1E L. DIWDXN. BLUE BIRD Millinery & Notions O and 12th Stn Opp. Opera Ilouee. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. HHIHkmilHHKf JikileiictZH itcrrg dttg "Nulla vetligia rWroravm." Meets every Friday evening commencing at eight o'clock promptly. Charles S. Allen, Pres. Laura Roberts. secV. BLUE FRONT. t tfa. Railroad and Ticket Broker Money saved to all points. Tickets bought, sold and exchanged to any part of the U. S. ETou will consult vour interest by calling Telephone 531. 380 North 11 St. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA F. E. NEWTON, Dealer In Hardware, Stoves, AND Nhsi FiKftisMtg finds, 230 South Eleventh St. Baldwin's -jafrgr TJf3H& 'Vw'?"?' At SSc,.3 Jf ISSViaSv JLj?,,.. X JBK TWT"f"rWV 1228 O Streer. FINE GOODS A SPECIALTY. Caspar Kluskman, Manfacturcr of FINE CIGARS. And Dealer in Tobacco, Snuffs, Pipes, &c. No. soj South Eleventh.