Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 15, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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theugh it has an undergraduate course, is preeminently a Iowa State University boasts of the largest and best drill-
school for graduates. In some departments the advantage8 ed college band in the country, excepting, of course, the
arc much greater than at our own University, in others j mythical orgxmzation with 180 pieces that the College
we are equal and even superior. Johns Hopkins has no , Press insists on giving Harvard. Thirtytfive uniform.
English department Its r-ourse in history is certainly in
ferior, notwithstanding the greater advantages in libra,
rieselc. Perhaps no city of this country affords greater
facilities for historical studies than Baltimore. The re
raarkable strength of this departmsnt in our University,
la ewing entirely to the ability of the man who has built
it up by his own excrtisns. The merits of Prof. Howard
are known and appreciated at Johns Hopkins. Mr. Bo Is
ford's impression of the institution as a whole, is favor
able. Our own institution, however, so far from sinking
iato insigificance when compared with its more fortunate
sister, becomes even more admirable in the eyes of the re- 1
turned student. Mr. Bolsford, after a years course at
Johns Hopkins thinks of taking a course in Latin and
History in aurown institution.
From the ugly faces made by the Scholastic we judge
that every thing is not serene in the Indiana Oratorical
Association. If another facial contortion like the last is
given, the audience will begiu to move out.
The Rockford Seminary Magazine lakes strong except
i cd men arc on the roster and their music is said to be
elegant. The boys have just made a trip to New Orleans
j and Mobile, accompanying an Iowa military excursion.
A southern monthly, entitled "The University Magazine
Published at Athens, Georgia, May number, Horace L.
Cranford, Printer. Athens, Qtorgia" attempts to sit on the
Hespkriak. If you don't keep calm, valued friend, we
will print extracts from jour widely circulating periodi
cal and give you uway. "Dont fool with the buzz-saw."
Editorial from the Alabama University Monthly. "Rainy
is the chief man on his stoop." Pretty profound, that
Class feeling is defunct at the University ot Michigan
Elective studies and "a multiplication of courses" are re
gponsiblc tor murder. The same institution is beginning
to feel that it has a "long felt want" to provide for in the
matter of fellowships. The Argonaut says; "For years it
has been a matter of great regret amang professors of the
various departments, that each year the most energetic, and
j promising students are attracted from this to eastern col
leges to continue their advanced work. The reason does
not lie in the fact that the facilities offered ate always su
perior to our own; in some courses they arc even infer
ior, notably so in chemistry: the true cause seems to be
tions, to the alleged slang used by this paper. It is all Uiat the student, having spent a small fortune here in cet-
on account ofour sincerity. ye say exactly what we
think, a bit ol Iraukness that if indulged in by the edit
ors of the Monthly would make the publication unread
The Badger has just elected' a new board of editors
We are not officially informed of the (act, but base our
assertion on the appearance of a lengthy article on the
t'Editineof a College Paper." In the good times of the
future, when sense becomes more prevalent, this stock ed-
torial will no lengt-r be written.
JSandolpIi'Macon Monthly, a little sheet from a little
Virginia College wants a notice from our gifted pen, and
in order to gr.t it, abuses us for criticising the Vanderbil
Oburtcr. 2fcver mind, focny, we won't quarrel ortf
that insignificant paper. Bring out something worth a
fight and we will lake effour necklie and sail in.
A Swedish Baptist Academy his been located in Strom,
burg, this state. It is said to be the only one in lha coun
try controled by that denomination. Ten thousand dol
lars and forty acres of land were given by the citizens of
the lown, and the irgular support will be derived from
the churches of the country. Rev. J. A. Edgren, brother
ofour Professor of Modern Languages, has accepted the
presidency of the new institution.
In the recent debate upon the gymnasium question, in
the Wisconsin legislature, it was stated that for years be
fore the introduction of gymnasiums, Pres. Stearns, of
Amherst, had kept a record which showed that fresh,
men enjoyed the best health, next the seniors. Since the
founding of the gymnasium, twenty five years igo, the
health record shows that among freshmen, 20.20 per cent
have been sick. Among sophomore;, 28.28 have been
sick. Among junior,23.27 percent, have been sick. A
moog seniors, 10.5 per cent, have been sick. Thus the
previous record is entirely reversed.
ting his bachelor's degree, naturally steers for some insti
tution where he may, at least, have the prospect of en
couragement and pecuniary assistance in the pursuit of
his studies."
; Cadet suits and caps at T. Ewing & Co's clolhin
Be sure and go to Winger & Miller's for your under
i wear.
J Large stock of gents' collars and cuffs at W. R. Dennis'
I See them. ,
1 Elegant line of men's hosiery at W. R. Dennis', under
1 Opera House.
The largest stock and lowest prices in the city at T .
Ewing & Co's.
ileduction in prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's
clothing emporium.
I Students can be accommodated at any hour of the day
' in Lincoln Business College. 1116 & 1118 O St.
Call and tee our new spring styles. T. Ewing & Co.
3Icrino and all-wool underwear 50 per cent below for
mer prices at Winger & Miller's.
Don't (ail to buy our spring suits at T. Ewing &Co
mammoth clothing house.
University students can get best lead pencils for 25 cts
ppr dozen at Winger & 31iller's.
T. Ewing & Co. are opening an immense stocko
spirg goods.
University students get reduced tuition at Lincoln Bus
iness College. An hour per day in Book-Keeping Peu
manshis or Short-Hand is profitably spent.
Special attention is given to Card Writing, Engrossing,
Resolutions, and any work in the line of plain and orna
mental pen work at Lincoln Business College.