Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1885, Page 6, Image 6
7 H R 11 ESP EI AN. The cars arc now running on the R street line of the Lin coln Street Railway. The new vehicles arc very pretty. They bear the inscription "University and EastR Street." 'Tis said that dissecting is no longer done in the medical room. The boilers underneath are a little too warm for the preservation of 'material for the study of practical anatomy." One of the Seniors received a note inviting him to be at a certain entertainment to take" with the girls. Upon com plying with the request he concluded that it was charged with irony. The Sophomore and Junior classes in Physics seem to have an equal share of torment caused by the coefficient of friction. Some of the members of the former class assert that they have worked examples that floored the Juniors; but we think it is a mistake. Those who were obliged to remain in town during the re, cent short vacation were considerably inclined to grumble be. cause the weather had been so pleasant that no ice had formed on Salt Creek. But they did the next bebt thing and attend ed the skating rink. Luke Cheney is an enthusiastic member aud officer of the State mclish." At the thanksgiving rifle practice of Co. D. U. N. G. he defeated the entire company and took home in triumph the first prize. So much for education. (This is not a paid local.) "Kleine" Polk says the statement in the last Hesperian concerning him was eminently correct. He further says that he never expects to have paralysis of the jaw unless some one larger thai he can whip, gives it to him. He claims to have the best and most enduring vocal organs in the state. The beautifully cut stone bearing the inscription Chemi cal Laboratory" was badly chipped while being hoisted to its place on the iiont of the new building. It was repaired with substance much resembling co-ed chewing gum, and promises to do duty as a very legible sign for lo! these many generations. At the Palladian Freshman Programme the following dog gerel was thrown squarely in the faces of the assembled Soph omores. If buckets of Freshman blood are not spilled at once it may be taken as evidence that the insulted class is out of sand. fray, pray, pray For an Invoke ol brain, O Soph: But I'm raid you'll never receive It Till earthly clothing you don. O well for the Sophy so gay That the pony Is l-rulcen to ride ; O well for his sister so gray That 'ueath apron she can a book hide. And the dreadful marks go down On the Heglctrar'shook so grim, Bat O for a nehemo that will lot otic trhuugh Of a grado not so fearfully slim. Pray, pray, pray, O Soph, for a spoonful of senio, For if yon don't secure It You never will graduate hence. The Y. M. C. A. meeting held in the chapel on the even ing of Nov. 23, was not very well attended by the students but was enjoyed by all who were present. Short addresses were made by Mr. Adams of Omaha, J. A. Dummett, Rev. C.C. Pierce, and Chancellor Manatt of Lincoln. The dele gates who attended the Convention gave evidence that it was a success as far as they were concerned. It is to be hoped that more students will attend another meeting of a similar nature whenever it may be held. f Twentv-fivc Freshmen arc already crowine bad. Result o pressure" in Ancient History. The Sophomore Class in Biology ought not to suppose they have the same privileges that the Professor enjoys. Wiggcn Allen and Miss Stratton are authorities on spelling. Their proficiency in this line may be said to be unique. The radiators have been painted. The color is a cross be tween brick red and the shade of Beecher's new moustache. The Senior class has had another meeting. If this brief mention is not significant enough we will explain more fully. The engineering students have been doing some practical work in surveying and as a result have had their pocket-books replenished. The chapel service is to be made a little more elaborate hereafter. Occasional anthems by the choir and congrega tional rendition of Old Hundred daily have already been de cided upon. Last Sunday was a day of remarkable activity in railroad building in the city. A number of tracks were laid by belig crant companies who were evidently trying to steal marches on each other. A couple of students attending the sociable at Prof. Hitch cocks the other evening, claim the ground flew up and hit them. To a by-stander it appeared as though they were vy ing with each other as to who should bump the ground the hardest. Another sad and extremely distressing accident has occur red within our college circle, and which will bring gloom and sorrow into many happy homes. As Mr. Polk was pursuing the even tenor of his ways he suddenly missed his footing and fcl in love. But little hope is expressed for his recovery as he is completely mashed." Some writer says that every person contains within himself the material to write a novel. If this is true the lives of the multitude must be very dull and insipid, judging from the novels that are put forth. If the internal history of man is such as is represented in these, then pessimism is ft settled fact. Perhaps the inventor of this hypothesis may retract after seeing the evil fruits of such a doctrine. It is to be hoped he will before the condition of affairs becomes too serious. Soon college students would attempt to verify this conjecture and we should have some three or four hundred novels in this University, A fine new foot-ball has been purchased by The University Foot ball Association. (Incorporated, Capital Stock $8.00, paid up capital $5. 50; shares 25 cents.) It is a Rugby and a genuine daisy. An organized eleven and a challenge to the Yankee Hill school or Doanc College would be the proper caper just at present. The assistance that has been given our esteemed Janitor during the season of repairs is soon to be withdrawn and John will again run the building alone. He also has entire charge of the heating apparatus, which is a guarantee that it will be attended to faithfully and intelligently. In the language of King Solomon, John is a brick. As we go to press we learn that Doctors Dayton and Mitch ell have been acquitted of the charge of obtaining bodies for dissection in an unlawful and criininal manner. The case came up before the District Court, and after a full trial the gentlemenvere discharged. Now let some one else truiap up a charge- against the University. Anything with meanness In it will do.