Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 15, 1885, Image 15
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. Wm S &m MwM Si 13 "W" IE IE ZEU S. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of JnS IMsttEiAJGtt Liberal discount allowed to post masters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to KICHAKD K FOX Fbankuk SquAiii: X . V. A GRADUATE OF THE BOSTON SCHOOL OF ORATORY, WILL TAKE A LIMITED NUMBEIt OE PUPILS IN ELOCUTION AT REASONABLE RATES. Address 1005 D St. Lincoln, Neb. tm.Tv.n . n " home aiwwva. . on llB wodrrful Shorthand Writing Machine which possesses many advantages over anu is learned in much less tunc than any oilier system. Price fi40. In- striicltons hy mail tree. Can be learn ed during vacation. Send stams for circular. V. S. STENOGRAPH CO. .ST. LOUIS MO. fffff E5TADmpI(Eii84a.g) C fuo imojt V- popular Wee ESTAD lUOnmtvyiuinnli. Uln . paijcr ueToica to science, mecnanics, en R u Bt "wcoTenes, inventions ana patents klv news-- over nnDltsncd. Every number illustrated with spier.dia engraving This publication, fnrnisheri a most valuablo encyclopedia ofinformation which R? PcnJ!5on, " without. Tho popularity of thp benurrmo Amehican Is such that Ha cir culation near'y cnuais that of all other papers of "n, ."".P"- Price. ?3.2)ajear. Discount toCnbs. SoM by nil rcwfdcalcrs. MUNN4CO.. Publishers, No. 3G1 Broadway. K. Y. 4 W fel ess M llonn & Co. hava AT ENTS. slSrWiJs: "a practice beforo tho Patent Office, and havo prepared mora than Ono Hundred Ybous- Snd applications tor patents in tho nited stales and foreign countries. Caveats. Trade-Marks. Conrnchta. Assignments, and all other papers for securing to inventors their rights in tho United State, Canada. England. France, Germany and other foreign countries, pre pared at rhort not I co and on reasonable terms. Information as to obtaining patents cheer fully Rir en without charge. Hand-books of information sent fiee. Patents obtained through JIunn 4 Co. are noticed in tho Scientific American free. Tho advantage of such notice is " nll undemtoodbyftllpersonJifhowishtodUpoao ' tVirratents. "f'rc-3 MVTfN 4 CO Offico Bo.-snno D DADICI-R 1 1" Ml and- complete stock of Ladies and Gents Dm LioITmS,. ar- BOOTS & SHOES A Fine IAne of Ladies and Gents Spring Goods. Students especially invited to call. FREMONT NORMAL SCHOOL AXJ Business College. TRAINS YOUSG PEOPLE THOROUGHLY roBTBACinxa, roe business life, roa ADMWSIOX TO OOIXEOE, ron law on xewcalciiools, FOB rUBLIC hl'EAKIN'O, MUSIC, In Drawing. Puiiitluff, and ELOCUTION. IN SUOBniASJD iSD rrrE-vtansa. TME FACULTI': There are 11 member lu tho Faculty, each specially educated for his department. PREBIDEXTJ0XE8 has had over twen'x years experience in educational work PIinFEBSOU II.llTLTX. principal of tit- Business college. na had over fifteen year ezperience and is a superior penman and u expert acconntant. vnnFEBBOR JfOITLER U auoriirinalfl i Inspiring teacher in the Natural Science a Business DepartmenU PROFESSOR LAirTOX, of Boston. Ma- Is a superior inttructorin Music. Hiss Sa Sherman, of Chicago, is an artist of rare tai "W P Jones A- M- President- s 1 " r a fi ,H3BiiHhntHffl "l "liiMJiW '' m H II Kjurt'QliLiaiiiflH - iF9UsHHiMHH!HHHirV"H cntand skill, and a most sutraurni tonehop fwlii .L-J,0U.Ma,,d "8S Jessie Cowles muroiiuiy qualified. ItATJJS OF TUITION AND BOAItD. rVc7ea80u,Wc'aDd ,1 cheapness of board at Fremont compared w!th cost In 'lrc"le"'til:t the whole price of tuition. Tuition for fifteen weeks in 15: iDstruminial mutic, 812 per twenty lessons humJin'kau'i B,,0"-aDl S12. and type writing $10 per twenty one-hour lessons. iii?r 8tudenU ,n other branches, who pay 55 ou. NO VACATIONS. The WiNTJJK TEltM of 15 week will bo Rin Dec. SO, but students can enter atanr time, and are doini; to continuallv, payine charges only from time of entering to time of paving. Sprint: Term will begin April 13 .and Summer Institute July 6, 85. For particulars address the undersigned w. i. jones, a. ar., Prcst. of Normal College, Fremont, Neb. SpeelstI ald.viii'fcjLsbfe'S This instilution was erected by 3Icrchauls, Bankers, 3ranufaclurcro, and successful farmers to TRAIN YOUNG PEOPLE FOR REAL LIFE, to earn their own living as teacher, as clerks, bookkeepers, cashiers, etc., in iner canlile, banking, railway, factory or other business offices It has been organized and is conducted on strictly bus iness principles, such as have brought lis founders success in the occupations of actual life. There is a business tone about it which communicates itself to the students with the most happy results. The attendance is continually in creasing at at a rapid rate. Railroads grant students half rates in going to and from College, if applied for through College Presideut. f V