Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, July 05, 1885, Image 16
THE HESPERIAN. BP ik F? IC F S? I r A full and- complete stock of Ladies and Gents fiAiikiMi. vii "nnnnr1 sl-t- q nzr ithc i 114 2V thlOlh street. JZJVjvJ L CD CO GDJCdL-itLjCD I d A Fine Line of Ladies cmd Gents Spring Goo .s EST Students especially Invited to call. H. "W". :b:R,0"W:N, DRUGGIST, COIDIjIEQ-IE! TIEXIT AND MEDICAL BOOKS! AND A COMPLETE LINE OP 127 South i:icveiiili Street. EE3S& " " IHichioan Central ,., "" -' s I i S BAiTiMORty v mmmiJIHJni Anc.nti 3uwi wjuhikotoV tjg vZaWsWjUfi On the Michigan Central one miiy travel nnd live in comfort iih In one's chosen inn, rcpoHlng by nichl in n sumptuous palace sleeping car, with lavatories, drawing room and smoking room, lrc!il;fni-t, (Hue and sup in n luxurious dining car, where the accom plished chef supplies nil the di'llcanles of tho season nt a merely nominal charge, read tho pnpcrfi, lounge, chat, and enjov die Meeting vistas of varied scenery, and all the while go speeding safely on nt the rate of llfly miles an hour by day and by night. The transfor malloiiH wrought by .illadln's lump wcro not more wonderful, .Note but u few of its principal through car arrangements. Do you wish to go from our Garden City of tho lakes to Boston? You may tnko n palace car at 8:40 p.m. and go light through without change, making faster time than by any other routo. Or you can leave at 10:30 v.m. on the Detroit sleeper, changing nt that city to tho new Detroit and Boston ilnc, recently ndded; or take the new Syructi lfccopcr at 8: 55 a.m. and nt that city change to the parlor cur running through to lloston without change. If to New York, palace sli ping curs leave on tho Fast N. Y. r.xpresH all: If) r.M. with dining cars serving all meal through to New York, nnd at 10:40 p.m. nnd 10:30 p.m. : oragulu, take tho palace sleeping carat 8:55 ah. for byracuso. and there change to tho parlor cur for New York. If husluei'B or pleasure takes you by the great Canadian ecenlc route, tho Fast New York Express has a palacn sleeping car running through to Toronto, and connecting at Toronto Junction with parlor cars for Montreal via Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion. Other palace sleeping and drawl g-room cars run Irom Chicago to Grand Rapids. Muskegon, Saginaw, Hay City, Detroit, Niagara Falls and HutValo, running through on fast time without change. All theso eastward lines to Buffalo, Syracuse uostou aiiUNcw xorKrun via (Niagara rails, i, Now York, Ontario, and Falls, Niagara stopping at Falls View, on tho brink of the Horse hoe Fall, v hero the fined views of tho Falls are obtained; running over the steel, double-track Cantilever Bridge In front of the Falls, and connecting In union depots at Sus pension Brldo and Buffalo with the great tour-track Now York Central & Hudson Hirer Itallroad. Truly the Michigan Central la not only the ''Niagara FallB lloutc." and "Tho Great Fast and West Highway," but also the route that insures tho greatest degree of com fort and safoty. DAVID MAY, DKAI.KH IN CLOTHING AND GEN1S' FURNISHING )) HUTGHINS & HYATT, Dealers in C1K1L lJTi WOOD. Sawed and split wood a specialty, kindling. Ofllce, 1040 O Street. Pine Corner O anil 17th. Tho largest Collection of Green House plants n tho State. Cut flowers, floral designs of all descriptions, fancy baskets, etc., constantly on hand. Tea and Tubo roses In bloom. DBA.I.KK IN Stoves and Hardware ! Opposite I. ., East Side. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA STUDENTS' SUPPLIES Can be found at the BOOK STORE OF GLASON & FLETCHER, The Iluest line in the city NO MORE I,ON3 SITTING! 18 MAKING FIIOTOGIIAI'IIS IN8TANTAN- EOUdl.Y BY TUE DKY PIIOCE88. Special Hates to Students ! l'.MJ South Eleventh WE!TEIIFEL.D'. Tonsorial Emporium STUDIElDsTTS CALL AND GET OUR SPECIAL, STU DENTS' RATES! II -i -. i T Gel tlielr washing done at the Chinese Laundry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 217, North nth.