Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 15, 1886, Image 1

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Vol. XIV.
No. VII.
Maimer, while it can beautify all life, costs nothing, and
never generated an evil thought or word.'"
The University of Vermont hasiheldest$Sw3entonreoord.
He as in the class of "S5 and is & years old.
Tli ere is mot yet any inventory of a man's (faculties, any
more than a bible of his opinions. Emcrsem,
This is an age of wonderful "discoveries, A senior lady re
cently -saw a iman riding an encyclopedia. Dial.
An authority on annsic says there are S,ooo,coo professional
and amateur piano players in tie United States.
"It is a poor plan to build without a foundation, font it is
equally bad Ho be always laying a foundation and neverbuHld
'"'A man wlo knows men, can talk well on politics,
trade, law, -war, religion. For everywhere, men are Bed an
the same manners.''''
They say that a certain professor at Kansas University told
on eof his stu dents "Ifjvra should put a single drop of that
acid on your tongue it would IdTll a "dog.''
There 5s 310 apparent a'cauon why Senator Sanford's Umi
versrry Jit Palo Alto, California, with an -endowment of $20,
ooo,'OOOshouldmotIbooome theflending University oftbe world.
Three of President Cleveland's cabinet are college -graduates:
W. C Whirnej-, on53, at Yale; W. C Endioott, of "ay,
at Harvard, sand W. IF. Volas, offS, at the University of
Important 'documents bearing on the period from Henry Hto
Ellr.obtith nf England ttinve lately been 8onnd an Bel woir castle.
They are said tto shed mew light on tthe 'discover and settle
anent of America.
litis reported tthat the mumVer ioftud arts caught crlKbang an
cvamlnnilons ttfKis j'oar at Conneifl was mnnsuaTily large. This
rmeans 'unusual -vigilance n the part "tfiuithii:tiesoriincreased
micm-il tdoprtwhy 3n students,
'CjunnnsdcieHerciHes have been rmaflc ifibligateir' at tthe
Urii varsity tS UemiBjtivarint. The igjunnnsium has trccon
Hieen ireTfttcfl atan 'CiqpmiBe iof $25000, and the Harwar-d Sj'E
tem 'dfigymmis'ties has been adoptod.
The iflisoevery'ur ancient -engraved 'gams and cawiofl -stones
shows (that tthe signs of tthe Zo3iac!ki)Dwmtt tus muse lanown
irilse te ithe OialdeaiiK. Thehusiun of the lcJBnr heavens
anlo ttwelve parts, presided over Iby rrwdJvc consteHntians, was
fin uise among tthe Babylonians.
A (firm of phatqgrajiberstma'kes tthe ffriHowing announcement
an ione of our exchanges: ""We give our tundhiided attention tto
tthe student ttrade. Our specialtieK: Children and Babies juo
ttures and tfamily groups.1" Such a "dead ;give-a-wa3 as tthat
would cause a mot toutlhere iin tthe rowdy west "We anay mat
the extremely cultured, Ibut have a regard for tthe elenial jprc
rpr3et3es!fhiitM'oul3ana'kesuch am adverfiBement an ampossl-HiUhy.
There's the man who lets yoa shake his linapy hand
He's a bore.
And the man who leans against yon when yon stand
Gel his gore.
There's the man who has a fear
That the world is, year by year,
Growing worse perhaps he's near
Bolt the door.
There's the fellow with connndroms quite antique
He's a bore.
And the man who asks yon ""What?" whenever yon speak.
Though yon roar.
There's the man who slaps your back
With a button-bursting whuk
If jvsn thinli he's on yonr trade
Bolt the door.
There's the punster with his everlasting pna
He's a bore.
And the man whe mates alliterative "fan"
Worse snd more!
There'sTiheman who tells the tale
That a year ago wjk stale
lake as not he's out of jail
Bolt the idoor.
CHnajrp Arr3ta.
Malhew Arnold hai accepted the nomination for the vacant
professorship of poetry at Oxford.
Maiheu Arnold 335 tthat proper training of the muscles of
tthe mouth would alone be sufficient tto make a people bean
iiful, and redeem the lowest s-pe from aitter rugliness; for the
sxn of a vtulgar face lies chiefly an tthe helpless, inexpressible
mouth. It as the charm of tthe French month, with its ever
vsrvang carves, that gives snch int-dlligence and expression tto
the Futcnch face
l-rom tthe CoraieM Sun we glean the foJUowdng items. Sev
teral tfaotihy changes are lbe anndeat tthe "dose oftthe present
collegiate 3ear, among Mftnch arc the (following; Ijr. D D.
Schurman, if llaKfnx N.S., ttalces the professorship of Ethics
and 3M1o9cj1)3' -onflowed Iby Henry. W.Sage, in tmemorj' of
this w4fe, w5th 50,'000 cash and a 4aoooo house tto Ibe erected
on olie campus. The chair of SansTait.and Modern Oriental
languages as 1 be "daBooDfinued and seusral professors are
a-ettlroA. Salaries of professors at CorneU tra ai from $1403 tto
The following dscUpped from tthe catalogue of the Utnivcr
sia3'of MasBouri: The idrefisofa young woman should be
simple. Simpl3cit3' an "dress, aught 2n atBelf 5b peculiarly becam
ang an a student for at saves, ttime, anoi', and tthoought
tto be concentrated for higher fmrposes. Therefore, tto avoid
extravagance and iffiEaxm criticism a22 3oung ladies attending
tthe xh'CTa'arrrfftdrXoMdpjiastTuirJialyMtdei. A
walHngsuitiof btaclcaljmcam-KhttrimmingE of tthe same color.
Al stated tames, a white waiBt nnay be substituted tfcar the
Mack alpaca withttximmingE of tthe same color. The style of
hat mini be announced at the beginning tof each year