Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 17, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Attend the Lincoln Itusincss College.
Go to Kelly's for fine work in photography.
Mr. Bancroft has attained the age of eighty-five.
The political candidate's motto I.cl's soap to win.
Tennyson and Holmes are both in their seventy-ninth year.
Kelly always does well by the students. Give him a call.
You will always find Kelly on hand to do good work.
Manley keeps a full line of confectionery goods, give him a
The fatality during this year among men of national renown
has been very great.
Students will recieve best of attention at Manley's.
Positive, chick; comparath-c, hen; superlative chick-hen.
Lowell Citizen.
Bargain"; at T. Ewing's in Winter goods don't fail to lcok
at them.
President Cleveland spends one hour each day upon his
forthcoming message. It will be a model of brevity.
Habit is a cable, we veave a thread of it every day, and at
last we cannot break it. Horace Mann.
Dennis, the hatter, keeps a full line gents furnishing goods,
. also of neck-w ear &c
Best Stetson and Dunlap hats at Dennis.
Manley has the cream of the candy trade.
Fine clothing Emporium.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing &Co's.
Geo. H. Phoeler keeps a full line of bakery goods.
Largest stock of overcoats in the city at T. Ewings.
Y. R. Dennis should be your hatter and furnisher.
H. W. Brown keeps a full assortment of students books.
You will always find a large stock of hats at W. R. Dennis'
Go to F. Hurlbut to gel soiled suits cleaned and colored.
J. B. Skinner keeps fine hoises and carriages at reasoneble
lales. 12th St. bet V. & Q.
Hardsman & Gutlon keep full line of confectioneries and
Everv tiling in the fruit line at Manley's.
Students get your rigs at Skinners who keeps a full line of
the most stylish an the city.
Students will do well to lead Mayer Bios, advertisement.
line clothing at T. Ewing &Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at T. Ewing &.Co
Sam Westerfield is at his old stand and will make special
latas to students.
"What is laughter?" asks a philosopher. U is the found
you hear when your hat blows oil. -Ex.
Goto the Howard House for day board. Best dollar a day
house In the city. You will always receive piompt attention
and also want meals heie.
The Lincoln Business College look first piemium at Neb
raska state fair for best business Course. Best course in
bookkeeping aaid largest and best collection of penmanship. It
is first class iu all these departments.
From ihe window of our sanctum yesterday, we watched the
Freshmen amusing themselves. They were playing "teeter
totter" upon the lumber piles east of the Univ., and were
having a splendid liane when some older children came along
and interfered with their sport. We were sorry to see this be
cause kuch iunoceut games tend lo dh'ert this attention from
homesickness after their memas which they would faiu conceal.
The last chapter on "The Women of Shakespeare" in the
Couranl is on Juliet.
Prof, in Chemistry "Oxygen is an invisible gas, some of
which you see in that bottle."
We arc pleased to give a place among our exchanges to
The Georgia College Journal.
Pres. Gates of Rutgers College has resolved to stop cane
rushes. So says Northwestern.
They say the latest craze among eastern ladies is banjo play
ing. Yea, verily, we seem to be an imitative folk.
After 1887, Latin will be made optional at Harvard. Then
a student may graduate without one word of Latin or Greek.
There is some excuse for college students when Puneh gets
off on Sir Rich. Sutton the following pun: "SuttonlySir.'
We would caution our exchanges against criticizing The
Sunbeam of Whitby, Ont. The girls' feelings are tender
and easily hurt.
The University Courier has changed its heading to The
Weekly University Courier. The width has been increased
one column and length in proportion. It' t an improvement.
The South Western Presbyterian University Journal which
goes under the abbreviation of S. W. P. U. Journal, comes to
our table this week. We are sorry lo see a tendency to the
flowery that is even more marked than is usual with college
We should judge from the lone of our last Lantern that the
demerit system bears rather hard on Ohio students. The
Lantern protests in a vigorous fashion against it and quotes
a last years' motion of the faculty of Columbia College abolish
ing excuses.
Will some exchange send us the address of the Niagara
Index! We yearn lo get hold of a paper that hasn't got any
soft-soap in its composition. It makes us smile tosec certain
papers wax wroth because an exchange editor does not praise
rather than blame.
"Your studies are costing me a great deal," said a father to
his son. as he reached in his pocket for money lo buy more
books with. "I know it, father, "replied the son, with tome
emotion, as he pocketed a $10 bill, "and I don't study very
I hard, either." Ex.
We are the happy reciplentof three Nos. of The Michigan Ar
gonaut. Michigan University gets up a good paper. The lit
erary part is not attempted. The Argonaut evidently aims to
be a paper which will keep ihe students well "up" in college
matters and it succeeds.
College Chpis tries to persuade students to contribute by tell
ing them the importance of a good literary style. Chips does
not understand human nature. The proper way is to praise
the literary style ivbich hoped-for contributors already have,
not that which they need.
The last Crescent commits an inexcusable blunder in ad
mitting such a disjointed, patched up article as the attempt on
"Athens." We were sure, before we looked at the finis, that
it was some prep, essay which had gotten in by mistake.
Otherwise we find no fault.
The University Quarterly of New York University, comes
to our table full of interesting matter. We commend the ar
ticles VSanum Corpus" and "New Departures in Education" to
our readers. KVhe Quarterly Curly represents its constitu-
ents New York University is a lively, wide-awake place