Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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    7" E II K S PE RIA N.
Attend the Lincoln Business College.
. Go to Kelly's for fine work in photography.
The political candidate's motto Let's soap to win.
Kelly always docs well by the students. Give him a call.
You will always find Kelly on hand to do good work.
Manley keeps a full line of confectionary goods, give him a
Students will receive best of attention at Manlcy's.
Bargains at T. Ewing's in Winter goods, don't fail to lcok
at them.
Dennis, the hatter, keeps a full line gents furnishing goods
also of neck-wear &c.
Best Stetson and Dunlap hats at Dennis.
Manley has the cream of the candy trade.
Fine clothing Emporium.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing &Co's.
Geo. H. Toehler keeps a full line of bakery goods.
Largest stock of overcoats in the city at T. Ewings.
V. R. Dennis should be your hatter and furnisher.
H. W. Brown keeps a full assortment of students books.
You will always find a large stock of hats at W. R. Dennis'
Go to F. Hurlbut to get soiled suits cleaned and colored.
Fine clothing at T. Ewing &Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at T. Ewing & Co's.
An invoice of library books has just been received. There
are two hundred of them.
The band has invested $3.00 in a gallon of wonderful met
al polish. The instruments cannot be looked at twith the
naked eye hereafter.
Sam Wcsterficld is at his old stand and will make special
rates to students.
Go to the Howard House for day board. Best dollar a day
house in the city. You will receive prompt attention and
also warm meals here.
The Lincoln Business College took first premium at Neb
raska state fair for best business course. Best course in book
keeping aud largest and best collection of penmanship. It is
first class in all these departments.
It is reported that Lincoln will add ten thousand to her
population of twenty thousand, before next June.
The craze over city lots is unabated. Additions are flat
tering, two and three miles from the centre, and lots at that
distance go for from four to five hundred dollars.
Emma Abbot played last Friday and Saturday nights to
tremendous houses and oceans of enthusinm. Every student
who could borrow the price of admission was present.
The grand new Richards block erected on the corner of
Eleventh and O streets at a cost ofnearly one hundred thous
and dollajs, is approaching completion. The swell offices of
the city will hereafter be founed in that immediate vicinity.
The Wooster Collegian jumps on a certain McKennan who
offers "to furnish you with orations and essays, for use in
college, lileirry society or ctnn tr.arr.ci t tauciscs,
at reasonable rates." We have a indistinct remem
brance of something of the kind here. McKennan
lives in Toledo, however, and our fellow hailed from Chicago.
We are consequently forced to the disagreeable conclusion
that there two specimens of contemptible meanness instead of
one q
"We have a good joke on one of the boys," said a Chicago
drummer. "I wont tell you what his name is, but he travels
for one of the biggest milincry houses in Chicago. Not long "
ago he was at Milwaukee and got into a row at the station
with a hack driver. The hackman was a big fellow, and pre
suming on his size, enjoyed himself several minutes abusing
the drummer, who was a little man. The little chap stood it
about five minutes and then his coat came off he gave it a
vicious sling to the other side of the room. He meant busi
ness, and in forty seconds that hack driver had a black eye, v
bloody nose, and was yelling lustily 'Take him ofF.'
"Of course, as soon as order had been restored, we all
gathered about our drummer and congratulated him on his
,'You did him up in scientific shape," said one of us.
"You bet your life I did,' replied the milincry sales
man, stll a little excited; 'I didn't get a first-class college ed
ucation for nothing."
We welcomd the Pike's Peak Echo from Colorado College
The Ohio University students are kicking for electric light
in place of gas.
Harvard has a brass band of one hundred and eighty pieces.
Ex. That's brassy.
Academica for Nov. contains "The Rise of the Dramatic
spirit in Elizabethan England.
The Michigan Argonaut rather indignantly repels a charge
that it does not supply college news.
Univ. of Cincinnati has been injured by fire to the estimat
ed amount of thirty thousand dollars.
"To be or not to be" has become the all-absorbing prob
em of our literary societies. Courier,
We most heartily commend that article on college govern
ment in the last Vidette Reporter. "Them's our sentiments."
The Vanderbilt Observer comes out with a supplement. It
is the address of the Hon.Howell E. Jackson. The Observer
is enterprising.
The S. W. P. U. Journal hai six columns which are "sick
ped o'er" not with "the pale cast of thought" but with an
article on "Mustache Culture." B-o s h!
The Hesperian Society of Doane are thinking of building
a society hall of their "very own." The dimensions are not
stated but the enterprise in the endeavor is praiseworthy.
They are having a "time" at the K. S. U. over the in
creased stiffness of the course. Nebraska students have
found that the only way to successfully meet such a move is
not by complaint but by extra hard work.
Editors in general and college editors in particular are too
frequently addicted to the use of generalities. Now we know
from personal experience that generalities of the common
sort do not take brains. To treat a limited subject well takes
thought and work.
P. S. The above remark about generalities and brains
applies only to the exchange editor.
We clip the following piece of information from the Cou
rier', " The future influence of the students of ourUniversi
ty cannot be underestimated". Explanations are in order.
Horace rode along the sacred way on a mule, but the mod
ern Sophomore follows him on a pony. Ex. It strikes us
that the way of the modern sophomore is any thing but sn