Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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' K 11 K S PERI A .V
C "y
JDt nt into Hell until
The last Lawrentian contains an enthusiastic defence of
Ireland which is well written. The Lnwrentian is another
clean exchange but its exchange column is not to prominent
as it should be.
At Princeton, where the discipline is said to be very pater-.
nal, hazing is fiercest. It" is a matter of general comment in
our exchanges and the idea of self government seems to be
rooting itself more and more strongly in the belief of college
A Professor of Systematic Divinity being unable to hear his
class, the following notice was given: "The Professor being
ill, requests me to say that the Seniors can keep on through
Purgatory, and Juniors continue the
further notice from the Professor."
Some of our "esteemed contemporaries" seem to be worried
because some exchange says they're the worst college journals.
They should console themselves, with the thought that every
exchange man must have some "worst specimens" and they
'fll a place which would otherwise he vacant.
Some of our brother ex. cds. arc disturbed because we do
not come up or down to their standard of college journal
ism. Perhaps our ideal is incorrect, but it would be more
charitable to tell us how to do than'to scnsclesslycondemn. "We
bog of our exchanges, don't talk so about us.
And now another Muhlenberg Monthly. It is an improve
in :nt on the last one especially in the inside matter which looks
mora like "getting there." The intellectual article "A Fresh
man on Socrates" was evidently written by a genius. Some
body will be president some time.
A writer in Doatte Cncl pays his compliments to Henry
George in the following words: "Henry George's principles
of taxation are nothing more than a scheme whereby the suc
cessful, the saving, the temperate, the industrious, shall as
sist the unsuccessful, the profligate, the vicious and the idle."
We welcome the Richmond College Messenger, which for
short we shall hereafter denominate R. C. Mess. Among its
articles we find every variety of subjects. It aspires to have
lJWar Papers" and contains "Trip to Battle-Fields below
Richmond." We are not informed whether thev are contin
ued or not.
The students of Michigan Univ. have had a racket with
the city police at Ann Arbor. The police appear to have
been very officious in dealing with the students and evident
ly acted for some chance to exercise' iheir power. "We heart
ily sympathize with the students for we have experienced a
certain measure of unapprcciative attention from those who
nevcrsaw the inside of a college; yet here, as everywhere,
keep cool.
"The Hesperian, published by the students of the Univcr.
sity of Nebraska, tried to be funny at our expense. It is
true we are small in appearance, but there is nothing small
about us. It is far better to be a diamond, sparkling in the
sun, diffusing light and truth, than a huge Nebraska boulder
of no use but to crumble and fall to pieces. Innter Academy
Review. Thanks; nothing pleases us better than to receive
such complimentary appreciation.
We wish to inquire how much the Wooster Collegian will
takefor its poetry machine. It has one of the best -we know
of. Its efficiency has been proved by the production of a po-
m(?) of seventy-five verses and an average of one and a half
Indian cognomens of the latest and most approved style to
the 'verse, the whole nicely spaced into -vcrses'df -an even
length. ,To'be sure the quantity-is'inore prominent 'than the
quality, bnt qitan'ity is a good deal.
The Argonaut is stoutly upholding the students in their
little squabble with the police at Ann Arbor. It seems to be
a nther mixed mess. The first trial in the' case has happened
and has resulted in a verdict of guilty, with a fine of $50. an"d
costs. The students may possibly have exhibited somewhat
less than regulation amount of humble deference towards the
guardians of the law but we sympathize with them all the
same. Humility is not a prominent characteristic of stu
dents. The Scholastic for Nov. 21 has two vindications, one of
"Historical Certitude", the other of "The Cow Boy." The
former containssomc good thoughts. But after wading around
through profane history and mentioning Pericles, Sallust,
Thucydidcs, Livy and Caesar the writer comes around to the
almost inevitable vindication of the veracity of the canonical
Gospels. This may be all right but there can be too much of
even a good thing and we yearn to see somcthingin the Scholas
tic which lacks that smack of sanctity which so generally per
vades its columns.
Our contemporary from "Washington University docs not
show an appreciation of the HksI'EKIAX's good qualities.
"We are sorry, but after looking through the last number of
our C. of W. U. we have concluded that it has not yet reached
the years of responsibility. Said number consists principally
of two short stories, one good quality, one which its author
compares, in a roundabout way, to the toad-stool which con
forted Wordsworth. The editorials are certainly not worthy
the name, and the local column is so mixed with stale jokes
as to be uninteresting.
The Hesperian. "With the exception of the "Courier,""
the "Hesperian Student" is the poorest specimen of college
journalism that has yet come to us. It contains but one thing
at all literary, and that is without a name. It seems to be an
antithetical display of Laertes and Hamlet in Shakespeare.
The production may lay claim to some merit more, indeed
than the heading, "Miscellany," can give. "The Hesperian"
may fulfill the purposes for which it is designed, but it is
sadly wanting in some of the most important features of a col
lege magazine. Alabama Monthly. Rats!
The Blackbttrninn has an editor on its staff who fairly over
flows with good advice boiled down, e. g-i "Be not sparing in
good acts. Be beneficent. Pour forth your whole soul in
the bounteous tide of charity, and mankind, drinking of the
waters, will bless you. Happy is the receiver; noble is the
giver." -and more to the same effect. It also contains an
oration on "An Unfinished Task" a discussion of the
American negro. A writer pleads that prize orations, essays
etc. be bound and preserved for the use of students.
The paper shows a fair amount of ability but perpetrates a
most foolish thing in that class diagnosis.
The Northwestern for Nov. 20th contains "Addison's'Writ
ings" and various other articles of general and local interest.
"We should like to compliment the Northwestern on its clean
appearance but must hasten to notice a piece which commen
ces: "The student who expects to earn his own bread and
butter after leiving college cannot afford to make his educa
tion too liberal in its scope, however much he might wish to
do so." Then it goes on to compare the getting of an education
to shooting a rifle and makes the sage remark that a man can
learn to shoot more quickly by firing at a mark than by firing
into tt.e air. Just as though education could be too liberal or
that he who seeks such an education must necessarily do tit
airnlefssiy. In our own opinion -the writer 'had a good iidea
though 'he so confuses ivwith oilier Ideas not so good (hat it is