Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, July 05, 1885, Image 11
THE HESPERIAN, Goto A. M. Davis for Garnets, Etc. STUZDZEIDsTTS! STTJIDEIsTTS! GO TO GEORGE W. FAWELL, FOR BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND NEWS! Stex Fall to B $xb Wml'wmw&My WtmMmw Wm,mwm 113 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET, ZLsTO TROUBLE TO SIHIOW GOODS. UJSF1VJEJRSITT Wednosdav evenln closing at 8:30. A Joint prayer meetings In room No. B every - i - .-.. Invited to attend Mary Campbell Pros. Y. W. C. A. W, S. Perrin, Pros. T. M. C. A. g beginning at 7:45 and .il students are earnestly TE3JOGRAPH Learned hi home on this woderful Sliorlhiind Writing Machine which possesses inn n j advantages over and is learned in much less time Hum any oilier system. Price 40. In structions by mail free. Can be learn ed dining vacation. Send stamps for circular. U- s' STENOGRAPH CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. ADD17C Send C cts for postage and receive n uibitrce a costly box or go will help you to more money right oods which away than elso in this -world. All succeed from IP. the first hour.Tho broad Toad to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure, address at once True fc Co, Augusta, Maino COMMERCIAL HOTEL, J. J. IMHOFF, Prop., Turkish op Russian s Salt Water jjf In tltc Hotel. Rheumatism cured by Turkish Balks. Corner 11th and P Stroets, Lincoln, Nob. gjalkdian xttrnrr: ortetg, "Forma Mentis JEterna est." Regular meetings every Friday evening comncm; promply at 8 oixlock. Stneat g, andtraneers welcome. Gentlcmens db ing club mccls every Saturday evenlnt Ladies club meets Friday afternoon, ad o'clock. MaryH. Campbell Pres. S. Glen Talbot, Secy, jjjnivcrfttn jjfnlou, Lltterae cumelegantia mundum aganW" Meets every Friday evening in Union llnll Students and strangers cordially invitod. Debuting Club every Saturday evening, open to all. All meetings commence promptly at 8 o'clock. H. T, Couley Pres. It. 8. Mockett, Secy. jjjjhilodiccan iterant ochtg "Nulla vestigia retrorsum." Meets every Friday evening oommencing at eight o'clock promptly. H. C.Eddy, Pres. Ruchel Manley. soc'y. A. T.LEM1NG. E.MSMINO. A. T. LEMIN& & CO., 1026 O STREET. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS ARTISTIC PAPER HANGINGS. MOULDINGS, WINDOW SHADES, FANCY GOODS, PHOTOGRAPHIC AND ARTIS- TIC MATERIALS. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. croieiisr idZEXiiLrsr THE POPULAR Merchant Tailor, 329 SoHtk filevcRlli. All Work Guaraiised. Cadet suits and caps at T, Ewing & Co's clothing house. Large stock of gents' collars and cuffs at W. R. Dennis'. See them. Elegant line of men's hosiery at W. R. Dennis', under Ope ra house. The largest stock and lowest prices in the city at T. Ewing &Co's. Reduction in prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's clothing emporium. . , Call and see our new spring styles. T.Ewing & Co. Don't fail to buy our spring suits at T. Ewing & Co's mam moth clothing house. University students can get best lead pencils for 25 cts. per dozen at Winger & filler's. T. Ewing & Co. are opening an immense stock of spring goods. G. B. Skinner deals in fancy horses, also turns out fine single and double rigs at low prices. The hest judges of artistic work go to Kelley & Co for Pho tos. No 1026 O st. Temembor students you can get fine work, and better in ducements, in the "fotograf ' line, at Kelley and Co's. 1026 O.St.