Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1885, Image 12
THE HESPERIAN. . THE GLOBE ONE-PRICE CHOTHING HOUSE. Has Just opened in the First National Bank Building uith a very large and complete stock of Men's, youth's, children's Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishings. Wc show in onr vast assortment the greatest variety of stylo in medium and Fine Clothing to bo fonnd in Lincoln. All onr goods are marked in plain figures, and the LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE PURCHASING. GLOBE ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. E. M. EISFELD & CO., PROPR'S, LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAL CITY . Fancy Steam Dyeing -AND r aench Dry Cleaning House. D. W. KAUFFMAN, Prop. 1014 O Street. 3Stwtlcnts get your soiled suits cleaned here. THIS SIElirSTOlsrE 245 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Fine Groceries, Queensware, Glassware and Lamps. 3?Thc biggest 10 cent box of shoe blacking in the city. JOHN E. MILLER, (FORMERLY OF WINGER & MILLER) HAS OPENED AN IMMENSE LINE OF DRY GOODS AND CARPETS CORNFR N and ioth STS. SPEC1M. ATI RA" IONS IN DRESS GOODS, UNDERWEAR, &C. H.W.BROWN, Druggist; College Text 3 Medical Books. AND A COMPLETE LINE OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. 127 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET. 1 -.i a - ) sir&y THE FAVORITE AOS. 303-404-332-7O-35J- WITH 'HIS OTHER STYLES SOLD BY ALL DEALERS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. -sAJtja' f Good News for the University Students!! The Announcement of the Prominent HESE&ry Fines,tConfec"tionerv:and Oyster Parlor ip the j$lest. GEO. H. POEHLER, PROP., 1132 O ST., NEARLY OPPOSITE OPERAHOUSE.