Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 15, 1885, Image 9
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. y Jfo Diseases o( the eye aud car. If. M.. IK11TTOJI .IT. O., OCULIST and AURIST. No. 1111 O Street. LINCOLN. Ell' 1 W.WllEVrOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LINCOLN, NEB J,E.CROOK; RESTAURANT AND BAKERY, , Successor to E. Harlow, 135 0 Street All the Boys Take the GIRLS To the Old Reliable CANDY KITCHEN KEYSTONE DINING HALL. Xew and neat. 237 South 11th Street, Court House Block. D. W. Knuffman. V I 2 r i t. WHOLESALE MARBLE DEALER. I keed on hand all kinds or marble, such aa Rat, White. Sutherland Fall, Light and Dark Uluc Italian, and wnttney. Also specimens oral! kinds ofGrcyand EcdCranitcs. Com petent draughtsmen employed O and 13th streets. Lincoln ' J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Office Rooms 5 and 6, over Uarlcy's Drag Store. Residence 1336 G Street. . A, C. INGRAM, DEALER IN WALL PAPER, PAINTS. WIN DOW GLAS, Etc. Painting and Artistic Decorating Done on short notice at low prices. 1231 O 8t. B. L. P.1M.YE, .TST. J., jr.V70.,V Office 11:3 N Street. For the best Candles In the Cily. 112 S. 12th. THE MODEL RESTAUR' NT, Xo. 124 12th st, Board $ per week; meals 25 cents. Rooms for accomodation of Oaeite. F. S. McLn Prop. Lincoln. Neb. THE HOWARD HOUSE "W. W. Carder, Prop., COR. O AND 13tH STB. Best dollar a day houte in the city. BL C. 3c Ada Bittcnbendcr, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 1036 O Street . LINCOLN, NEBR. Odell's Dining Hall. : S. J. ODELL, Proprietor. ' WEBSTER'S BLOCK, 231 S 11TII. ( LIN'COLN, NEBRASKA' t . - i .. - - I Tr T IT -MTTTt? i JJl. J. U.. .UI.W.U.V, ;PIIVSICIA And SURGEON. I Gradaate of Michigan University. Mcdlca Collcge. Class oMB71. Calls promptly at i tended day or night. Office and residence o th side L street, 3 doors cast ol 14 (Tel I EI-IIONE.) , Qfovlts JLMf MMS. MJTJH CaJKKLR I', Prop., " Newly bnllt and elegantly furnished Good . cample rooms on first floor Terms, 31 50 to ! $2 00 per day. O Street, between Seventh j and Eighth. Lincoln, Nebraska ' Of tea pci cent to Professors and Students ot the University of Nebraska at the Ofa&A Bits LAUNDRY cor.pandiosts. ITui mid cold water baths in connection. Godline'S, Education and lcanlincss are synonomous terras, and the great difference between the Caucasian and the Digger Indian is. one keeps his face and linen clean and the other don't. PhoncNo.67. GEO. YULE. A.J. GUSTFN&CO. WHOLE8ALE SADDLERY, WHIPS RACING GOODS, ETC. Mtaaxzc TMxr&m, ZIA'COZ.Y. W B CTOXiXOK PROP. OF LINCOLN STEAM BAKER T. S. C. ELLIOTT. China Hall Crockery. China, Glttmtcare JUtmp Goods, He. 1212 O St. LINCOLN, NEB taa'trJB9?Ml ts- 5?2 sfcnj tr- " I 1 6y ROLLER mo tee - i ftYfl SKATES. JL & -Zr catmoouc race, ywy j I V7 - sZ? jS? ca? sag. to ZZS& :UrM E3 i-t W M -Z. a o " North Side Pos (office Square. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA I HI m NEW SANITARIUM For the treatment of Chronic Diseases, Turkish, Electrical, Russian, Med icated, Soda, Sitline, Shower, Swim ing and fresh water baths. The cel ebrated Artesian magnetic mineral waters are used here. The most com plete health resort in the west. F.B. RIGI1TER.M.D., Medical Director. ic A. SHOEMAKER, I Supt. Bath Department. . 238 S. It STREET, LINCOLN. Lincoln Business College. lllO and 1118 O Street, Fiir young men and ladies. Day and night sessions. IndivUual Insuction Full business and Normal Penmanship courses, Phonography and Typc-wrUng Night classes in Elocution, German and French. Seud for circulars. F. F. BOOSE, Principal and Propnelor.