Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 15, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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We would like to "warn students against walking on or near
the railroad tracks. For, being so accustomed to the noise in
the library, they would scarcely notice that made by an ap
proaching train.
Tutor Hodgman is musical very. At all hours of the day
and flight his clear, (dinner) bell-like voice charms the resi
dents of 1504 S St, and the surrounding country. It is said
that he carried off about all the honors at the recent Messiah
A great many have cautioned ns concerning the expediency
of allowing the treasurer of the Hesteriax Association to
control the funds of that corporation without giving bonds.
For the benefit of those who have any 3oubts on. this point
we would state that Mr, Gerwig -deceives his looks he is
The cadet band is very quiet this term, but they are prac
ticing three times a week, and intend to astonish Captain Cod.
ding next spring with the sweetness of their music and cor
rectness of tune. We understand that Allison is leading cor
nctist. Breech blows solo alto, consequently Knight is not
much missed.
No one who attended Adelaide Moore will question the fact
that Con McMillan earned his ticket. His tumultuous Ap
plause at the wrong time somewhat disconcerted the actors,
still he showed the Tight kind of spirit and his -desire to fulfill
his part of the contract. Con's reputation as an applaudcr is
beyond question.
.Why is it that we have so little college spirit? Why dowe
walk around like a funeral procession? If a stranger should
visit us who did not know the facts, he would conclude that
we were a lot of dyspeptics or consumptives who had come
out here to die, instead of anumbcr of young, vigorous, able
bodied men and women. Something is wrong.
A certain member of the preparatory class was very anxious
to have one of the instructors decapitated. She proclaimed
this desire in the halls one day, and even called -upon a full
fledged professor to act as executioner. Tne cause of such an
insane desire was simplyasevere examination. Atthepresent
writing the instructor is still alive and uninjured.
One cannot with impunity fool with electricity as a student
of the Physics class will testify. He got upon that chairwith
glass legs in the presence of the. class the other day and be
came so thoroughly charged that not only the hairs of his
head stood on end, but a few suspiciously long ones over his
coat followed suit. He was intensely disgusted and the class
smiled audibly.
The speakers who will hold forth tonight, arc, as near a we
can find out as follows: Governor Dawes, Ex-Gov. David
"Butler, Professors Hitchcock, Nicholson and Howard, and
the following students: Miss Gage and Messrs. Will Owen
Jones, Geo. B. Fiankforter and Dwight Moore. After the
speaking the society halls will be thrown open and a social
time will be iudulgcd in. No student should miss it.
It seems, that by some inconceivable blunder, the girls and
boys were seated on opposite sides in one of the Roca-bound
sleighs and when the vehicle collapsed, the fair ones were
thrown not very gently into the arms of their escorts. "Gros
sie" Polk was deposited on aneighboring snow drift where he
lay fifteen minutes anxiously waiting for some one to fall into
his aims but was disappointed and caught a bad cold besides.
He has our sympathy.
A small, one-horse establishment down south tears its hair
oyer tthe fact that The Hesi'eiuan don't amount to much
'out side its covers." Our esteemed contemporary has hit the
the nail on the head except that the effort has no point. Of
course The HEsrERt an doesn't pretend to be much outside
of its covers. The consolidated brains of five editors are ex
erted to crowd the material inside the covers, and it is indeed
unfortunate if their product is so thin that it will not stay
The report of the contest was badly mangled by the Stelt
Journal Barrett's "Luther" was made "Butler," to the in
tense disgust of that gentleman. Other mistakes there were
in prolusion, the most noticeable being the omission of the
name of Miss Mary Leonard from the list of the musiciansT
Our usually staid and reliable friend Wheaton was the man
responsible for the article, but he could not have Tead the
proof, as he is a temperate man. The fiend who did it had
evidently been mixing nose paint, the fames of which clouded
his judgment, (Figure of speech.)
It is great pity that some of our seniors are so frisky.
They arc far from being models after which the "Preps" may
pattern. It is scarcely becoming to the dignity of seniors to
throw waste-paper baskets at .each other, when they are supr,
posed to be studying. "Such Towdyism is not to be Tolerated
in Toom No. 5," remarked the Prof. Allen faced the music,
manfully, but Miss Myers couldn'tacta lie,socamc'totheres;
cue with "I did it;l threw thebashet."In the meantime Force
and Miss Fisher were trying to sec who could blush most, -and.
look most innocent. Miss Fisher came out ahead; Force then
turned pale, Allen went out to get some fresh air and MisSj,
Myers laughed. But when it was all past, they each breathed,
a sigh of relief and took a solemn vow to conduct themselves
in the future as becomes members of the Senior class of a State
University. Hereafter they will only smile on rare occasions,
Time, Saturday at 2:301. m; place, Lincoln; persons, twenty
four Palladian triends of Anna Keys; destination, Roca with
a big "R;" armament, two four-horse sleighs and sundry oys
ter cans. These conditions beinggiven, the imagination may t
easily solve the remainder. To besurc, a thawhad struck the
snow, but not our feelings; the bare places only made thesnow
better appreciated - as Will Carleton says, "To appreciate
heaven well, 'tis good for a man to have about fifteen minutes,
of hell" and the rutsin the drifts only added a good prospect,
of the only remaining essential to complete happiness, an up
set. We didn't ride all the way there of course not. Part
of the time we were out, engaged in the delightful pastime of
putting snow down each others' necks, and it is affirmed
by one load that there were eight inches of solid snow in the
bottom of their sleigh when they reached Roca. Kocaites
have had some experience before, but several were seen to
faint away and others ran for shelter when the melodious
strains of -"We're going to sell peunutc in Ro Egy ca pt"
assailed their ears. After recovering they assured the repor
ter of the party that they thought it was a winter cyclone.
The party found their amiable hostess well fortified against
attack, but succeeded in storming the supper. An evening
crammed with fun and a party stuffed with supper filled the
remainder of the evening and the Keys mansion. Those of
the party who had reached years of responsibility had agreed
to have the co-eds safely in Lincoln before Sunday and the
party turned their faces homeward shortly after nine o'clock,
calling down blessings on the heads and "hearts of those who
had so hospitably entertained them. But alas for expecta
tions! and woe to plans! The addition of supper had so in
creased the avoirdupois of the party that,'before they had
gotten out of Roca, one of the sleds gave way. For somegno
raents consternation Tclgned supreme butby the united efforts,
of the two drivers Jind Fletcher, the breakwas repaired 'and