Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 15, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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gampus aifsrib.
Thermometer Is rising.
u Poor liulc Nebraska"
Icecream and lemonade.
More trouble alxvut coffins.
Spring fever has broken out.
A strawberry feed once mote again.
.Knight bus aid away bis crutches.
The g'ri's joint program was a success.
Ask Knight and Frankfurter about Calculus.
And now the June orators perspire under their neck
wear. E. E Spencer of Crete has been in town soine iiiae since
our last issue.
Last message of a Sophomore: "Tell mother I died for
my history."
MissAldrioh of '84 appears as a contributor in the
Chicago OouranL
The Cadet Bund wants to goto New Orleans put Caua
day won't consent.
Query: Wh' is it that Oonley always faj'u ilawn tlie
stairs of 1223 TSt.i
Paul Clark llie great rival of A'udy ftayliss, Dud the toot-ci-h
on A t-eension" day.
The notorious Wall P. Wiggens ude his presence
known about the University last -week.
C C Smith came in to get a solutm i of the great quef
Ujoii'Does death end all" by Joe, ook.
J.JN. Drjden llie great wonder of .the 39th centuiy vas
seen wondering about the streets of our town.
E. O Lewis.,84 ib recuperating his health and taking up
timber claims in the farwefcteru pail of the stfte.
B. P. Johnson still carries his assessing papers and
creats the impression that he is a inau of business.
It ib rumored that Rev. Charles Prench of ihePreskinan
class is about to form a matrimonial copartnership.
Chroino No. Sis actively engaged in lopping off the
surplu branches of the cotton woods that adorai thecani
puB. Dan. H. Wheeler's moustache was seen In.lheOmalia
Glee Club which assisted In the onteilaiument of the Men
delssohn's. "Prof. Nlcl olson; I ekould like you lohave that Lab
oratory moved o the north webt corner of the campus."
Another sudden death.
Dr. Bell wno basbeeniravellingihrongh Coloradoslnce
the Medical commencement,, is In town attending the
State Homoepatblc Society.
Dr. W. 31. Parmer the sweet black-eyed, medical gradu
ate has located In Indian Territory with Mb bran new
plug hat. "Heap big medicine mam'"
The library has just received complete files of the Quar
terly and Saturday Bewews, together with other valuable
books. Another luscious morsel for the index fiends.
Wouldn't it be a good plan for the faculty to interfere
and prevent the campus being made a public result? Tho
language one may hear any afternoon is not exactly ap.
propriate for the place.
Powell, one of the 85s of S. U. I. has been looking over
the University in the spare hours thai he could find dur
ing a week's slay in Lincoln, We are glad to have made
his acquaintance.
There seems to be a dearth of news at present. Are the
students asle?p? Let's stir up something,, paint the roof,
have an IlESPEniAN entertainment; anything to break the
Our drum major appears decked out in a bran new
suit, or a bran old one adorned with all the parapherna
lia of his rank. The suit may be six sizes to small far
him but then Paul expects) to grow.
The work on llie new building is progressing rapidly.
The excavation is already made and stonp is being hauled
for the foundation. Were it not for the loss of time we
might enter an injunction and have it moved tilths buck
of the main building.
Allan W. Pield of the class of '77 and Mrs. Field(May
B. Fairfield, ,S2) have been blessed above all the other
alumni of this school. The blessing came in the form of
twin bab'es, abo.j and agiri. As a commentary on the
value of higher education this fact is invaluable.
The strawberry festival civen by the Union giris was a
success, financially and socially. Tin; lable were decked
out with exquisite taste and were waited upon by as
handsome giris as one could risb. The bill of fare con
sisted of strawberries, icecream, lemonade, and cake.
At this writing the cadets are preparing for a raid
upon Beatrice. Wefeelsoiry for the hospitable people
who nave so kindiv taken an enemy into their midst. The
foraging expeditions that will go'ut irora camp will be
cuution to Beatrice for all lime to come. The boj'S are
industriously gathering together the utensils necessary to
camp life The following is a partial lielofthe necessa
ries: five tin cups, one dozen dark-lanterns, one fish
hook apiece, two washpaus for ill e camp, four iron ket
tle0, etc.
The Modehk John Gilpin.
Tom- as a citizen of terror and renown. A dandy
-tutor e'eu it-1 e uf famous -Lincoln down. Tom s
friend said to him, though tutor we have been Jlie&e
many weary mouths, yet we no holiduy have seen. To
morrow is our bumming day, and we will then repair
unto Kollin's bostiery, for the famous grays, a pair. Now
see him mouuted high upon his nimble steed, full .slows
y pacing o'er the roads with caution and good heed. And
fair and softly Tom he .cried, but Tom he cried in vain.
The snorting baabt began to trot which caused him awful
pain. Away, went Thomas nick or naught, away
wenthat and cane; belittle dieaiupt when he set out, to
have to grip the inane. On like au arrow swift he flew
.hot by an archer strong. So he did speed, aud so must
I to end my litllesoug. The moral is, dear readers, as all
of ou can ste, dou'l try to ride Old Kollin's horse, un
less you skillful be.
G. W.Botsford oP&l lias returned, from Jolms Hopkics
and is now spending a few days with us. The local
pumped from him the following facts. Johns Hopkins,