Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 15, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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'Tis commonly reported that W. C. Knight has secured the
degree of D. D. since returning from the West. At any rate
his mail is directed to Rev. W. C. Knight.
Miss Glen Talbot was taken seriously ill with congest
ive chills last Sunday night. By her speedy and fortunate re
covery she greatly relieves a host of friends.
Mockctt, in delivering a lecture in the Soph, history class
the other day, remarked in a burst of eloquence "Tiberius
grew solemncholy." The melancholy class grew for a mo
ment quite hilarious.
New locks and springs have been supplied for the three
outside doors, and now they will shut themselves. These
appurtenances are to be charged to those students who have
thus, by their carelessness, made it necessary to incur this
additional expense.
Union Debater, refuting an argument against woinans' suff
rage: Because women vote is no reason they should go to
war, further more, if it were, they would be excusable on ac
count of their diligent labors with the infant-ry at home."
Riot debater killed.
The Freshman class have elected the following officers for
the Winter term:
President, Myra Clark; Vice President, Ethel Marsland;
Secretary, W. V. Robertson; Treasurer, I. C. Gambee; His
torian, C. S. Lobingier.
Theft of gloves and mittens from the pockets of over-coats
hanging on the hooks in the hall have been of frequent oc
curence lately. That any student could be guilty of such de
pravity seems, and is inpossiblc. It would hardly be healthy
for the offender if caught in the act.
Speldc knows a good thing when he sees it, and no amount
of money or jewels could induce him to leave Larkins board
ing club. The other boarders are jealous enough to assas
sinate him because the waiter favored him with something out
of the usual bill of fare one evening last week.
Palladian officers for the following term are, President,
W. C. Knight; Vice President, Miss Miller; Secretary, O.
VanPelt Stout; Cor. Secretary, Miss Wolf; Musical Sec,
Miss Aughey; Critic, C. S. Lobingier; Treasurer. J. R.
Schofield; Historian. Frank Manley; S'g'.t. at Arms, J. G.
The wind storm of the 4th inst. raised the chapel roof after
the most approved fashion. Slates could be seen flying in
every direction and were afterwards found scattered very
promiscuously over the campus. One took a bee-line for a
window on the second floor, and succeeded in demolishing
it. The chapel seems doomed.
There is a time when language will not do justice to our
thoughts so at least says a Junior, who, having delivered, as
he supposed a very eloquent lecture to his class and had taken
his seat, after a few moments of death like silence, was
asked when he would give his lecture and was told that his
preliminary remarks were very fair.
The Sophs, met in solemn session and elected the follow
ing officers for next terra: President, Miss Lantz; Vice Presi.
dent, Miss Baker; Secretary Miss Leighton; Treasurer, J.
Barrett; Historian, Miss Aughey. Barrett is in good com
pany. Later. Further developments have disclosed, that four of
the above Sophs got together and elected themselves.The fol-
owingis the corrected list: President, O.B.Polk; Vice Pre.;
MissCox;Secretary,Squire Mockett; Historian;Miss Barrett:
Treasurer Miss Talbot.
Go to Ewings for sealskin caps.
Attend the Lincoln Business College.
Go to Kelly's for fine work in photography.
Skating is the popular amusement at present.
Full line of silk mufllcrs and nobby silk handkerchiefs at
The concert at the Methodist church Friday evening next
will be the entertainment of the season, for students. Go.
The political candidate's motto Let's soap to win.
Kelly always docs well by the students. Give him a call.
You will always And Kelly on hand to do good work.
Manley keeps a full line of confectionary goods, give him a
Prof.Nicholson hopes to occupy the new laboratory by the
latter part of next term.
Students will receive best of attention at Manley's.
Bargains at T. Ewing's in Winter goods, don't fail to lcok
at them.
Dennis, the hatter, keeps a full line of gents furnishing
goods also of neckwear &c.
Mr. Fletcher the gentlemanly and popular business manager
of the Hesperian is well up in the ranks of amateur journal
sts. Ex.
Best Stetson and Dunlap hats at Dennis.
Manley has the cream of the candy trade.
Fine clothing Emporium.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing &Co's.
W. R. Dennis should be your hatter and furnisher.
H. W. Brown keeps a full assortment of students books.
You will always find a large stock of hats at W. R. Dennis
Go to F. Hurlbut to get soiled suits cleaned and colored.
Fine clothing at T. Ewing &Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at T. Ewing & Co's.
The radiators in the chapel have been bronzed, adding much
to the cheerful appearance of the room.
An invoice of library books has just been received. There
are two hundred of them.
The band has invested $3.00 in a gallon of wonderful met
al polish. The instruments cannot be looked at with the
naked eye hereafter.
Sam Westerfield is at his old stand and will make special
rates to students.
Go to the Howard House for day board. Best dollar a day
house in the city. You will receive prompt attention and
also warm meals here.
The Lincoln Business College took first premium at Neb
raska state fair for best business course. Best course in book
keeping aud largest and best collection of penmanship. It is
first clasb in all these departments.
A brass quintette club has been organized, consisting of
Messrs. Jones, O'Shca, Knight, Eagleston and 'Schofield.
These gentlemen have established reputations as musicians
and are not lacking in brass.
It is said that our friend C. II. Cowing is on the high-way
to ruin because of a severe loss of gold,he sustained a short
time since, while fooling with chemicals in the laboratory.
We would advise that hereafter he fool with less volatile-articles
and thus his teeth may be exposed without danger.