Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    Til EHES PE KVA Arl
Minnie what will you take for the diamond? ,
Thanksgiving is safely past. Students can rest once more.
The elocution classes are happy again. They meet in the
chapel now.
Oh, George! How many charges will the Hydrogen gun
hold at once?
At last we enjoy the benefits provided for by the appropri
ation for repairs.
Miss Mary Jones' '85, spent a few days recently visiting
friends in Lincoln.
C. S. Kathan has left school for the present and is now
preaching at Wavcrly.
It is reported that milkman Codding will resign his position
at the close of this term.
E. C. Wiggenhorn partook of cranberry pie uuder the pa
rental roof on Thanksgiving.
Reviews have commenced and students are looking anxious
ly forward to the final examinations.
We understand Fulmcr is a Platonist. For explanation of
this term consult Renaissance class.
Roy Codding, and Misses Dell Stratton and Sopha Meyers
went to Omaha for Thanksgiving leed.
Prof. Samuel Aughey, territorial geologist of Wyoming,
spent a few days in town with his family recently.
Yes; the young ladies of the Senior Class should be mod
els after which the Latin School girls may pattern."
John Green says the Palladians have a great deal of hos
pitality mixed in with the other good and bad qualities.
Misses Anna Keys and Lottie Pollard who were in school
last year attended the Palladian Freshman programme.
The class in beginning French are rejoiced to know that two
thirds of the final examination will be about irregular verbs.
The Seniors arc said to be in their second childhood
Amuse themselves with games that made happy first child
hood. J. A. Robertson and I. C. Gambec arc learning slowly to
handle the type. Give them time and they will become ex
perts. Anthem Books have been ordered for the chapel choir; but
don't despair: they will not render more than two during each
One of the Juniors has discovered that red paint looks bet.
ter on the radiators than on his overcoat. Bright fellow
Remarkable acumen. '-
W. S. Perrin, D. D. Forsythe, Miss Helen Aughey and
Miss Grace Barrett spent Thanksgiving at Roca as the guests
of Miss Anna Keys.
If there is a school anywhere in the country that can re.
port fewer profligate students than the U. of N. we would be
pleased to hear from it.
G. W. Gerwig, J. R. McCance and L. A. Chapin assisted
A. E. Anderson in eating prairie chicken, at his home in Gen
oa, on Thanksgiving.
The stove is a thing of the past a relic of barbarism an
antiquated nonentity at least, as far as its place in the
University is concerned.
Wanted: A book on propriety. This book must show
what is strictly proper on every conceivable occasion- Mon
ey in advance. J. R. F.
The Seniors arc looking for a new class motto. Suggest
ons thankfully received.
The engineering boys are frequently seen now-a days ma
nipulating the chain and level.
The report that the Cadets Used a Freshman badge for a
target at their last rifle practice proves to be true.
A canard: the statement that Lobingier has started a mous
tache. He was discouraged by the remarkable success
achieved in that line by Allen.
Pcdcstrianism seems to have taken a strong hold upon some
of the students, judging from the recent "walks for exercise"
to the penitentiary and asylum.
Each of t e three boarding clubs was the recipient of a
I2lb. turkey on Thanksgiving. They were presented by
Chancellor Manatt aud were fully appreciated.
d"he talent displayed by some of the students of the U. of
N. in the rendition of the Lady of Lyons seems to indicate
a brilliant future for them in the dramatic world.
We doubt if any school in the west has a finer chapel than
has our own University. We waited for it long and impatient
ly, and for this reason it is the more appreciated.
1st girl. Where is Cowing?
2nd girl. Oh, under the cast stairs, holding down a roll of
1st girl. Where is Ida?
2nd girl. Under the east stairs of course
W. C. Knight '86 spent a week recently in field geolog
ical work, in the endeavor to gain some points that would as
sist in the solution of the problem concerning the Permian
rocks of Nebraska.
We do not wish to slander any one but there seems to be
good grounds for the report that Wiggenhorn never pays his
board-bill, unless a gentle reminder in the form of a blank
check is laid under his plate.
D. T. Smith, G. W. Gerwig, Miss Helen Aughey and
Miss Cora Fisher attended the Y. M. C. A. State Convention
at Hastings Nov. 1922, as delegates from the Y. M. and Y.
W. C. A's of the University.
It is rumored that the members of the University Band who
inflicted such torture upon the literary societies not long
since, were treated in the Palladian Society as they deserved.
Tis said they were led out by the car.
Dr. Lawrence of Chicago favored the students not long
since with one of the most interesting talks ever given in the
chapel. He is a forcible, earnest speaker and if we can judge
correctly has all the elements of a true orator.
The Scientific course is meeting with greater favor among
the students since mathematics have been taken out. The
sciences as they arc taught at the present time make not on
ly an interesting but very profitable course of study.
The new boarding club "founded upon the ruins of J. R
Foree's Hallowe'en escapade," as a Freshman puts it, is
flourishing,. Under the management of Mr. Dean T. Smith
board has been reduced to $2.25 and less, per week.
The clubs which are managed by Dean T. Smith and Pau
Clark exchanged compliments by reciprocal invitations to
turkey. The latter club dined with the former on Thanks
giving and the former with the latter on the following day.
John Green may now be found in the boiler room. If you
wish to see him, walk in, and speak softly, for he is nervous.
Should you speak too loud, a brick, a stone, a chunk of coal, a.
broom, and other sundry articles of furniture will be hurled
at your offending head