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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1885)
T H E II E S P E R J A N . JiTUOEXTS' SUPPLIES Can lie round at the BOOK STORE OK GUSON & FLETCHER. The finest line in the city WESTKKI-IELI)'. Tonsorial Emporium CALL AND GET OUR SPECIAL STUDENTS' RATES! M. Harris, DENTIST. Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver and Rub ber. All work Guaranteed Office over Newman's Store, O St. J. & D. Newman, 1027 O STREET, The Oldest -:Dry Goods:- HOUSE IN THE CITY. Special Prices to Students. DR. C. R.TEFFT, Surgeon Dentist 12150SU LINCOLN, NElt. J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. Office Booms 5 and 6. over Barley's Drag Store. Residence 1336 G Street. M. . JP.IVJE, J. !., I.VC0.V, Offlce 1125 N Street. STUDENTS Get their wmhing done at ilic Chinese Laundiy. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 217, North nth. A. Gi INGRAM, DEALER IN WALL PAPER, PAINTS, WIN DOW 6LAS, Etc. Painting and Artistic Decorating Done on short notice at low prices. 1234 O St. Perkins Bros. MAKE SCHOOL SHOES A Specialty GENTS SEWED SHOES At Bottom Prices. A complete fall Mock of Ladies' Fool wear. Also full line of rubbers, etc. Special attention to Students 1129 O Si. 3 CO o o zn o ts EEEJTRY MiRUGMJT, DEALEU IN- Stoves and Hardware ! Opposite l ., JEast Side. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA UNI VJSJtCJSlTY $. si $. a. . & Joint prayer meetings in room No. 6 every Wednesday evening beginning at 7:45 aud closing at 8:30. All students nrc eurucBlly tuvitsu to attend. Mary Campbell Pres. Y. W. C. A. W. S. I'crrin, Pre. Y. M. C. A cbg 7Zta O fcw -" f V HO ' -v xtx 2 S ntr Landscape Photo grafiher. Special Rales to Students ! 129 South Eleventh ST- FIRST CLASS BOARD. .4 NEW AND NEAT. KEYSTONE DINING HALL. No. 237 South Eleventh Slreel. Four Dollars per week; single meals Twenty-five Cents. D. W. KAUFFM AN, Prop. i rt- 5 3 5 4 UJJ "8 E- C5' o r O 5 Flanagan Brothers, DEALERS IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND ALL THE BOYS Take the GIRLS To the Old Reliable CANDY KITCHEN PorthebeM Candies In the Cily. 142 H. 12th. Highest price paid for second-hand goods. 115 SouCli Ten ill. HUTCHINS & HYATT COAIA WOOV. Suwi'U and fpllt wood n xpi-cluHy. 'I'luc kindling. Ofllce, 1040 O Street.