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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1886)
THE HESPERIAN. . STUDENTS' SUPPLIES AND -:Holiday Goods:- Can bo found at Clason & Fletcher's. The fluent line In tho city WESTERFIELD'S Tonsorial Emporium CALL AND GET OUR 8PECIAL STUDENTS' RATES! Knotts & Seits, Dealers in Staple Groceries. Teas and Coffies a specialty.- 1315 O STREET." KENTZELMAN & CO., 1324 O Street, Second Hand Goods. Perkins Bros. MAKE SCHOOL SHOES A Specialty GENTS SEWED SHOES At Uottom Prices. M. Harris y DENTIST. Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver and Rub ber. All work Guaranteed. Office over Newman's Store, O St. J. & D. Newman, 1027 O STREET, The Oldest -.Dry Goods:- HOUSE IN THE CITY. Special Prices to Students. STUDENTS Get their wnNliing done at the Chinese Laundry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 217, North nth. HEJM1T HIWU.H.l.Y, DEALER IN Stoves & Hardware. Opposite P. O., East Side. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA STOVES Stored and Repaired. A. HALTER, Dealer and Jobber in MEATS. 216 North Tenth St., LINCOLN, NEHRASKA. J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN. NEB ASKA. Ofllcc Rooms 5 nnd 6. over Hnrley's Drug Store Residence 1330 G Street. A complete fall stock of Ladies' Foot-wear. Also full line of rubbers, etc. Special attention to Stude'nts 1120 O St. Portrait and Landscape Photographer. Stereoscopic Views of Principal Buildings for sale. Views taken to order. Special Kates to Students ! 129 South Eleventh Street, Lincoln. UNI VEKS1TY Joint prayer meetings in room Mo. 5 every Wednesday evening beginning at 7M5 and closlugat 8:80. All students are earnestly Invited to attend. Mary Campbell PrcB. Y. W. 0. A. W 8. Perrln, Pres. Y. 21. O. A. ft. L. P,tIJVJE, jr. ., OfflcoU25N Street. A. C. INGRAM, --DEALER IN WALL PAPER, PAINTS, WIN DOW GLASS, Etc. Painting and Artistic Dec orating. Done on short notice at low prices. 12M O St Flanagan Bros. DEALEI18 IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND FIRST CLASS HOARD. NKW AND NKAT. BRUNSWICK DINING HALL. No. 237 South Eleventh Strccl. Four Dollars per week; single meals Twenty-five Cents. N. E. NUTTING, Prop. Highest price paid for second-hand goods. 115 South Tcnik; ALL THE BOYS 'lake thu GIRLS To : u old UcllnMu Candy Kitchen. Kortho be t Candles In thu City, 142 8. 12th HUTCHINS & HYATT, COAL AND WOOD. Sawed and epllt wood a specialty. 1'lue kindling. Office, 1010 O Street.