Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 01, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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Jack Frost has appeared.
Did you ever sec Patterson execute the manual of arms?
The Philodiceans now hold their meetings in the chapel.
The girls say that Gcrwig's pompadour is not becoming.
Ellis O. Lewis 'S4 is principal of the school at Vcrdon Neb.
Who can execute the best movements, the cadets or the
Knights oi Pythias?
Geo. Frankfortcr '86 is assisting Prof. Nicholson in the
chemical laboratory.
We understand that some of the students are taking private
instruction this term.
Students are already looking forward to the inevitable
Thanksgiving turkey.
The chapel choir has been reorganized and now consists of
about a dozen singers.
Look out for the Freshman badge. It has appeared and is
very neat, modest and pretty.
The Democratic Convention has been held and Canaday
and Wiggenhorn are supremely happy.
Regent Mallalicu of Kearney, was in the city last week as
a delegate to the Republican Convention.
Is it not about the time for the members of the Junior class
to organize, and get acquainted with each other?
S. D. Killen has resigned his position as a member of the
editorial stafl. We understand he has gone home.
Miss Rachel Manlcy 'SS went to York last week as one of
Liucoln's representatives at the Convention of the W. F. M. S.
Many of the students engage in a game of base-ball c-ery
Saturday. We understand that Forsythc is the champion
" Workmen on the new lalwratory have resumed their work
of laying brick, and the structure is slowly stretching toward
the stars.
We were surprised a few days ago to hear that the Wester
man boys resembled each other. Some one give ns some
more news please.
Miss Anna Keys, who has been attending the University
for the past three years, is now pursuing study in the culinary
art at her home in Roca.
Wilbur C. Knight returned last week from his summer's
work in Wyoming. Judging fiom his looks, he must have
been in a healthful locality.
The members of the Sophomore class in Zoology are do
ing practical work this term in classifying the vast collection
of animals in the museum.
The radiators and steam pipes are now nearly all in posi
tion, but there will be many chilly recitations before the build
ing can be made comfortable.
Request Paul Clark to relate his experience with crackers,
cranberry sauce and hungry boys If he refuses to explain,
full particulars will be given in our next issue.
At a special meeting of the Hesperian Association held on
the 16 inst., E. C. Wiggenhorn was elected to fill the the va
cancy caused by the resignation of S. D. Killen.
The literary societies are considering the question of anoth
cr Q'Shca contest. Three prizes are offered. One for the
winning society, one for the gentleman having the best pro
duction, aud one for the best lady competitor.
Mrs. Minnie Stratton (nee Codding) of the class of 'S3, paid
the University a short visit last week.
The leaves of the trees on the campus arc turning yellow
and brown, and will soon present the desolate appearance of
Mhc Union girls piopose to rnn things next Friday night to
suit thctmclvcs. Their "Dickens" program will no doubt be
a rare literary treat.
The P. G. D. C, which means the "Palladian Girl's De
bating Club", has made a little sensation by taking a leading
part in the regular debates of the society.
The new chapel chairs are very comfortable, but not very
durable judging from the fact that the back of one was broken
the first morning. One of the girls caused it.
Can't some method be devised vhcreby studcuts, who get
their mail at the University, can obtain it without searching
the building from top to bottom to find the janitor?
Dame Rumor says that one of the members of the faculty
will soon take to himself a bride. Although the event has
not yet occured, congratulations will be in order at any timc-
EEEE rules of order can be obtained at any time by calling
upon him. (Explanations of this item will be sent to any ad-drcss-upon
receipt of a 2c stamp to pay postage and packing.
The new laboratory has made no progress since our last is
sue. The delay is caused by the non-appearance of the bricks
Whether this is the fault of the contractor or not, we cannot
Why not have an annual this year? The one published
two years ago was a success in ever)- respect. The 'proper
time to begin the work h during the Fall term. Let the sub
ject be agitated.
The Janitor thinks it would be a good idea to have an elec
tric light suspended from the top of the tower to light the
campus this winter. We agree with him. It would be par
ticularly agreeable on Fridaj nights.
The street car track is now being laid on nth. St. Wc un
derstand that the cars will be painted green for the benefit of
the students. (If, after careful study you fail to sec the joke,
the editor will be pleased to explain.
The first dress parade of the term took place last Friday
afternoon on the campus. Co. D. of the State Militia, under
command ofCaptain Holchkiss participated in the parade.
The Cadet band furnished music for the occasion.
Co-ed Chit-chat.
Oh, wasn't the dog-showjust too lovely for anything!
Just wait till I try my smiles upon Mr. and see if he
don't succumb.
Say, girls, don't you think the instructor in Physics is aw
Jil nice?
Now really don't you think I look cute with my hair cut?
I wish he would look this way. Why don't he? Guess I'll
cough. She coughed. Scene.
Married, Sept 9th. at the residence of the brides parents,
Flora E. Frott, '83 to Novis Z. Sncll '82.
The above parties are well known to most of us; both gradu
ated with high honors in their respective class. Mr. Snell w'a
formerly Managing Editor of The Hesperian but has reform
ed since, and is now one of the prominent legal lights of the
Capital city. Although somewhat late, The HESPERIAN ex
tends heartiest congratulations and wishes, in the words of
Rip Van., "May they live long and prosper."